Nuts (Almonds, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Chestnuts, etc) Festivals in 2025: Where, When and More to Find an Nuts (Almonds, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Chestnuts, etc) Festival Near You!
Looking for a Nuts (Almonds, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Chestnuts, etc) festival in March 2025? There is no other listing as
complete and current as this list, just updated! Nuts (Almonds, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Chestnuts, etc) festivals are held through the United States,
Canada, Britain, and
Australia and much of the world. All the Nuts (Almonds, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Chestnuts, etc)
festivals we can find are listed on this page!
If you love apples, look for a festival near you below! And I'm
looking for more Nuts (Almonds, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Chestnuts, etc) festivals! Please write me, if
you know of any to add! I update the dates as soon as the festivals
publish their information, but you can always click on the links (usually
the name of the festival) to see the current information on the festival's
own website.
Especially this year, due to Coronavirus, be sure to click on the
links (the blue, underlined name of the each festival) to confirm this
year's dates on the website for each festival. If they don't have a
website, call the phone number provided, but ALWAYS CONFIRM THIS YEAR'S
here for the form to add a festival and have detailed information; or click
here if you have general information and are not connected with the event!
Nuts (Almonds, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Chestnuts, etc) Festivals in 2025: Where, When and More to Find an Nuts (Almonds, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Chestnuts, etc) Festival Near You!
See these pages for specific nut festivals, otherwise look farther down this page:
See below for Almond festivals, Chestnut festivals, Pistachio festivals and and any other nut festivals we find, like cashews (grown in Brazil),
that we can find, that don't fit the nut festival categories above,
Other Nut Pages
California Nut Festival - February
Chico, California.
The California Nut Festival is a comprehensive community based festival
of everything imaginable that is related to nuts. The Nut Festival
started as a gem of an idea in 2005 and grew through the work of over 35
volunteers and 15 businesses and organizations. We view 'em on the
trees, eat 'em by the handfuls and study 'em for the benefits. The
Festival is four full days of interesting events aimed at every type of
audience. We will fill your mind with useful ideas, your mouth with
great flavors and your heart with good times.
- Capay Valley Almond Festival -
Five-town almond festival first held in 1915 that showcases the Esparto-Capay Valley region of Northern California. The Esparto County Regional Chamber
of Commerce provides visitors with an Almond Trail Map so visitors van take a scenic self-drive tour that includes the towns of Brooks, Capay, Eskparto,
Guinda, and Rumsey. Other vents and activities include family festivals and other special events in all of those towns.The 107 year old tradition of
celebrating the bountiful almond production in the Capay Valley is returned on February 26th and 27th, 2022 after skipping last year due to COVID. All
your favorite activities will return to the Almond Festival!
- Newberry Springs Pistachio Festival - typically held on the first
Saturday in November from 9 am to 4 pm
Newberry Community Center & Park, 30884 Newberry Road (Just South of Historic Route 66), Newberry Springs, CA
92365. Phone: 760-257-3606. Email: This is a free, family-friendly event
with a variety of vendors, food trucks, entertainment, featuring pistachios!
Skyline Chestnuts - chestnuts
22322 Skyline Blvd., La Honda, CA 94020. Phone: 408-202-9557. Email: Open: Skyline Chestnuts opens for the season
in mid October
and runs until Thanksgiving, depending on seasonal variables; Wednesday to
Sunday from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm;
Visit our Facebook page for updates
Directions: From the north: Take Woodside Road (Hwy 84) west, Turn left (south) on Skyline Blvd (Hwy 35), pass Page Mill and continue for 3 miles; the farm
is on the right side of the road. From the south: Take Hwy 9 west, turn right on Skyline Blvd (Hwy 35), and continue north about 5 miles; the farm is on the
left side of the road. Skyline Chestnuts is a Gather-Your-Own Orchard. 5-gallon plastic buckets and heavy leather gloves are available for you to use. We
recommend that each person have their own bucket, and never try gathering without heavy leather gloves. Close-toed sturdy shoes are highly recommended.
Please call ahead for pricing. Payment: We now accept both cash and credit cards. The chestnuts begin to fall in mid-October. The season lasts as long as
the chestnuts keep dropping, usually 4-6 weeks. Normally, the crop is at its peak and the chestnuts are easiest to gather around the second weekend of the
season. It's best to arrive early in the day. Many chestnuts fall overnight, so they are abundant on the ground in the morning. By late afternoon, the
orchard can get hot.(ADDED: October 28, 2013)
- Walnut Festival - September
Upper Lake, CA. - That's all
I know about this one. Anyone have more information, like their
website? If so,
please write me!
Cadillac Chestnut Harvest Festival -
September or October
Cadillac, MI. About 40 minutes south of Traverse City on the edge of the Huron-Manistee National Forest. This quaint
town of about 12,000 people hosts its annual Chestnut Harvest Festival to celebrate this once ubiquitous tree and its role in early American
life. The American Chestnut Council is headquartered in Cadillac, one of the Michigan communities where chestnut trees survived the blight that
decimated the species in the early 20th century.
Does anyone have any more informatiopn about this festival?
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
- High Rock Farm Chestnut Roasting Festival - 1st Sunday in
960 High Rock Rd, Gibsonville, NC 27249. Phone: (336) 212-3204. Come to the farm and experience a hay ride through the orchard,
bounce castle, historic house tour, vendors, music, wine tasting, food trucks, and of course...chestnuts roasting on an open fire! Rain or
shine. Dogs must be on leash. 2022 price is $10 per person. Children under 12 free.Please go to the check in table located near parking to
receive your ticket. There will be a raffle at 3pm with several chances to wine gift baskets filled with vendor and High Rock Farm products.
South Carolina
South Dakota
- Suffolk Peanut Festival - a weekend in October
Executive Airport, 1410 Airport Road, Suffolk, Virginia 23434. Phone:
757-539-6751. Fax: 757-539-6762. Email: Suffolk Peanut Fest offers concerts, amusement
rides, contests and competitions, a demolition derby, a truck and
tractor pull, motorcycle rally, fireworks and much more. Combine all of
these great activities with local and national entertainment and you
have a weekend full of good times!
Washington (state)
- Washington Chestnut Company -
6160 Everson Goshen Rd, Everson, WA 98247. Phone: (360) 592-3397. Email:
The Washington Chestnut Company offers chestnuts, walnuts, butternuts,
and chestnut based products from its farm in northwest Washington State. The chestnut farm is located about 6 miles northeastof Bellingham, WA
on the Everson-Goshen Road.
West Virginia
- West Virginia Chestnut Festival - October, Sunday typically in early October
Rowlesburg, WV.
Come, taste and enjoy the only Chestnut Festival open to the public in the 16 Appalachian States, in Rowlesburg, WV, the little town on the big
bend of the scenic Cheat River! The 7th Annual West Virginia Chestnut Festival will take place rain or shine on Sunday, in October from 10:30 am to 7:30 pm. Also, the Glory of Autumn will be on display in the surrounding hills. Hosted by the Rowlesburg Revitalization Committee
(RRC), Rowlesburg Tourism Commission, and Town of Rowlesburg
British Columbia
Nova Scotia
- Bronte, Italy Pistachio Festival - October
Bronte is a
pretty town along the side of Mount Etna in Sicily, located within the Natural Park of the volcano. It is the capital of pistachios. The annual
festival takes place at the beginning of October. The historical town centre is filled with stands where local producers, farmers and artisans
show all their pistachio specialties. There are tasting sessions of pistachio-based recipes and live cooking, seminars, live shows and
entertainment.Typical foods are pesto, sweet cream, pistachio ice cream, biscuits, pistachio-flavoured chocolate from Modica and cold cuts.