Comments and Feedback About the Cincinati area of Ohio Pick-Your-Own Farms!

This month's notes: March 2025: Stored US apples are still  available.  See your state's crop availability calendar for more specific dates of upcoming crops.

Valentine's Day - February 14 - See this website for Valentines Day history, facts and top picks for fast, easy, inexpensive gifts for the man, woman or children in your life!

Easter will be April 16, 2017 - if you want to take your children to a free Easter egg hunt - see our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt!

And we have home canning, preserving, drying and freezing directions. You can access recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write me! Also make your own ice cream; see How to make ice cream and ice cream making equipment and manuals. Have fun, eat healthier and better tasting, and save money by picking your own locally grown fruit and vegetables, and then using our easy  directions

Please tell the farms you found them here - and ask them to update their information! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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This page provides a detailed comments submitted by visitors to pick- your- own (PYO, U-pick, pick-it-yourself) farms in the Cincinati area of Ohio

In reading comments, whether they are positive or negative, bear in mind that everyone's experience varies.  We try to weed out emails which are clearly fakes or so extreme as to be implausible.  When we get negative feedback about a farm or orchard, we contact the farm, and provide them the comments (without any reference to the person who submitted them) to allow them to respond.  We then publish both the visitor's comments and the farm's response.

Don't pay too much to a single negative comment; rather, look for patterns.

In the past several years, we can happily say that negative comments are generally rare.  The vast majority of people find the the trip to be immensely rewarding!

Tuken's Orchard and Farm Market - Back to their listing
15725 Eaton Pike (state Route 35), West Alexandria, OH 45381.

  • Comments from a visitor on September 03, 2011: "Tukens is a lovely Farmers market and orchard. The owners were friendly. They had a good variety of apples to pick in their orchard as well. We really enjoyed going there and would recommend it."
  • Comments from a visitor on June 24, 2010: "I had a lovely visit to Tuken's Orchard. I spoke with the owner who was kind and knowledgable about their produce and products available. I picked red raspberries. The orchard is quiet, beautifully maintained and they have good prices. It is a great site for a family as they have multiple U-pick fruits and also have small animals for petting and visiting. Easy to get to from Dayton and well worth your time!!"

Picking Tips

[General picking tips and a guide to each fruit and vegetable] [How much do I need to pick? (Yields - how much raw makes how much cooked or frozen)] [Selecting the right varieties to pick] [All about apple varieties - which to pick and why!]  [Picking tips for Vegetables] [ Strawberry picking tips] [ Blueberries picking tips]









Illustrated Canning, Freezing, Jam Instructions and Recipes

[ Easy Home Canning Directions] [FAQs - Answers to common questions and problems] [Recommended books about home canning, jam making, drying and preserving!] [Free canning publications to download and print]