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What's in season in March 2025, and other timely information:

dark green = available;      light green = sometimes / some farms;      White or gray = not usually available

The light green indicates light crops at the beginning or end of a season - dark green is when the bulk of the crop ripens and picking is best.

Fruit/Veg Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec
apples                       X X X X X X X    
Apricots                     X X X X            
Asian pears                         X X X X X X    
asparagus             X X X X                    
beans                     X X X X X X        
blackberries                       X X X            
beets                     X X X X X X X      
blueberries                   X X X X X            
boysenberries                 X X X X                
broccoli                 X X X X X X X X X      
Brussels sprouts                             X X X X X  
cabbage                     X X X X X X X X X  
cantaloupes                     X X X X X X        
celery                     X X X X            
carrots                     X X X X X X X X X  
cherries                 X X X X                
Christmas trees                                       X
cucumbers                     X X X X X X        
eggplant                     X X X X X X        
gooseberries                     X X X X            
greens                 X X X X X X X X X X    
  Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec
herbs                 X X X X X X X X X X    
nectarines                     X X X X            
pears                         X X X X X      
peas                     X X X X            
peppers                     X X X X X X        
potatoes                 X X X X X X X X X      
raspberries                     X X X X X X        
rhubarb                 X X X X X X            
pumpkins                             X X X X    
summer squash                     X X X X X X        
winter squash                         X X X X X X    
saskatoons                     X X X            
strawberries               X X                      
sweet corn                         X X X          
sweet potatoes                             X X        
tomatoes                     X X X X X X        
Fruit/Veg Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec

More Precise Harvest Calendar

Still Approximate - weather affects the dates, so always call before you go!

Apples June 30 to November Asparagus April 20 to June 1
Blackberries   Beans June 20 to October 3
   (thorny) June 30 to July 20 Beets May 30 to November 30
   (thornless) July 15 to Aug. 5 Broccoli June 1 to July 15 and October 1 to November 15
Blueberries June 15 to July 30 Cabbage June 1 to July 30
Cherries (tart) June 14 to June 23 Carrots June 25 to November 20
Grapes August 15 to October 15 Corn (sweet) July 10 to Oct. 5
Muskmelon July 15 to September 8 Cucumbers June 25 to September 25
Peaches June 15 to August 23 Eggplant July 10 to October 1
Pears August 15 to October 10 Garlic July 15
Plums July to September Lettuce May 15 to July 1 and September 1 to October 10
Raspberries June 20 to July 3 Okra July 12 to October 1
Fall raspberries August 1 to August 15 Onions (green) April 15 to July 1
Strawberries May 17 to June 15 Peas May 30 to July 1
Watermelons July 25 to September 8 Peppers July 15 to October 22
  Potatoes July 1 to October 30
Pumpkins August 15 to November 30
Radishes May 20 to June 20
Spinach, other greens spring and fall
Squash June 10 to October 1
Sweet potatoes September 15 to Dec. 15
Tomatoes July 10 to October 15
Turnips September 20 to Dec. 20