Find a local pick your own farm here!

Looking for a local, pick-your-own farm in Southern New Brunswick, Canada? Scroll down this page and you will see the U-Pick farms in Southern New Brunswick, Canada, sorted by county. Those that offer organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name  (see "What does Organic mean?"). The U-pick crops they offer follow the name of the farm. To search the page for a specific crop, use Ctrl-F (or on an ipad or Mac, use their "search on this page" function) If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website. If you find anything outdated or inaccurate, see the customer and farmer menus (as appropriate) at the top menu bar to submit updates and corrections and help me keep each current!

New! As inflation remains high, see this page for reliable (tested) brands of generic canning lids at lower costs, and cost-saving measures for getting fruit and vegetables and home canning.
 If you are having a hard time finding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.

New! Road tripping and camping is a great way to have a fun, safe and inexpensive family trip. The national and state parks and monuments are open, and campgrounds usually cost between $10 and $40 per night. September to November is the best camping weather.  See our new website Road Tripping and for tips, tricks, guides, checklists and info about parks, monuments and other places to visit.

New! We just went live with our latest website, - As they name implies, you can find a fun factory tour, including chocolate, automobiles, historical forts and sites, famous buildings, Active Federal facilities even fun geology: like fossils and volcanic areas

Note: Beware the copycat websites like the one that stole our name and uses .farm extension: they copied my work and do NOT even update the info! I make updates EVERY day. They use tech tricks to get higher rankings, but have many more inaccuracies and out-dated info. Obviously, I cannot check every farm every day, but I do check as many as I can every day, and respond to all requests.  They don't. Don't support the scammers!

Remember to always check with the farm's own website or Facebook page before you go - or call or email them if they don't have a website or Facebook page. Conditions at the farms and crops can change literally overnight, so if you want to avoid a wasted trip out there - check with the farm directly before you go! And if you know of any farms I missed and want to add a farm, please let me know!   I'm making updates for this year as fast as I can - if you find anything out-of-date, wrong or not working - please let me know! This website is supported by purchases you make through the links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This allows me to continue to maintain the website and make improvements!

What's in season in March 2025, and other timely information:

Notes for March 2025: The northern half of the U.S. (and most of Canada, of course) are under snow. So, the crops to pick are pretty much limited to Florida, Texas, southern California and a few other areas of the Deep South.  Citrus, for one, is a crop that is usually available now; and in those areas, soon also strawberries and blueberries. Check your area's crop calendar (see this page) and call your local farms for seasonal updates.

We also have a website for both Valentine's Day information, facts and fun and one for St. Patrick's day (including great recipes for corned beef, Irish stew, etc.)

Children's Consignment Sales occur in both the Spring and Fall  See our companion website to find a local community or church kid's consignment sale!

Next year, don't miss an Easter Egg Hunt for your children: See our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt!

See these pages to find an upcoming local Strawberry Festival, or a Cherry or cherry blossom festival or a Blueberry festival.

Are carpenter bees boring holes into your house, shed or barn? There is a simple non-toxic solution!

NEW! Start your own tomato, pepper, squash and other vegetable plants from seed - It's easy and costs about 50 cents per plant.
Also see our Master list of tomato varieties,  with descriptions, details and links to ordering the seeds.

We also have easy home canning, jam and jelly making, preserving, drying and freezing directions. You can access recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write me! It is easy to make your own ice cream, even gelato, or low fat or low sugar ice cream - see this page. Also note, there are many copycat website listing U-pick farms now.  They have all copied their information from here and usually do not ever update.  Since 2002, I've been updating the information every day but Christmas; so if you see anything wrong or outdated, please write me!


Southern New Brunswick, Canada U-Pick Farms and Orchards in 2025, by county

Click on the resources drop-down above, if you need a county map



  • Bates U-Pick Strawberries / Bates Landing Roadside Market - strawberries, U-pick and already picked, farm market, gift shop, concessions or refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area
    1222 Route 850, Kiersteadville, NB E5T 3N7. Phone: (506) 485-2497. Email: Open: (PYO): See our Bates Landing Facebook page, call or e-mail for open dates. Directions: Follow our signs from Route 121 onto the Pickwauket Road to Route 845. Turn onto the Kiersteadville Road which goes into Route 850. Drive five kilometers to Bates Landing. Click here for a map and directions. Strawberries in season; Call ahead for opening dates; Bates Landing Roadside Market open late June to September from 9 am to 9 pm daily. Payment: Cash, Cheque, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard, AmEx. Fresh fruit in season, Sweet corn and other vegetables in season available at Bates Landing along with crafts, conveniences, baked goods and ice-cream. UPDATE for 2021: There's not much info on their Facebook page; they stopped doing raspberries in 2013, there's no info about strawberries; you will just have to call or message them.
  • Bostwick's UPick Apples - apples, U-pick and already-picked
    Gorham's Bluff Road, Kingston, NB E5N1A3. Phone: 506-763-2943. Open: Late August until mid October, dependant on crop yield; Weekends and holidays from 10 am to 5 pm Weekdays please call ahead to confirm. Directions: From Saint John/ Quispamsis: After crossing the Gondola Point Ferry, turn right. Travel approximately 5 kilometers, and turn left (between the church and the school). Travel 7 kilometers and turn right onto Gorham's Bluff Road The orchard is the first farm you see. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
  • Oak LaneFarm Highbush Blueberry U-Pick - Uses natural growing practices, blueberries, U-pick and already picked, group reservations
    15 Oak Point Beach Road, Unincorporated Kings County, NB E5M 2H7. Phone: 506 468 9992. Email: Open: August 1 to September 15 daily from 9 :00 to 7:00 weather permitting. Directions: We are at 15 Oak Point Beach Road off route 102 in Kings County N.B. Click here for a map and directions. We use natural practices, but are not seeking organic certification. Payment: Cash, Cheque. No herbicides or pesticides are used on the farm. We continue to follow the guideline for growing organically that we practiced when we were organically certified.


  • Raymond Young - U-pick strawberries and vegetable stand.
    218 Rte 715, Jemseg, NB E4C 3N4. Phone: 506-488-3211. Directions: Click here for a map.

Saint John


  • Gilbert Farms - apples, strawberries, U-pick and already picked
    419 Route 102 Hwy, Burton, NB E2V 3C8. Phone: 506-357-8634. Email: Open: Monday to Sunday, r from 10 am to 5 pm. Mid June to Mid July for strawberries; late August to November for apples. Directions: 7 km past Burton Bridge on River side. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Cheque. Strawberry U-Pick and Apple U-Pick. The Family owned farm has been in operation since the 50's, with beef cattle , strawberries, an apple orchard and pear trees , and with the pumpkins there is always something for everyone! Come see our little piece of the country! (UPDATED: June 25, 2018, JBS)
  • McKinney's U-Pick - blueberries, currants (red and black), gooseberries, raspberries (red), Honey from hives on the farm, restrooms
    761 Route 105 Hwy, Maugerville, NB E3A 8L1. Phone: 506 357-5444. Email: Open: Variable Hours; Please call ahead for picking times. Directions: Click here for a map, or Call for directions. Payment: Cash, Cheque.
  • Tingley's Raspberries - raspberries (red)
    727 Highway 105, Maugerville, NB E3A 8L1. Phone: 506-459-2643. Alternate phone: 506 459 2643 (after August 15th). Email: Open: Call ahead for times, Raspberries are from about July 20 to August 7. . Directions: Between Harvey's Big Potato vegetables and McKinneys Berry U pick. Click here for a map and directions.  Payment: Cash, only. The ONLY pyo crops offered are Raspberries; Raspberries are now our only u-pick berries. (UPDATED: July 08, 2024)


  • Everett Family Orchard U-pick - Apples
    Island View, Route 102, Civic #3900 32 Everett lane, Fredericton, NB e3e1g8. Phone: 506-459-7406. Email: Directions: Route 102,west of Fredericton 12 km, civic # 3900-everett lane. Click here for a map and directions. Crops are usually available in August, September, October. Open: Monday to Saturday 9 to 8, Sunday 10 to 6. August 15 to October 20. Payment: Cash, Check.
  • Dancing Goat Therapy Farm - strawberries
    1072 Tripp Settlement Rd, Burtts Corner, NB E6L 1X8. Phone: 905-464-7311. Email: Open: early to mid July. YOU PICK STRAWBERRIES and ANIMAL PETTING PARK. Bring your family out for a Berry fun fresh picking . Hurry the strawberries don't last long.
    (ADDED: July 4, 2022, JBS)
  • Hall's Orchard - apples
    216 Gore Road, Fredericton Junction, NB. Phone: 506-368-1898. Open: U-Pick open by appointment only. MacIntosh, Cortland, Golden Russets, Crabapples, and small quantities of other varieties. Fresh apple cider. (ADDED: May 4, 2015, JBS)
  • River View Orchards Or Carlisle U-pick - Apples, raspberries,
    227 Keswick Ridge Road, Fredericton, NB E6L 1R9. Phone: 506 440-4379. Fax: 506-363-5118. Directions: Fredericton North take Route 105 to Route 616 and turn right, drive until you come to the sign for Carlisle u-pick or from Fredericton South take old Transcanada highway to the Mactaquac Dam then turn right onto Routh 105 then left onto Route 616 and continue to the Carlisle u-pick sign. Click here for a map and directions. Crops are usuly available in September, October. Open: Monday to Sunday 8 o'clock until 7 o'clock. Our u-pick is now open for McIntosh, Cortland, Lobo, Red and Golden Delicious, Empire, Spartan and Russet; Prices are 35 cents per pound for Macs, Cortland and Empire; 40 cents per pound for Red and Golden Delicious, Russet and Spartan. Payment: Cash, only.
  • Sandow Farm - Uses natural growing practices, apples, pears, school tours
    684 Tripp Settlement Road, Keswick Ridge, NB E6L 1X2. Phone: 506-363-2262. Email: Open: from late September until end of the day on Thanksgiving Monday (2nd week of October), 7 days a week from 11 am to dusk in any Weather, during the u-pick season only.. Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates: Click here for picking updates. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. We use natural practices, but are not yet certified Organic. Payment: Cash, only. Click here for our Facebook page. Sandow Farm
  • Sunset U-Pick - strawberries, raspberries and low bush blueberries
    49 Ferris street, Fredericton, NB. Phone: 506-459-3183. Open: Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm, Sunday from 11 am to 5 pm; UPDATE for 2023: there are news reports that Sunset may close, as the owners plan to retire. Directions: off Sunset Drive near York Manor, Fredericton North. Driving from downtown, cross the Westmorland Street Bridge, follow the Ring Road until it intersects Sunset Drive, turn left onto Sunset Drive, continue about 500 metres then turn left onto Ferris street continue about 75 metres then turn left at the vacant lot. Once you arrive at Sunset Drive there will be signs to guide you. Phone prior to coming to verify for picking times and crop conditions.
  • The Old Pickard Farm Strawberry Upick - strawberries,
    159 Route 105, Keswick Ridge, NB E6L 1A4. Phone: (506) 260-7472. Email: Open: Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 5 pm; Sunday 12 pm to 4 pm Please check our facebook page or call ahead for daily updated hours of operation. Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: We are located approximately 15-20 minutes from downtown Fredericton on the main highway through Keswick Ridge on Route 105. The farm is directly across the road from TNT Building Supplies. Follow Route 105 through Douglas from the Northside. If coming from the Southside of Fredericton, take the exit to Mactaquac/Keswick Ridge when traveling on the old trans Canada, which is now Route 102. Take the first right after you cross the Dam and continue to address 159. Watch for our signs!. Click here for a map and directions. Strawberry season should begin near the end of June or first of July. Payment: Cash, only. Please bring your own containers for picking. Quart boxes available for a small fee. Supervised children welcome. Please no off leash pets, there are other animals on this farm. (ADDED: June 04, 2017)

Other Local Farm Products (Honey, Horses, Milk, Meat, Eggs, Etc.)
(NOT pick-your-own, unless they are also listed above)

Farm markets and roadside stands

Local Honey Finder

Local Meat, Milk and Eggs

Venues: Farms, Wineries, Orchards for your event, wedding or party

Easter egg hunts

Children's consignment sales

Fruit and vegetable festivals

Winery tours and wine tastings

Horse rides, stables, lessons, trails

Maple Syrup farms and sugarworks

Bed & Breakfasts on Farms, Wineries, Ranches and Orchards

Pumpkin patches

Corn mazes

Zombie Paintball venues

Christmas Tree Farms & lots

Environmental resources

Consumer fraud information

Wholesale food sources

Resources for Farmers

Nurseries, plants, seeds


  • Corn Hill Nursery - Nursery plants, restrooms, concessions or refreshment stand, picnic area
    2700, Route 890, Corn Hill, New Brunswick, E4Z 1M2. Phone: 506-756-3635. Email: Open: During the season: open 8 am to 7 pm - Mon. to Sat. 8 am to 5 pm - Sun. Starting Oct. 3 : open Mon. - Sat. from 8 am to 5 pm closed Sundays and Holidays After Nov. 1st : By chance or appointment Cedar Cafe Hours : Apr. 16 - Oct. 2. Daily - 8 am to 4 pm. Directions: See their website for directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard . The CORN HILL NURSERY grow a complete range of hardy fruits, ornamental shrubs and trees, vines and perennials. In addition to their retail store and the Cedar Cafe, they have extensive display gardens and over 80 acres of container and field production. Have lunch at the Cedar Cafe , stroll through their huge plant selection then settle in with a coffee and a good gardening book or examine the Marr Collection in their upstairs gallery, a display of everything a farm family would need at the turn of the century. Seminars the first and third Saturday of each month. 10 am to 12:00. Free unless noted, but pre-registration is strongly advised. Limit of 50 people per seminar. Artists in the garden : August 13 & 14. Artists, great music and great food Grapefest : October 1 & 2. Annual celebration of the harvest - seminars, music, food, fun