Sweet Corn Festivals in 2025: Where, When and More to Find a Sweet Corn Festival Near You!

Looking for a Sweet Corn festival in March 2025? There is no other listing as complete and current as this list, just updated! Sweet Corn festivals are held through the United States, Canada, Britain, and Australia and much of the world. All the Sweet Corn festivals we can find are listed on this page! If you love Corn, look for a festival near you below! And I'm looking for more Sweet Corn festivals! Please write me, if you know of any to add! I update the dates as soon as the festivals publish their information, but you can always click on the links (usually the name of the festival) to see the current information on the festival's own website.

Especially this year, due to Coronavirus, be sure to click on the links (the blue, underlined name of the each festival) to confirm this year's dates on the website for each festival. If they don't have a website, call the phone number provided, but ALWAYS CONFIRM THIS YEAR'S DATES AND TIMES BY EITHER VIEWING THEIR WEBSITE OR CALLING.

Click here for the form to add a festival and have detailed information; or click here if you have general information and are not connected with the event!

Sweet Corn Festivals in 2025: Where, When and More to Find a Sweet Corn Festival Near You!

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[United States] [Canada] [Britain] [Australia] [Japan]

United States







  • Loveland Old--Fashioned Corn Roast Festival - August
    Downtown Loveland, CO 80538. Phone: 970-667-6311. Email: info@loveland.org. The Old Fashioned Corn Roast Festival includes the parade, corn shucking competition, corn eating contest and all the roasted and boiled corn anyone could eat! In addition, people of all ages enjoyed a variety of entertainment, great vendors and more. General attendance and all concerts are free and open to the public. Corn will be for sale throughout the festival. Roasted corn will be available Friday, and roasted or boiled corn will be available sale on Saturday. An ear of corn only cost two tokens and all our corn is GMO free!
  • Olathe Sweet Corn Festival - Friday and Saturday in early August ( August 3, 2019!)
    Montrose County Event Center, Olathe, CO. "The Olathe Sweet Corn Festival, held annually in the small town of Olathe Colorado, is a full day of excitement, relaxation, food, fun, shopping, music, entertainment, and the best sweet corn on the planet " The Olathe Sweet Corn Festival Committee has chosen to move the Festival to enhance the experience of our attendees, bring more value to our sponsors, celebrate area non-profits, and put more Olathe Sweet Sweet Corn in your face!



  • Sweet Corn Fiesta West Palm Beach - Sunday, 11 am to 5 pm, late April (in 2022, it's on April 24, 2022)
    Yesteryear Village at the South Florida Fairgrounds, 9067 Southern Boulevard, West Palm Beach, FL 33411. Phone: (561) 996-0343. Email: wfarmbureau@yahoo.com. There will be lots of the world's best sweet corn, live music, kids games and rides, lots of other yummy food and beverages. A great value for a day of family friendly entertainment. No outside food and beverages allowed. Ample, free parking. Kids ride all day with wristband
    Kids, and adults corn shucking competitions. Professional competitive corn eating competition. Live music by Krystal River Band. Free parking. Directions: From I-95 South:
    Exit at Southern Boulevard. Exit #68. Go west approximately 7 miles. Turn right on Fairgrounds Rd. Enter Gate 12 to main Expo entrance.
    From I-95 North:
    Exit at Belvedere Rd. Exit #69. Go west approximately 7 miles to Sansbury s Way. Turn left on Sansbury's Way. Go south for about 1/3 mile. Enter Gate 3 on Sansbury's Way to main Expo entrance.
    From Turnpike South:
    Exit #97, Southern Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Go west 1.5 miles. Turn right on Fairgrounds Rd. Enter Gate 12 to main Expo entrance.
    From Turnpike North:
    Exit #99, Okeechobee Blvd. in West Palm Beach. Go west 1.5 miles. Turn left on Sansbury's Way and go south approximately 1 mile. Enter Gate 3 on Sansbury's Way to main Expo entrance. (ADDED: April 28, 2016, JBS)
  • Zellwood Sweet Corn Festival - A visitor writes on May 21, 2016: "Just wanted to let you know that there has not been a Zellwood Corn Festival in Florida since 2013 and no announcements to bring it back"
    Zellwood, FL. It does not look like it will ever return. The state of Florida bought up most of the farmland except for Longwood and Scott. See this news story.But Longwood and Scott has a corn festival in early May.
     Directions: Located off Highway 441 at 4253 Ponkan Road in Zellwood, which is approximately 30 miles north of Orlando. The Zellwood Sweet Corn Festival is a Florida tradition that provides a day of arts, crafts, entertainment and plenty of delicious sweet corn. The gates are open Friday, at 11 am to 10 pm and Saturday, from 11 am to 10 pm. Adult (ages 13 & up) tickets (which include all the corn you can eat) are $20.00 in advance and $25.00 at the gate. Children 12 and under are admitted FREE with a paying adult. Tickets may be purchased online or by phone. Call or 407-886-0014. Area ticket outlets are listed on their website under "Tickets." Parking is free. More information: 407-886-0014.( UPDATED: May 21, 2016)








  • Louisiana Corn Festival - held every year the second full weekend in June.
    P.O. Box 70, Bunkie, LA 71322. Phone: 318-346-2575. Fax: 318-346-2576. Email: bunkiechamber@bellsouth.net.It still is the only corn festival in the state of Louisiana. The name Louisiana Corn Festival was given to honor the impact that agriculture has on our economy and a Corn Farmer is honored each year. This festival has something for all ages. There is music every night with live bands Friday and Saturday night with a street dance, games, contests, corn cooking contest, children's parade, pirogue races, corn shucking contest and corn eating contest! This year we will host our 2nd Annual Car, Truck, and Bike Show on Saturday, June 9th. We also host a state wide softball tournament. With thousands of visitors each year our family friendly atmosphere makes the Louisiana Corn Festival an annual event to attend for families across our great state of Louisiana! All proceeds of the festival are put back into the community, festival grounds, and projects throughout the city. So follow the rows of corn down to Bunkie, where you are sure to have a corn shucking good time!! Bunkie will celebrate the 32nd Annual Corn Festival on June 7, 8, & 9, 2018


  • Union Mills Corn Roast Festival - usually held the first Saturday in August; Saturday typically in early August, from 11am to 5pm
    3311 Littlestown Pike, Westminster, MD 21158. Phone: (410) 848-2288. Email: info@unionmills.org. Open: 50th Annual Old-Fashioned Corn Roast Festival.  Directions: See their website for directions. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.. Food vendors, Live music. Held on the grounds of the Union Mills Homestead, which has ties to Civil War history. Click here for our Facebook page. . (ADDED: September 01, 2021, Suggested by a visitor)
    A visitor writes on September 01, 2021: "I always enjoy it, even if there are a bunch of politicians campaigning there."






  • East Prairie Sweetcorn Festival - Last full weekend in June. This years date is June 25, 26, 2021.
    Mississippi County, MO. Phone: (573) 683-7551. Email: mccctj@sbcglobal.net. East Prairie Chamber of Commerce's Annual Sweet Corn Festival.
  • Missouri State Cornhusking - corn husking competition,
    Saline County Fair Grounds, Marshall, MO. Phone: 636-384-0325. Open: Saturday, September 21, 2024 from 9 am to 6 pm.  Join us for the MO State Cornhusking Contest! All Ages welcome, take a step back into history and join the fun.See How to pick corn.


New Hampshire

New Jersey

New York

North Carolina



  • Fort Gibson Sweet Corn Festival - Friday and Saturday, typically late June
    Lee & Poplar, Fort Gibson, OK 74434. Phone: (918) 478-4780. Email: okpost20@gmail.com. Open: for hours and availability. Directions: directions. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx, Free, no payments needed, unless you buy from concessions/vendors . The Sweet Corn Festival features live music, burger night and a street dance on Friday Night, in late June beginning at 6pm. Live music. On Saturday festivities begin at 9am and end at 3pm. Festivities include a Historic Bus Tour (air conditioned) of the Town of Fort Gibson by the Oklahoma Historic Site; Fun and games for the kids - water slide, inflatable jumpers, rock wall, tornado and animal kingdom for our little kiddos. Corn Shucking Contest and a Corn Eating Contest, Horse Shoe Tournament, Street Vendors, Food Vendors, TShirts for sale. Come share the fun and support the community! Sales of corn, Food vendors, Live music, Live entertainment (other than music), Games, Raffle or drawing, picnic area, Free parking, Bouncy castle or moon bounce, restrooms For more information call Town Hall 918-478-3551. (ADDED: March 06, 2021, Suggested by a visitor)


  • Aumsville Corn Festival - the corn festival is the end of August.
    Aumsville, OR. Phone: 503 749-2371. Every year, the community holds the Aumsville Corn Festival in this park which is situated on Mill Creek.
    Comments from a visitor on September 16, 2008:
    "It's a lot of fun. We used to live there and enjoyed going to this festival very much. Love the Sweet Corn most!"


  • Shippensburg Corn Festival - Saturday, late August from 8 am until 5 pm
    21 N Morris St, Shippensburg, PA 17257.. Downtown main streets are closed to vehicular traffic and transformed into a huge street fair for the day. More than 250 craft and food vendors, an antique car show, free family entertainment and a lively corn eating contest! All events at the Festival are free, so bring the family for a day of fun! (but please, NO PETS on the festival grounds) "The Corn Festival, which was rated the best one-day festival in Pennsylvania by the Pennsylvania Festivals Association, is presented by the Corn Festival Committee, a small group of dedicated volunteers."

Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota

  • The World's Only Corn Palace - permanent exhibit Corn Palace, Mitchell SDMitchell, SD. "The Corn Palace was established back in 1892 to show the richness of the eastern Dakota soil and to prove that a bounty of crops could be grown here. There have been three different palaces in Mitchell over the years. The present building was completed in 1921. Each year thousands of bushels of natural colored corn and grasses are used to create large murals on the exterior of the building. Three walls of the interior auditorium are also covered with corn murals. In addition to being a most unique attraction, the Corn Palace also is used for stage productions, concerts and athletic events, with a seating capacity of 3,500 for stage shows and 3,100 for athletic events." Click for Photo - June 1997 Old Corn Palace, Mitchell, SD, 1921 Corn Palace Festival RealAudio News Report from NPR, July 2002


  • Obion County Cornfest - over a number of days in September
    Union City, TN 38281. Phone: (731) 431-8132. Oddly, their website has nice graphics, but little useful information about the festival. like where it is held, when, and what activities will be there. You will have to call them.See last year's brouchure.


  • Holland Corn Festival - June
    Holland, TX. Phone: 254-760-5311. Email: info@hollandcornfest.org. Come and celebrate with us! This is the 42nd year Holland, Texas has celebrated the local cash crop.Events include a Parade, 5k run, Contests, Concert/Dance, Barbecue Cook-Off, Arts & Crafts, Carnival and much more.


  • Enterprise Cornfest - a Saturday in late August every year from 10 am 4 pm
    Enterprise Elementary school, 200 S. 100 E., Enterprise, UT. All proceeds from the Cornfest will benefit Enterprise Parks & Recreation and Enterprise Elementary. An estimated 3-5,000 people attend this event each year. There will be an abundant craft and food vendors to choose from all day. We will have expanded shade tents, bleacher seating, and increased parking. We will have a volleyball tournament and our annual car show. There will also be many other activities for the whole family to enjoy. There will be an early morning breakfast available at the Elementary School for vendors as they set up and for Corn Fest staff. Fun Run/Walk 1K or 5K, Booths, Car Show, Food, Entertainment, Book Fair, Kid s Activities, Displays & More, Dutch Oven Dinner from 5:30PM 8 Pm; Entertainment from 10 Am 6:30PM; Dancing in the Park from 7:30PM 11 Pm. Continuous entertainment all day!



Washington, D.C.

Washington State

West Virginia




  • Taber Cornfest - corn (sweet), produce for sale, produce for sale, parking provide free, gift shop, gift shop, snacks and refreshment stand, musical entertainment, carnival rides, restrooms, picnic area, face painting, petting zoo, FREE admission,
    Confederation Park, Taber, AL T1G1H8. Phone: 403-223-2265. Email: tdcofc@telusplanet.net. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment:

British Columbia

  • Agassiz Fall Fair & Corn Festival - 3rd week of September
    Watch for fields of long rows of corn during the summer. Agricultural Canada Pacific Research Station, on Scenic 7. Phone: 796-3246. They have a huge bbq chicken and corn roast that is out of this world. It is great family fair and a beautiful little town,


Pembina Valley

  • Morden Corn & Apple Festival - apples, corn (sweet), produce for sale, produce for sale, parking provide free, gift shop, gift shop, snacks and refreshment stand, parade, musical entertainment, carnival rides, restrooms, picnic area, face painting, petting zoo, farm animals, events at your location (call for info), Tents or other provisions are made for bad weather, FREE admission,
    200 - 379 Stephen Street, Morden, MB R6M 1V1. Phone: 204-823-2676. Fax: 204-822-1625. Email: info@cornandapple.com. Open: The Morden Corn and Apple Festival is held annually on the 4th weekend of August; (August 24, 25, 26, 2012). Directions: Morden, Manitoba is located in south central Manitoba, 75 miles south west of Winnipeg via PTH #3 or PTH #75; or 12 miles north of the U.S. border. Our exact geographical location is Longitude: 98 degrees 6' West Latitude: 49 degrees 11' North. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Cheque. Click here for our Facebook page. It's Fun and It's Free: Free admission, free parking, free hot buttered corn-on-the-cob, free apple cider, free live stage entertainment on 2 stages, free children's events, free historical bus tours, free shuttle bus service. We are famous for the largest Parade in Manitoba. Wonder Shows midway brings out the kid in all (it's not free but it sure is fun. Also enjoy old tyme dancing, a vintage car/Harley Davidson Show 'n Shine, Tractor Pull, Mud Racing, Crafts, vendors, Farmers Market and much more. All features and events can be found on our web site.

Nova Scotia



  • Naija Corn Festival - Saturday typically in early July from 9 am to 7 pm WAT
    Victoria Island, Lagos, Lagos 234 Nigeria. Similar to the traditional yam eating festival in the village, with revelry and jamboree of having so many corn delicacies to eat all in one day. Register now for an exciting time of having so many Corn delicacies in one day and other side attractions with loads of freebies to be won.

Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)




(English websites)