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Looking for March 2025 National Average Wholesale Growers' Prices Received by Farmers for Crops: Fruits and Vegetables in 2025?  Scroll down this page and  follow the links. And if you bring home some fruit or vegetables and want to can, freeze, make jam, salsa or pickles, see this page for simple, reliable, illustrated canning, freezing or preserving directions. There are plenty of other related resources, click on the resources dropdown above.  If you are having a hard time finding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.

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March 2025 National Average Wholesale Growers' Prices Received by Farmers for Crops: Fruits and Vegetables

March 2025 National Average Wholesale Growers' Prices Received by Farmers for Crops: Fruits and Vegetables

The USDA Agriculture Department (USDA) produces its report of the average national (and regional) prices that farmers receive for their crops.  These reports are generally released on the last day of each month.  The most recent report will be from 2 month's prior. This is a snapshot in time, periodically updated. Obviously, this is NOT the retail price (see this page for average retail prices) but this does show trends and baselines. This comes from the USDA Agricultural reports; look for the "Agriculture Report that is typically released on the last day of the month.  The most current Ag price report will be from 3 months ago. For example, in May, the report for February is released.

We have excerpted fruits and vegetables.  Most of the report is about field crops, livestock and agricultural commodities which are not directly available to consumers. However, the fruit and vegetable prices received by growers provides an direct insight into the minimum price (without markups) at retail and trends. So if the grower's prices have gone up by 50% in the past 3 months, you would expect consumer's retail prices to increase by at least the same percentage very soon!

The most recent prices are shown in the table below. Yes, they are always a few years behind - this comes from the government.  Did you seriously expect them to be efficient and up to date?

Fruit Form Retail Price
Retail Price Unit Yield Cup Equivalent Size Cup Equivalent Unit Cup Equivalent Price
Apples Fresh $1.52 per pound 0.9 0.24 pounds $0.41
Apples, applesauce Canned $1.07 per pound 1 0.54 pounds $0.58
Apples, ready-to-drink Juice $0.78 per pint 1 8.00 fluid ounces $0.39
Apples, frozen concentrate Juice $0.59 per pint 1 8.00 fluid ounces $0.29
Apricots Fresh $2.97 per pound 0.93 0.36 pounds $1.16
Apricots, packed in juice Canned $1.69 per pound 1 0.54 pounds $0.91
Apricots, packed in syrup or water Canned $2.06 per pound 0.65 0.44 pounds $1.40
Apricots Dried $6.62 per pound 1 0.14 pounds $0.95
Bananas Fresh $0.52 per pound 0.64 0.33 pounds $0.27
Berries, mixed Frozen $3.56 per pound 1 0.33 pounds $1.18
Blackberries Fresh $6.02 per pound 0.96 0.32 pounds $2.00
Blackberries Frozen $3.64 per pound 1 0.33 pounds $1.20
Blueberries Fresh $4.17 per pound 0.95 0.32 pounds $1.40
Blueberries Frozen $3.39 per pound 1 0.33 pounds $1.12
Cantaloupe Fresh $0.58 per pound 0.51 0.37 pounds $0.42
Cherries Fresh $3.43 per pound 0.92 0.34 pounds $1.27
Cherries, packed in syrup or water Canned $4.53 per pound 0.65 0.44 pounds $3.07
Clementines Fresh $1.38 per pound 0.77 0.46 pounds $0.83
Cranberries Dried $4.65 per pound 1 0.12 pounds $0.57
Dates Dried $5.57 per pound 1 0.17 pounds $0.92
Figs Dried $6.84 per pound 0.96 0.17 pounds $1.18
Fruit cocktail, packed in juice Canned $1.72 per pound 1 0.54 pounds $0.93
Fruit cocktail, packed in syrup or water Canned $1.59 per pound 0.65 0.44 pounds $1.08
Grapefruit Fresh $1.17 per pound 0.49 0.46 pounds $1.11
Grapefruit, ready-to-drink Juice $1.04 per pint 1 8.00 fluid ounces $0.52
Grapes Fresh $1.84 per pound 0.96 0.33 pounds $0.63
Grapes (raisins) Dried $3.78 per pound 1 0.17 pounds $0.63
Grapes, ready-to-drink Juice $0.92 per pint 1 8.00 fluid ounces $0.46
Grapes, frozen concentrate Juice $0.71 per pint 1 8.00 fluid ounces $0.36
Honeydew Fresh $0.91 per pound 0.46 0.37 pounds $0.74
Kiwi Fresh $2.18 per pound 0.76 0.39 pounds $1.11
Mangoes Fresh $1.15 per pound 0.71 0.36 pounds $0.59
Mangoes Dried $10.55 per pound 1 0.13 pounds $1.32
Nectarines Fresh $1.91 per pound 0.91 0.32 pounds $0.67
Oranges Fresh $1.21 per pound 0.68 0.41 pounds $0.73
Oranges, ready-to-drink Juice $0.98 per pint 1 8.00 fluid ounces $0.49
Oranges, frozen concentrate Juice $0.77 per pint 1 8.00 fluid ounces $0.38
Papaya Fresh $1.29 per pound 0.62 0.31 pounds $0.64
Papaya Dried $5.51 per pound 1 0.15 pounds $0.85
Peaches Fresh $1.72 per pound 0.96 0.34 pounds $0.61
Peaches, packed in juice Canned $2.02 per pound 1 0.54 pounds $1.09
Peaches, packed in syrup or water Canned $1.81 per pound 0.65 0.44 pounds $1.23
Peaches Frozen $3.39 per pound 1 0.33 pounds $1.12
Pears Fresh $1.59 per pound 0.9 0.36 pounds $0.64
Pears, packed in juice Canned $1.95 per pound 1 0.54 pounds $1.06
Pears, packed in syrup or water Canned $1.90 per pound 0.65 0.44 pounds $1.29
Pineapple Fresh $0.57 per pound 0.51 0.36 pounds $0.41
Pineapple, packed in juice Canned $1.43 per pound 1 0.54 pounds $0.77
Pineapple, packed in syrup or water Canned $1.41 per pound 0.65 0.44 pounds $0.95
Pineapple Dried $6.65 per pound 1 0.15 pounds $1.03
Pineapple, ready-to-drink Juice $1.03 per pint 1 8.00 fluid ounces $0.51
Pineapple, frozen concentrate Juice $0.70 per pint 1 8.00 fluid ounces $0.35
Plum Fresh $2.03 per pound 0.94 0.36 pounds $0.79
Plum (prunes) Dried $5.70 per pound 1 0.19 pounds $1.07
Plum (prune), ready-to-drink Juice $1.55 per pint 1 8.00 fluid ounces $0.78
Pomegranate Fresh $2.24 per pound 0.56 0.34 pounds $1.36
Pomegranate, ready-to-drink Juice $3.12 per pint 1 8.00 fluid ounces $1.56
Raspberries Fresh $6.64 per pound 0.96 0.32 pounds $2.21
Raspberries Frozen $4.19 per pound 1 0.33 pounds $1.38
Strawberries Fresh $2.58 per pound 0.94 0.32 pounds $0.88
Strawberries Frozen $2.82 per pound 1 0.33 pounds $0.93
Watermelon Fresh $0.36 per pound 0.52 0.33 pounds $0.23





prices- frmersvegetables 2022-03