Find a local pick your own farm here!

What's in season in March 2025, and other timely information:

Ripening Dates for Fruits and Vegetables

Please note that actual dates may vary by as much as two week or three due to weather conditions, variety of the fruit or vegetable, geographical location of the farm, and other factors. Obvious northern, mountainous and colder parts of the state will be later than warmer areas. It is always advisable to call a farm earlier than the expected beginning of a season to verify on the status of the product you are interested in.

Crops Early Most Active Late
Asparagus April 23 May 1 - May 30 June 25
Broccoli June 20 July 1 - October 31 November 30
Cabbage June 1 June 10 - October 31 November 15
Cauliflower September 1 Oct. 5 - November 20 December . 5
Collards May 15 August 20 - October 31 November 20
Cucumbers June 25 July 5 - August 15 September 15
Eggplant July 10 July 20 - September 30 October 15
Lima Beans July 10 July 15 - August 31 October 31
Okra July 15 August 15 - September 15 October 15
Onions June 25 June 25 - July 31 September 30
Peas May 20 June 15 - June 25 July 5
Peppers July 5 July 15 - October 31 Nov. 5
Potatoes July 10 July 20 - September 30 October 15
Pumpkins September 15 October 1 - October 15 October 31
Rhubarb Late May Early June Late June
Snap Beans June 10 June 20 - July 20 August 31
Squash June 15 June 25 - September 1 September 30
Spinach April 15 May 5 - June 25 June 30
Sweet Corn July 1 July 5 - August 31 September 25
Tomatoes July 5 July 10 - September 15 October 15
Apricots Early July July Late July
Apples July 15 September 1 - October 25 October 31
Blackberries July 10 July 15 - July 30 August 10
Blueberries June 20 July 5 - August 10 August 15
Cherries June 10 June 10 - June 25 July 15
Grapes August 25 September 10 - September 20 September 30
Peaches, Nectarines July 5 July 20 - September 1 September 15
Pears August 1 August 10 - August 31 September 10
Plums Mid July Late July Late August
Raspberries July 1 July 5 - July 21 August 1
Strawberries May 20 June 1 - June 10 June 25
Flowers, Herbs July 1 July 15 - September 15 October 1

Southeast PA (Slightly different)

Start Date

End Date


Late May

Late June

Mid June

Early July
Fall Raspberries

Mid August

Late September

Late June

Early August

Early July

Mid September

Early July

Late July

Early July

Mid August

Early July

Early August
Summer Apples

Mid August

Early September
Fall Apples

Mid September

Late October

Mid August

Late September

Mid August

Late September

Mid August

Late September

We also have a page with links to our own simple instructions on canning, freezing and drying  many fruits and vegetables, such as  how to make jam, apple butter, applesauce, spaghetti sauce, salsa, pickles, ketchup or freezing corn.

Current weather - click for forecast, or enter a zip code for a different location: