peppers/chili_peppers New York Chili, Hot Sauce, Chile Pepper and other Hot Peppers Festivals in 2025

Where, When and More to Find an Chili, Hot Sauce, Chile Pepper and other Hot Peppers Festival in New York Near You!peppers/arbolpeppers

Looking for a New York Chili, Hot Sauce, Chile Pepper and other Hot Peppers festival in March 2025? There is no other listing as complete and current as this list, just updated! All the Chili, Hot Sauce, Chile Pepper and other Hot Peppers festivals we can find are listed on this page! If you love Hot Peppers, look for a festival near you below! And I'm looking for more Chili, Hot Sauce, Chile Pepper and other Hot Peppers festivals! Please write me, if you know of any to add!  I update the dates as soon as the festivals publish their information, but you can always click on the links (usually the name of the festival) to see the current information on the festival's own website. 

Especially this year, due to Coronavirus, be sure to click on the links (the blue, underlined name of the each festival) to confirm this year's dates on the website for each festival. If they don't have a website, call the phone number provided, but ALWAYS CONFIRM THIS YEAR'S DATES AND TIMES BY EITHER VIEWING THEIR WEBSITE OR CALLING.

Click here for the form to add a festival and have detailed information; or click here if you have general information and are not connected with the event!

2025 New York Chile Pepper and other Hot Peppers Festivals!

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For other fruit and vegetable festivals, see this page!Apple festivals peppers/peppers_variety

New York Hot Pepper Festivals

  • Brooklyn Chile Pepper Festival - last held on September 28, 2019, canceled in 2020; they aren't saying squat about 2021... so it's probably canceled again.
    Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 990 Washington Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225. Phone: (718) 623-7200. Indulge in tasty bites and sizzling sauces from food artisans who bring the heat from around the world. In the evening, New Orleans comes to Brooklyn with performances by some of the Big Easy's finest musicians.
  • National Buffalo Chicken Wing Festival - Labor Day Weekend in Buffalo, NY, Saturday typically in early September, Sunday typically in early September
    Highmark Stadium "Home of the Buffalo Bills", 1 Bills Dr, Orchard Park, NY 14127. NEW FESTIVAL FORMAT: Due to the limited supply of chicken wings and post-covid sensitivity, the festival will be at half capacity. Only 25,000 tickets will be available for sale. There will be five (5) three-hour sessions. Capacity will be 5,000 people per session.  Pre-sale only. No tickets will be sold at the gate.
    Free Parking with a ticket purchase
    $20 admission, includes free parking, $5 voucher toward a festival souvenir t-shirt or hat, and a donation to FeedMore WNY.
  • NYC Hot Sauce Expo - Saturday typically in mid October and Sunday typically in mid October from 10 AM to 6 PM
    Brooklyn EXPO Center, 72 Noble St, Brooklyn, NY. 



Pepper recipes, canning, preserving, pickling, sauces, freezing and more

Canning peppers in water bath canners Pepper jelly

Canning peppers in pressure cannersPickled Peppers

Freezing peppers

Drying peppers

Other Pepper Recipes


Frequently Asked Questions About Canning, Freezing and Preserving peppers

General Canning Know-How