Looking for a local, pick-your-own farm in South Australia, Australia? Scroll down this page and you will see the U-Pick farms in South Australia, Australia,
sorted by area. Those that offer organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name. The U-pick crops they offer follow the name of the farm. To search the page for a specific crop, use Ctrl-F (or on an ipad or Mac, use their "search on this page" function)
If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website. Updated frequently during the growing season, I've
been maintaining this for 20 years. Help me keep this up to date, please tell me via the
let me know of any changes,
corrections and updates!
And if you know of any I missed and want to add them or correct the
information, please let me know!
What's in season in March 2025, and
other timely information:
Notes for March 2025:Apples are usually January to May; Blueberries are ready in December to mid January in MOST areas of Australia. Strawberries can have a long season, November to April - depending on the variety. See your
crop availability calendar for more specific dates of upcoming crops.
The U-pick crops they offer follow the name of the farm. To search the page for a specific crop, use Ctrl-F (or on an ipad or Mac, use their "search on this page" function)
If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website. Updated frequently during the growing season, I've
been maintaining this for 220 years. Help me keep this up to date, please tell me via the
let me know of any changes,
corrections and updates!
And if you know of any I missed and want to add them or correct the
information, please let me know!
Are carpenter bees boring holes into your house, shed or barn? There is a simple non-toxic solution!
NEW! Start your own tomato, pepper, squash and other vegetable plants from seed - It's easy and
costs about 50 cents per plant.
Also see our Master list of tomato varieties,
with descriptions, details and links to ordering the seeds.
Home canning and freezing directions. You can access it from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search.
If you have any questions or suggestions,
feel free to write me!
South Australia, Australia U-Pick Farms and Orchards in 2025, by county
Click on the resources drop-down above, if you need a county map
Australia Harvest Calendar / Typical Crop Ripening Dates for Australia
If you want to start your own food business in Australia, at home or otherwise, see this page.
South Australia
@Lenswood Pick Your Own - apples, U-pick and already picked, gift shop, restrooms, picnic area, picnic area you may bring your own food, weddings
and wedding parties, group reservations, events at your location (call for info)
122 Harris Road, Lenswood, SA 5240. Phone: 0433 583371. Email:
Info@atlenswood.com.au. Open: From Late
February to Late May 2022; Thursday 10 am to 4 pm, Friday 10 am to 4 pm, Saturday 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday 10 am to 4 pm; See Facebook and Website for
opening times too.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Apples from late February to late May. Payment: Cash, EftPos.
Click here for our Facebook page. We have toilet facilities, hand washing facilities and accommodation on site under construction to be opened in
winter 2022. (ADDED: October 07, 2021)
- A.T. THOMPSON CHERRIES - Uses natural growing practices,
cherries, U-pick and already picked
190 Harris Road, Lenswood,
Adelaide, SA 5240. Phone: 0429 042 371.
Email: nikolathompson@bigpond.com. Open: every day from 1st of December
until sold out; 9am to 6pm. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. We use natural practices, but
are not seeking organic certification. Payment: Cash, only. Family
owned cherry property in the Adelaide Hills offering pick your own
cherries and box sales. Our cherries are free from growth hormone and
weedicide. We whipper snip and mow under the cherry trees to maintain
soil and tree health.Our cherries are not dipped in fungicide. We
encourage all visitors to be gentle when picking to respect the trees
for future fruit.
Beerenberg Farm - strawberries, gift shop
Mt Barker
Road, Hahndorf, SA 5245. Phone: +61 8 83887272. Fax: +61 8 83881108.
Email: admin@beerenberg.com.au. Open:
typically November to April; See our website for current hours.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking
Click here for picking updates. Directions: Beerenberg
Farm is located at the Eastern end of Hahndorf's Main Street. Follow
the signs.
Click here for a map and directions. Strawberries: Pick your Own
November thru to April, sometimes May. Payment: Cash, Visa, MasterCard. The shop is open
everyday (except Christmas day) from 9am to 5pm. Pick Your Own open
9am to 4.15pm. Entry to patch costs $4.00 for everyone 13 years and
over. (children 12 years and under free entry). Container supplied at
the Beerenberg shop. For organised groups of children 12 years and
under (eg. school groups, camps, etc.), Beerenberg can supply a small
punnet for each child to fill at a cost of $6.00 per child (includes
entry fee). Bookings for groups essential ph +61 8 8388 7272. Price
varies from season to season but is usually around AUD $1.10 per
(you must purchase all strawberries you pick).
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Pick Your Own Strawberries (November to April) 's hard to describe the
juiciness and flavours to you won't get it from any supermarket! And
there's no better day out with the family than hunting through our
patch to find the perfect strawberry. We've been running pickings at
our farm since 1975, and never missed a season. It's become an
Adelaide institution during the warmer months, usually from November
to April. Always check the homepage of our website to make sure we're
open before coming, because sometimes (particularly on weekends), we
are so busy that we simply get what we call "picked out".(UPDATED:
September 02, 2019)
Burke's Pick your own cherries (aka Cheron Cherries) - cherries
109B Coldstore Road, Lenswood, SA 5240. Phone: (08) 8389 8574. Email:
cheronenterprises@yahoo.com.au. (please allow up to 3 business days for
a response or call us if you need a prompt reply). The driveway is
1 km north from the hardware store and bowls club and on the left hand
side. We suggest you use a UBD to plan your route here, as GPS devices
often recommend an indirect route. If you are navigating
electronically, feel free to use our QR code or
google maps.
Their easy-access orchard boasts 12 varieties of cherries. They manage
their orchard conscientiously, operating sustainably in the best
interests of local industry, the environment and consumers. Pickers
often come across frogs and nesting birds in the trees. Each
picking season (around November-January) Ron and Cheryl monitor the
cherries to determine optimal picking time for each variety. These
dates change every year depending on local conditions and different
varieties ripen at different times. The aim of this website is to
advertise those dates and outline to the public the process they use
for a 'pick your own' system. Small groups are welcome, please contact
Ron and Cheryl to discuss.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
(ADDED: November 15, 2016, JBS)
BP Organic Cherry Farm -
CERTIFIED ORGANIC, cherries, U-pick and already picked,
437 Mawson Rd, Lenswood, SA 5240. Phone: 08 8389 8222.
Email: bpcherry@hotmail.com. Open: Starting 2nd week in December Monday
to Sunday (7days) 9am t0 5 pm to 00pm to mid January,. Directions: GPS
Co-ordinates S 34-54-441, E 138-47-826 From Adelaide go via Magill
Road turn left onto Mawson road at Forest range and follow numbers to
437 sign at gate. From Adelaide via Greenhill Road turn left onto
Deviation Road go the end of road then straight across to Mawson Road
follow numbers to 437. Click here for a map and directions. We are certified organic for
all crops! Payment: Cash, only. Organically grown cherries Naasa in conversion certificate no 5375.
Charleston Cherries - cherries,
308 Mount Torrens Road, Charleston, SA 5244. Phone: 0473493488. Email:
info@charlestoncherries.com.au. Open: Late November to Late December, No booking required, Last entry by 1pm. Directions: 308 Mount Torrens Road
Charleston South Australia. Click here for a map and
directions. Late November to Late December. Payment: (unknown). BYO boxes for transporting your cherries home are recommended. Please pick only
the cherries you are willing to purchase. Varieties are Lapins, Simone, Stella, Van, Summit, Sunburst, Sylvia, Sir Don, Sir Douglas, Blackstar,
Gracestar and Santina. Please note we do not have picnic or dining facilities and a limited toilet facility. Check the weather conditions at the
Orchard by viewing
our weather station..
(UPDATED: January 17, 2020)
Cherries at Verdun - cherries
152 Beaumont Rd, Balhannah, SA 5242. Phone: 08 83887048. Phone: 0428 829 534. Email: info@cherriesatverdun.com. Open: from the second week of December to
early January when ripe fruit is available from 9 am to 5 pm (last car admitted 4 pm). Due to COVID 19 conditions we will NOT be supplying picking buckets this year. Please BRING YOUR OWN PICKING
Cherries at Verdun Facebook page. (ADDED: December 10, 2020, JBS)
Cherrytime Orchard - cherries
Adelaide Rd, Lobethal, SA. Phone: 838 96902. Email: cherrytime@adam.com.au. Open: from the first week of December
through the first week of January, by appointment only. Directions: UBD Map 124 J1, Gregory's Map 169 E12. . A special
feature of CherryTime Orchard is the opportunity for people (including
family groups) to have private access to pick their own cherries by
booking a discrete time. Times can be booked by telephoning and asking
for Bob Barnard.
Fleurieu Cherries - cherries,
159 Pages Flat Rd, Pages Flat, SA 5172. Phone: +61 8 8556 1314. Open: typically December
through mid-January; pick your own on certain days only - depending on
what fruit is ready and the weather forecast. Before you travel to our
farm gate, please check their website to confirm if pick-your-own is
available, as circumstances can change rapidly... ripe fruit for that
day may have been picked by early afternoon! We have up to 20 different cherry varieties available
including both sweet and sour cherries, and make cherry relish, cherry
jam and delicious cherry ice-cream! You can buy cherries by the kilo,
pick-your-own, or relax on the lawn at our farm gate.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
(UPDATED: February 8, 2023, JBS)
(ADDED: September 2, 2019, JBS)
Forest Range Cherries - Cherries
Plummers Road, Forest
Range, SA 5139. Phone: (08) 8389 8500. See these pages for more
Varieties, Directions:
How to Get Here and
Prices. And
for a map,
click here. We are one of the few orchards to offer
Pick-Your-Own. The trees are kept short and most of our fruit can be
picked standing on the ground. On a typical hot summer's day we are
normally one of the coolest spots in the state - in amongst the trees
it is even cooler. The view from the top of our hill is also well
worth the climb. In the immediate vicinity there is the vineyard and
cellar door of an excellent independent small winery Mt Lofty
Vineyards - they are open most weekends and public holidays.
you have any energy left after tramping up our hill there is a nice
walk available by turning right at the top of our road. This takes you
along the edge of the state forest - initially bordering grazing land
and then through natural scrub where you get views in one direction to
Marble Hill and Cherryville - in the other direction right out to the
Port River. Kangaroos can often be seen at dusk. (UPDATED: November
15, 2016, JBS)
Harben Vale Pick Your Own Cherries - cherries, restrooms,
picnic area you may bring your own food, farm animals
34 Altmanns Road,
Balhannah, SA 5242. Phone: 0439001962. Email:
harbenvalecherries@adam.com.au. Open: Early December to Early
January Weekends 9am to 5pm Weekdays open by appointment. Picking
Click here for picking updates. Directions: Just 15 kilometres out
of Adelaide up the South Eastern Freeway.
Click here for a map and directions. For a map to our farm,
click here.
Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page.
(UPDATED: September 2, 2019, JBS) (ADDED: September 15, 2016)
Harrisville Orchards
- apples, cherries
72 Harris Road, Lenswood, SA.
Phone: 0407 427 747. Email: harrisvilleorchards@bigpond.com. Open:
usually by appointment;
check the website and Facebook for updates, in February 2021, their website says they are open on Saturday 10am to 4pm Sunday 10am to 4pm aand when we
checked, it said 'No bookings necessary at the moment'. Harrisville Orchards is
the only commercial grower in the Adelaide Hills to offer Pick your
own Apples (in season). Harrisville Orchards has won Champion at the
Royal Adelaide Show consistently for over 20 years.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page. There
is an entrance fee : which includes a complimentary apple picking bag exclusive to Harrisville Orchards
Adults $8, Children $3, Under 5 free. Fruit
picked is $5 / kg. Payment: Cash, Credit cards. Due to covid, orchard management request that picnics are not permitted in the orchard and would like
to advise that there is a picnic ground just a few minutes away. (UPDATED: 19 February 2021 JBS)
(ADDED: 2 September 2019, JBS)
Harvest the
Fleurieu - strawberries, .
2256 Victor Harbor Rd, MtCompass, SA 5210. Phone: 0448 598 198. Email:
info@harvestthefleurieu.com.au. Open:
October to June from 9 am to 4 pm seven days a week. In 2019,
strawberries cost $10 for a 1kg bucket. There is a $4 per person entry
fee (kids under 5 are free). Our main produce is of course our
delicious strawberries but at various times of the season we also
have; , Blueberries, Raspberries, Tayberries, Blackberries, Cherries,
Apricots, Plums, Nectarines, Rhubarb, Garlic, Sugar Snap Peas, Green
Beans, Snow peas, Limes, Tomatoes, Squash, Pumpkins.

Orchards - cherries, plums, lemons, berries
Montacute Rd, Montacute, SA 5134. Phone: (08) 83902271. Email:
admin@lennaneorchards.com.au.. Open: November to April, every day
of the season, except for Christmas day, from 9 am to 5 pm. We cannot
always guarantee that there will be fruit to pick on a given day as
each variety has a different ripening period. We will still have
direct fruit sales available and our cafe is always open to enjoy.
Directions: Lennane Orchards is only 4km from the suburbs. Follow
Montacute Rd past Maryvale Rd at Athelstone, into the hills. When you
reach the Montacute post office and post box, continue along Montacute
Rd for a further 200m, past the CFS shed and take the second driveway
on the right. Our driveway is marked clearly. Our packing sheds are at
the end of the driveway. Just follow the arrows. Google Maps and most
GPS's are incorrect. Use the the above directions and just remember -
when you reach the Montacute Post Office, keep going a further 500m
until you reach our driveway on the right. 2nd driveway on the right
after CFS shed on Montacute Rd. Located in the picturesque Montacute
Valley, just 20 minutes from the Adelaide CBD, Lennane Orchards has
been growing cherries for more than 100 years. With over 20 different
varieties, it delivers some of the earliest and tastiest cherries in
Adelaide. In 2015, it opened up the farm to visitors, allowing you to
pick your own cherries, plums, lemons, and berries. The farm is also
open for direct sales of pre-picked fruit from early November through
Christmas. Our cherries are usually ready for picking in the first
week of November, but each season is different. Keep in touch with us
on our website and facebook so there are no disappointments. Weather
can influence things dramatically, so please be sure to check before
you come up. It is also better to come earlier in the day as the
orchard is less busy and the fruit closest to the sheds will go first.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
(UPDATED: September 2, 2019, JBS) (ADDED: June 24, 2018, JBS)
Mahnew Orchard - apples
640 Swamp Road, Lenswood, SA 5240.
Phone: +61 428 393 045. Open: It looks like it is one day per year
only (in 2019, Saturday, 11th May), from 9am till 4pm. PICK YOUR OWN
Pink Lady apples! We've had rain to wash the apples, so they're
looking amazing!! And they taste even better! Remember, this is a
PICKING ONLY day. There will NOT be any food or drinks available, just
crisp, crunchy apples! Entry is $5 per person, with children under 12
FREE, and there's plenty of fruit that the children can reach!
Payment: CASH ONLY. Wear solid shoes and weather-appropriate clothing
and come and enjoy the fresh hills air! Maybe bring your Mum for an
early Mother's Day treat! See you soon! We look forward to welcoming
Marble Hill Cherries - cherries, picnic area
Marble Hill
Rd, Ashton, SA 5137. Phone: 8390 0327. Email:
cherries@marblehillcherries.com. Open: Please see our website for
current hours.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash,
Visa, MasterCard.
Click here for our Facebook page. Marble Hill Cherries is a
specialist Pick-Your- Own cherry orchard in the scenic Adelaide Hills.
It is only 20 minutes from central Adelaide, and 45 minutes from
Adelaide Airport. There is native bush near the cherries, and you may
see a koala near the packing shed cafe. Enjoy the fresh air as you
wander around the orchard, pick and taste cherries. Enjoy nature, and
be a world away from the city. We suggest you allow 1-3 hours to enjoy
the orchard.
- Olive Grove Onkaparinga Hills - Uses natural growing practices,
Lot 1 Spriggs Road, Onkaparinga Hills, Adelaide, SA 5000.
Phone: 040-526-1275. Email: firmaoz@bigpond.com. Open: Please call us at 0405 261 275 for
opening times and dates; Grove is open on appointment only.
Directions: Off Main South Road into States road. Turn into Spriggs
Road and find the grove at the end of Sprigss Road.
Click here for a map and directions. March - June. We use natural
practices, but are not seeking organic certification. Payment: Cash,
only. Olives organically grown. Suitable for crushing into Extra
virgin olive oils or table varieties. Depending upon what is available
at time of picking.
Plummers Orchards - cherries,
32 Plummers Rd, Forest
Range, SA 5240. Phone: 040-771-6929. Email: ikplummer@bigpond.com. Open: Sunday to Monday from 9am to 6pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking
Click here for picking updates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Stella Creek Cherry Orchard - cherries
178 Plummers Road, Forest Range, SA. Phone:08 83898572. Email: sales@stellacreek.com.au.
Open: The cherry harvest this year will be from mid November to early
January, 9 am to 5 pm seven days a week subject to fruit availability, weather
permitting; Please refer to our
website for the latest information by clicking on "Stella Creek Cherry
Orchard" (in blue above);
Closed on Christmas Day. Directions: 1.8kms from the main Adelaide - Lobethal Road on top of the ridge - look for the Stella Creek sign at
our entrance, we're at
the TOP of the hill. Stella Creek - stunning views over the Onkaparinga
Valley. Permanent netting gives year round protection to our orchards
with trees specifically pruned for easy picking - no ladders. Hillside picnic spots, natural bush, native birds
and maybe even a koala or kangaroo - all just 25 minutes from the
Click here for our Facebook page.
Willabrand Fresh
Figs - figs
Glen Ewin Estate, 43 Lower Hermitage Rd, Houghton, SA 5131.
Phone: (08)
8380 5657. Email: willa@willabrand.com.
Open: February to April from 9am to 3pm daily, Last pick 2.30. . These times may change due to functions been held on the
property so please check the Glen Ewin website and Willabrand facebook
page for updates. Also 9am to 10pm Thursdays
for twilight picking and fig gin and fig cocktails and food at the
figbar. Forage through our 12,000 fig tree orchard for perfect
figs! Our orchard is based at Glen Ewin Estate, just North-East of
Adelaide in South Australia and will take only 25 minutes travel time
from the CBD. There is a $4.00 entry fee to the orchard and
children under 12 free. We provide you with a box into which you may
pick as much as you like and we charge for the fruit you pick. $10 per
Kg. Affter picking you are welcome to stay at the Figbar, have a
cold drink and or light meal (cheese platter) Thursday to Sunday. We
also have a few picnic rugs that we are happy to let you use and
plenty of shade under the avenues of London Plane trees, see our
Facebook or Instagram pages for images and details. The orchards of
Glen Ewin comprise almost 12,000 trees of five main varieties:
Archipal, Deanna, Spanish Desert, Brown Turkey, and Black Genoa. In
the 25 years that Will Wauchope has been at Glen Ewin, he's never
sprayed the figs with any chemicals. Willabrand employs organic
management practices whenever possible, meaning the fruit has a
distinct look and flavour that's unrivalled in Australia.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
(UPDATED: February 7, 2020), JBS (ADDED: June 24, 2018, JBS)
Mount Compass
Blueberry Patch - blueberries
Nangkita Road, Mount Compass, SA 5210. Phone: (08) 85 56 9100. Email:
farm@blueberrypatch.com.au. Open from the 26th December until the early February; 7
days. At other times visits by appointment. Our blueberry season in
South Australia is typically from December until February. Pick your own or buy freshly packed. The
Blueberry Patch has a small farm shop and a few picnic tables under
the trees. As well as fresh berries and jam, our blueberry ice cream
cones are very popular. Pick-your-own customers may bring their own
containers or we can supply 2 or 4 litre ice cream tubs. Containers
are weighed prior to filling so that the customers are charged only
for the weight of the fruit picked. Eating of berries in the
plantation is not permitted, because we haven't found a way of being
able to charge fairly to do this. Most of our customers prefer it that
way, and appreciate that our moderate prices are based on them doing
the right thing.
Harvest the Fleurieu - strawberries, U-pick and already
2256 Victor Harbor Road, Mount Compass, SA 5210. Phone: 0448598 198. Fax: 0883883939. Email:
info@harvestthefleurieu.com.au. Open: 7 days from 9 am to 4 pm including
school holidays; Closed Christmas Day and New Years Day, mid-October
until May. Directions: Easy to find on Main South Road heading to
Victor Harbor just before Mount Compass. Right hand side of the road.
Pick your own strawberries November until may. Payment: Cash, Debit
cards, Visa, MasterCard. Snow peas, garlic, blueberries, strawberries,
green beans, boysenberries, tray berries, and much much more. New
crops coming !.mid-October and late May. Strawberries cost $10 for a
1kg bucket.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Harvest the Fleurieu delicious sweet juicy strawberries in our pick
your own patch between mid October and late May (depending on the
weather).. Cost is $10 for a 1Kg punnet plus $4.00 per head. Children
under 5 are FREE. Our main produce is of course our delicious
strawberries but at various times of the season we also have already
harvested Blueberries, Raspberries, Tayberries, Blackberries,
Cherries, Apricots, Plums, Nectarines, Rhubarb, Garlic, Sugar Snap
Peas, Green Beans, Snow peas, Limes, Tomatoes, Squash and Pumpkins.
JAMS strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, tayberry,
summer fruits, rhubarb, plum, cherry, apricot, green rhubarb,
caramelised rhubarb and lime marmalade.
PASTES and PICKLES zucchini
and green tomato pickle, rhubarb chutney, strawberry, rhubarb and
vanilla paste, quince paste, tomato chilli chutney, fig paste, spiced
blood plum paste, and carrot and daikon pickle.
BAKERY a range of
freshly baked bread, steak and mushroom pie, plain mince pie, country
chicken pie, macaroni pie, cornish pasties, sausage rolls, sticky
cinnamon buns.
ICE-CREAM strawberry, mixed berry, chocolate,
vanilla, cherry, iced coffee and rhubarb ice-cream, as well as
strawberry, mixed berry, rhubarb and lemon sorbets.
TREATScheesecakes, ANZAC biscuits, cornflake cookies, strawberry
tarts, and a delicious range of cakes.
cherries, tomato salsa, tomato sauce, passata, strawberry, raspberry
and young berry nectars as well as blackberry marinade and quince
(UPDATED: June 24, 2018, JBS)
Linda Desmond Fleurieu Cherries - cherries
159 Pages Flat Road
(B34), Mount Compass, SA 5172. Phone: +61 419 823 721. Alternate phone: 0419 823
721. Email:
ltd@activ8.net.au. Open: mid December to early January, daily, from 9 am to 6 pm;
Closed on New Years Day. Directions: 1.5 kms from Victor Harbor Road,
Member of the Mount Compass food and tourism trail. Also available:
Plums, apples, not pyo.
We offer visitors relaxed and honest customer service, where you can taste our products and learn
about growing cherries - guests can even pick their own from the trees if they like. Our farm gate is off the main road and there is plenty of space
to stretch the legs or relax on the lawn whilst finishing an ice cream. We are child and family friendly, and so are our Border Collie dogs. We kindly
ask that you do not smoke or bring your pets along to our farm gate.
Mount Gambier
Greengyle Orchards, Masasa Harvest - cherries
Dohle Road, Mount Gambier, SA. Phone: 8725 9937. Email:
bosmanhg@bigpond.com. Open: from the third week of December to the
end of January, please contact us to confirm, 9am to 5pm on Monday to
Friday; 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday; Closed on Christmas Day, Boxing
Day, New Year's Day. Directions: We are situated 4 kilometres east of
central Mount Gambier, incorporating 6 hectares of cherries and one
hectare of lemons, which are grown on a biodynamic reduced spray
program. The farm shed has been converted into an Organic Farm Shop,
specialising in fresh and packaged organic produce.. Close to Mount
Gambier you have the Blue Lake, plus numerous limestone caves worth
visiting. The Coonawarra wine belt is a stone's throw away.
Other information (NOT PYO's)
- Montacute Valley Orchards - NOT PYO,
all prepicked: Cherries, Peaches, Nectarines, Lemons.
Road, Montacute, SA 5134. Phone: 83902213. Alternate phone: 883902311.
- Old Coralinga - cherries
Corner of Mawson and
Harris Roads, Lenswood, SA. Phone: 08 8389 8027. Email:
suew@kern.com.au. Open: NOTE:
Old Coralinga Organic Cherries is under new management! We regret to
inform you, our loyal customers, that our Organic Cherries are no
longer available to the public. Horst
and Sue Worzfeld would like to thank you all for your patronage over
the years and they will miss dealing with you during the cherry
season. They feel they have made many friends through 'pick your own',
and wish you all well and a very Happy Christmas and New Year." from the second week of December through
the second week of January, daily from 9 am to 6pm; Closed on
Christmas Day. Directions: UBD Map 111-K14, Gregory's Map 171- K14.
Old Coralinga is in the Lenswood high country and was once part of
Antartic explorer, Sir Douglas Mawson's property. His shearing shed is
still being used.
The listings are frequently updated, but often they don't
tell us current prices, so the prices unless you see this year's update
In addition to listings of farms, I hope the following pages are
helpful to you!
Picking Tips!
picking tips and a guide to each fruit and vegetable
How much do I
need to pick? (Yields - how much raw makes how much cooked or
the right varieties to pick
All about apple varieties - which to pick and why!
Picking tips for Vegetables
Strawberry picking tips
Blueberries picking tips
Simple instructions:
to make jam
How to make applesauce
How to
make apple butter
Canning and Freezing
FAQs -
Answers to common questions and problems
Comprehensive addition resources
publications to download and print
Canning equipment
To can (bottle, jar) most acidic foods, like jams, jellies, salsa, fruit products like applesauce, apple butter,
peaches, etc, you need the following:
A canner - a large pot, usually 33 qts, which can hold 7 quart jars or 12 8 ounce jars. And large pot with a lid will work, so long
as each jar will be submerged by at least 1 inch of boiling water.
This is a good canner,
and here is a canning kit, but Amazon seems to have difficulty keeping them in stock.
you want to can low acid foods like canned green beans, sweet corn, meats, etc., you MUST use a
pressure canner. It reaches higher temperatures which are needed to kill mold and botulism. The jars, lids and other equipment are the
Canning rack - The canning rack is critical, just be sure it fits inside your
canning pot. It allows you to safely and easily lift the jars in and out of the canner.
Miscellaneous tools - Some kits contain most of the tools you'll need like this
tools kit.
Jar tongs (to pick up hot jars)
Jar funnel - good ones also help you measure the headspace and cover the rim from splashes
Canning Lid rack - to hold the lids while they are sanitizing in a small pot of boiling water
Supplies -
canning jars - these come in the modern lid and ring system and some
older version. Most have change to the two piece lid and ring method since it ENORMOUSLY reduces spoilage. Like everything else, jars can be hard to
obtain. Some commercial products, like spaghetti sauce, sometimes come in a sturdy jar that fits the standard lid and ring.
lids and rings (a.k.a, "bands")
Pectin (if you are making jam or