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Dowless Blueberry Farm U-Pick Blueberries, Jacksonville, FL

  • Dowless Blueberry Farm - Blueberries
    7010 Ricker Road, Jacksonville, FL 32244.  Phone: 904-772-1369. Open: from late May until mid to late June;  and will continue thru June every Wednesday and Saturday thereafter; from 6am until noon. Directions: 2 miles S of 103rd,  St. off I-295.   (UPDATED: June 08, 2019, by a visitor) 
    A visitor writes on June 07, 2019: "Price is now $4/lb. The record heat has affected their crop so the schedule is Saturdays only, for now, updated week-to-week on their pre-recorded phone message on Saturdays., "
    Comments from a visitor on June 29, 2011: "honestly wonderful, very well maintained, clean. excellent price, just $3/pound. very friendly people. no bug problems. cold drinks for sale. honey, don't know if they always are selling honey, but i have purchased many different local honeys and it is truly the best i have ever had.ever.$8 for honey. many blueberries even though season is at its end, will be back. loved it., concessions or refreshment stand"
    Comments from a visitor on June 14, 2011:
    "Went to pick blueberries at Dowless June 11, 2011. Got there right at 6:30 am and it was already bustling. The owners are funny and helpful. The prices are still $3/lb. and the bushes are full...well, they were but there were a lot of people that day ;) Several pink berries to ripen so I expect there will be more. Made friends with a sweet cow calf and bought tomatoes and honey while we were there, too. Peaceful, beautiful and fun experience. Can't wait to go back! "
    Comments from a visitor on June 08, 2011: "Just visited this farm on June 8, 2011. Bushes are full of berries! Super nice place to go pick and easy to get to. West on 103rd from 295, then left on Ricker Rd. Go early before it gets hot. We picked seven pounds in no time!"
    Comments from a visitor on June 01, 2011: "Visited the Dowless Farm today and was pleasantly surprised at the amount of blueberries to pick. My wife and I had about 10 pounds in an hour and vowed to return in a few days. This was our first time and the berries were sweet, the owners were courteous and the overall experience was one to remember. Our intent is to return in a few days with family and pick again. "
    Comments from a visitor on May 23, 2010: "Called on May 24, 2010. Said they were originally planning to open on the 29th but berries aren't ripe just yet so will open in a few weeks. I am assuming other farms in the area are dealing with the same issue."
    Comments from a visitor on June 17, 2009: "Arrived on Wed, 6/17/09, at 7:15 am. Cars were already lined up in the parking lot as they opened at 6 am. My son, friend and I were only able to pick about 2 lbs of berries after an hour of picking. The ones we found were pretty small, but still ripe and sweet. We enjoyed it nonetheless (make sure to bring bug spray!)  I suggest you arrive when they open to get the best picking! Howard's Blueberries and Sellers Blueberries were both out of fruit this Wednesday."
  • If you can share an experience or photos, or have any comments, please write me!


Blueberry RecipesBlueberry pie

Canning, freezing and other blueberry recipes: Blueberry jam, canned blueberries, blueberry pie fillingHow to freeze blueberries


Notes for March 2025: The warm winter means strawberries will be EARLY this year! Move the dates ahead by 2 - 3 weeks on our state crop availability calendars for strawberries; see your state's calendar for more dates of upcoming crops. Blueberries have already started in FL and TX.

We also have home canning, preserving, drying and freezing directions. You can access recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write me! It is easy to make your own ice cream, even gelato, or low fat or low sugar ice cream - see this page. Also note, there are many copycat website listing U-pick farms now.  They have all copied their information from here and usually do not ever update.  Since 2002, I've been updating the information every day but Christmas; so if you see anything wrong, please write me!

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