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What's in season in March 2025, and other timely information:

These are the TYPICAL, historical dates that crops are ready to be picked or harvested in Mississippi.  Of course, this is a big state with a wide range of climates, from the Gulf to the mountains, so it is not possible to provide absolute list for the whole state. In general, the southern part of the state starts and finishes each crop a few weeks ahead of the northern parts.  Plus the seasons vary a little bit every year, depending upon the weather and other conditions, so call a few weeks ahead of the start date! 

And if you want simple instructions how to make jam or how to make applesauce, just click here.

Fruit/Veg Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec
apples                     X X X X X X X X    
Asian pears                       X X X X X X X    
asparagus     X X X X X X X                      
beans             X X X X X X X X X X X X    
blackberries                 X X X X                
blueberries             X X X X X X                
broccoli X X X X X X X                   X X X X
cabbage             X X X X X X X X X X        
cantaloupes                     X X X X X          
carrots X X X X X X X                   X X X X
cauliflower X X X X X X X                   X X X X
celery X X X X X X X                       X X
cherries                 X X X X                
Christmas trees                 X X X X             X X
collards X X X X X X X X               X X X X X
cucumbers             X X X X X X                
eggplant                   X X X X X X X X      
figs                   X X X X X X X X      
garlic     X X X X X X X X X                  
gooseberries                     X X X X            
grapes                 X X X X X X X X X X    
greens     X X X X X X             X X X X    
herbs         X X X X X X X X X X X X X X    
  Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec
kale                     X X X X X X X X X  
lettuce       X X X X                     X X X
mayhaws           X X                          
muscadines                     X X X X X X X X    
nectarines               X X X X X X X            
okra                   X X X X X X X X X X  
onions     X X X X X X X X X X                
peaches                   X X X X X X X        
pears                       X X X X X        
peas             X X                        
peppers                 X X X X X X X          
persimmons                               X X X X  
plums                             X          
pomegranates                               X X X X  
  Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec
potatoes             X X X X X X X X X          
pumpkins                             X X X X    
raspberries                     X X X X X X X X    
rhubarb             X X X X                    
pumpkins                             X X X X    
spinach X X X X X X X                     X X X
squash (summer)                 X X X X X X X X X X    
strawberries X X X                      
sweet corn               X X X X X X X          
sweet potatoes                             X X X X    
Swiss chard X X X X X X X                     X X X
tomatoes               X X X X X X X X X X X    
turnip (roots or greens) X X X X X X X X X X           X X X X X
watermelons                         X X X X X X    
Fruit/Veg Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec

Typical Crop and Harvest Dates in Mississippi

These are the TYPICAL, historical dates that crops are ready to be picked or harvested in Mississippi.  Of course, this is a big state with a wide range of climates, from the Gulf to the mountains, so it is not possible to provide absolute list for the whole state. In general, the southern part of the state starts and finishes each crop a few weeks ahead of the northern parts.  Plus the seasons vary a little bit every year, depending upon the weather and other conditions, so call a few weeks ahead of the start date! 

And if you want simple instructions how to make jam or how to make applesauce, just click here.







 July 25-November 21

 Onions - Dry

 May 1-June 25


 March 15-June 20

 Onions - Green

 Jan. 1-June 1

 Beans - Lima

 May 15-October 20

 Onions - VidaliaⓇ

 April 20-June 10

 Beans: Pole & Snap

 May 10-Nov. 5


 May 8-August 25


 June 1-July 30


 August 15-November 1


 May 15-July 30


 August 1-November 1


 May 15-September 25

 Peas - English

 Jan. 15-April 1


 June 1-August 20

 Peas - Field

 May 15-October 1

 Christmas Trees

 November- December


 September 1- December . 15


 October 1-June 20

 Pepper - Sweet

 June 1-September 1

 Corn - Green

 May 25-October 10


 July 1-August 25

 Corn - Sweet

 May 15-July 1

 Potatoes - Irish

 May 15-September 15


 May 1-July 20

 Potatoes - Sweet

 July 15-November 20


 June 15-October 20


 September 15-November 15

 Grapes - Bunch

 June 20-October 1


 May 20-October 1


 March 15-May 20


 March 1-June 15


 July 1-November 1


 May 25-October 15


 May 8-August 25

 Turnips - Bunched

 Jan. 1-April 15


 May 20-October 1

 Turnips - Greens

 October 1-March 15




July 1 - Sepetmber 20




July 1 - Sepetmber 20