Looking for Local Fruit and Vegetable Festivals in 2025? Scroll down this page and follow the links.
And if you bring home some fruit or vegetables and want to can, freeze, make
jam, salsa or pickles, see this
page for simple, reliable, illustrated canning, freezing or preserving
directions. There are plenty of other related resources, click on the resources dropdown above. If you are having a hard time
canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price &
ship in 2 days.
If you have questions or feedback, please let me know! There
are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
What's in season in March 2025, and
other timely information:
Notes for March 2025: The northern half of the U.S.
(and most of Canada, of course) are under snow. So, the crops to pick are pretty
much limited to Florida, Texas, southern California and a few other areas of the
Deep South. Citrus, for one, is a crop that is usually available now; and
in those areas, soon also strawberries and blueberries. Check your area's
crop calendar (see this page) and call your local farms for
seasonal updates.
We also have a website for both
Valentine's Day information, facts and fun and one for
St. Patrick's
day (including great recipes for corned beef, Irish stew, etc.)
Children's Consignment Sales
occur in both the Spring and Fall
See our companion website to find a local
community or church kid's consignment sale!
Next year, don't miss an Easter Egg Hunt for your children:
See our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt!
See these pages to find an upcoming local
Strawberry Festival, or a
Cherry or cherry blossom festival
or a Blueberry festival.
Are carpenter bees boring holes into your house, shed or barn? There is a simple non-toxic solution!
NEW! Start your own tomato, pepper, squash and other vegetable plants from seed - It's easy and
costs about 50 cents per plant.
Also see our Master list of tomato varieties,
with descriptions, details and links to ordering the seeds.
We also have
home canning, jam and jelly
making, preserving, drying and freezing directions. You can access
recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search.
If you have any questions or suggestions,
feel free to write me! It is easy to
make your own ice cream,
even gelato, or low fat or low sugar ice cream - see this page. Also note,
there are many copycat website listing U-pick farms now. They have all
copied their information from here and usually do not ever update. Since
2002, I've been updating the information every day but Christmas; so if you see
anything wrong or outdated, please
write me!
Find Local Fruit and Vegetable Festivals
Where, When and More to Find a Fruit Festival or
Vegetable Festival Near You
in 2025!
Scroll down this page for many miscellaneous fruit and
vegetable festivals sorted by country and state Or click on the links
immediately below for listings of specific fruit and vegetable festivals in
the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia.
Please write me, if you know of any to add!
Miscellaneous Fruit and Vegetable Festivals
covered in the list above)
- Alabama Butterbean Festival - October 5th - 6th
2018 Friday 6 PM to 10 PM, Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM
Alabama 35126. Phone: (877) 691-6088. One of the largest
festivals in the Southeast, the Alabama Butterbean Festival
rounds up country cooks, families, and die-hard fans of
butterbeans for a fun-filled weekend including 12-hours of live
music, carnival rides, food, petting zoos, pony rides, and more.
The free festival also features the Guinness world record
holding butterbean pot. The pot earned the record in 2010 for
the largest pot of baked beans at over 1,010 gallons. The
festival's official mascot, Bucky Butterbean, will also be at
the festival posing for pictures and greeting attendees. The
small-town charm of Pinson's Main Street will be packed with
more than 150 arts and crafts vendors and various traditional
and non-traditional fair food vendors. The Alabama Butterbean
Festival is the 2nd largest festival in the state of Alabama
according to the Alabama State Tourism Board.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Tontitown Grape Festival - August
Tontitown, AR. A queen and
her court reign over the festivities, which include a spaghetti dinner
for about 8,000 people, a pancake breakfast, a foot race, a book sale,
arts and crafts, and a "rustic relics" display.
- Widerkehr Wine Festival - a Saturday, in October.
3324 Swiss Family Drive, Wiederkehr Village, AR 72821. Phone:
800-622-WINE. Alternate phone: 479-468-WINE. Email:
Admission to the grounds is FREE! You need only buy tickets for the
Evening Show and Festival Banquet in the Festhall. Tickets may be
purchased at the door when you arrive at the winery.
Tyrolean-style activities begin early in the day, with tours of the
historic wine cellars starting at 8:30 am in the midst of the
festivities, ending in the charming wine tasting room. Then catch a ride
on one of the open trams through the vineyards to an observation tower
with a panoramic view of the Arkansas River Valley.
California - in chronological order
Mustard Festival -
It WAS held in January-March but their website has not been updated since 2011
Napa, CA. Phone: 707-938-1133. It looks like this one has ended back in 2012.
Annual Riverside County Fair & National Date Festival -
February (runs for about a week)
Indio, CA. 2008 had music with
headliners such as LeAnn Rimes and Heart in the Aladdin Concert
Pavilion. The Presidents' Day Grand Parade entertained fairgoers, with
more than 230 entrants marching the streets of Indio; and a record 8,382
exhibits in 2008.
California Nut Festival - February
Chico, California.
The California Nut Festival is a comprehensive community based festival
of everything imaginable that is related to nuts. The Nut Festival
started as a gem of an idea in 2005 and grew through the work of over 35
volunteers and 15 businesses and organizations. We view 'em on the
trees, eat 'em by the handfuls and study 'em for the benefits. The
Festival is four full days of interesting events aimed at every type of
audience. We will fill your mind with useful ideas, your mouth with
great flavors and your heart with good times.
- Kelseyville Olive Festival - a Sunday in March from
11am to 5pm
Kelseyville Olive Mill, 5625 Gaddy Lane Kelseyville, Ca.
Experience a day of family fun focused on the magnificent olive. Tour
the Kelseyville Olive Mill and 7 acre olive orchard while learning about
the history, cultivation, processing, types, uses, and health benefits
of olives and olive products. Sample products and vote for your
favorite, get involved in an olive oil sensory evaluation or cooking
demo, test your skills in our amateur recipe contest, visit arts and
crafts booths, and join the fun in our olive pit-spitting contest! There
will also be a silent auction and a raffle. The event is free! Beer and
wine tasting will be available for a fee. Proceeds will benefit the Lake
Family Resource Center.
- Grapefruit Festival - April
Borrego Springs, CA. - That's
all I know about this one. Anyone have more information, like their
website? If so,
please write me!
- Onion Festival - April
Imperial, CA. - That's all I know
about this one. Anyone have more information, like their website? If
please write me!
Orange Blossom - April
Lindsay, CA. Yearly Events of the
Festival: Coronation of Queen and her court, Church Service for Honored
Person followed by Tea Reception, Bank of Sierra Mixer, Lindsay Cultural
Arts Reception, Pancake Breakfast at City Hall, Parade beginning at the
City Park and ending at Mirage Avenue at the Dollar Store parking lot,
Festival at Sweet Brier Plaza, Dance at Sweet Brier Plaza, Carnival at
the Olive Bowl.
Orange Blossom - April
Riverside, CA. Their website has been
replaced by unrelated advertisements. This event may be history.
Apple Blossom Festival - April 26 and 27, 2008
Park and the Sebastopol Veterans Memorial Building, 282 High Street,
Sebastopol, CA. (Parade on Main St.).
Admission: General Adult: $7,
Senior (62+) & Students 11-17, $5. Children 10 and under are FREE!
Festival Hours: Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm. Parade is at 10am
until about noon on Saturday. PLEASE NO PETS AT THE FESTIVAL, THANK YOU!
The Festival begins with a community parade on Saturday morning at 10am
until about noon. Events continue throughout the weekend for all ages
and interests. Food, drink and nonstop entertainment as well as crafts
galore will delight all your senses. For questions, contact the
Sebastopol Area Chamber of Commerce 1-877-828-4748 or
events@sebastopol.org , April
- Indio National Date Festival
Phone: 760-347-0676
Stockton Asparagus Festival - April or May - see the Asparagus Festival page
Stockton, CA. The Stockton
Asparagus Festival is a three-day, multi-event, food, and entertainment
festival, which celebrates asparagus. The festival features two
performing stages, an Asparagus Alley with the best deep fried asparagus
found anywhere, one of the finest celebrity chef cooking demonstration
kitchens, a fabulous Spear-Its of the Valley wine and beer pavilion, a
craft show, 600 booths, displays and exhibits in the show.
Fallbrook Avocado Festival - April
Fallbrook, CA.
The annual Avocado Festival draws thousands of people to our quiet
village each year. It is definitely a day for the "wearing of the
green," as green is the most prominent color found in the booths, worn
in the form of hats, and in the form of a signature T-shirt. Come
prepared to visit the many craft and food booths; you can never go hungry
at the Avocado Festival. Colorful booths line Main and Alvarado Street
featuring unique clothing, hats, arts, crafts, jewelry, and farm-fresh
produce for purchase. A variety of bands and other live entertainment
are offered for the pleasure of festival-goers. Beer gardens and
numerous food vendors cater to every whim.
Castroville Artichoke Festival - May
11261 Crane Street,
Castroville, CA 95012. Monterey County. Phone: (831) 633-6545. Email:
info@artichoke-festival.org. Usually held in mid May. Directions:
Off Hwy 1 at Castroville Exit. MAY 17 - 18, 2008 Castroville, CA
TICKETS ON SALE at the Door $8 Adults/$4 Children 12 and under. PARADE:
Our sanctioned parade is one of the largest and most colorful of its
kind. Two days of live music! Everything from Swing to Mariachi, Country
to 50's Rock & Roll. Games, face paints, clowns, stilt walkers, puppets
and more! Artichokes fried, sauteed, grilled, marinated, pickled, fresh,
and creamed in soup. Plus foods from the many ethnic groups that give
this area its character. The area's finest showcase the versatility and
unique techniques for preparing and using artichokes. Sample the best
from the area's award winning producers. Unique gifts and apparel
crafted by artisans from throughout the country. Plus artichoke
souvenirs galore! Artichokes and more, fresh from the heart of the salad
bowl. Hop a bus to the artichoke patch for grower talks and photo ops.
Please No Pets
Cherry festivals - see this
- Prune Festival - May
Campbell, CA. - That's all I know
about this one. Anyone have more information, like their website? If
please write me!
Raisin Festival - early May
Downtown Selma - Lincoln Park, Selma, CA. Carnival, Food & Craft Booths,
Art, Baking, Floriculture, Photography and Poetry Competitions, All Day
Entertainment, Raisin Royalty Coronation - Friday, May 2 - 6:30 PM. For
more information call 891-2235.
- Morgan Hill Mushroom Mardi Gras - Memorial Day weekend
17000 Monterey Road, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. Phone: 408-778-1786.
Click here for a map and directions. From young children, to wine
connoisseurs, there is something for everybody. See these pages for
Daily Events,
Food & Beverage,
Free Parking,
Fun Run,
Weather. Downtown Morgan Hill, Outdoor Community Center Amphitheater
and Surrounding area. FREE ADMISSION & PARKING. In 2009: May 23, 2009:
10 am to 7 pm and May 24, 2009: 10 am to 6 pm.
- Cantaloupe Festival - July
Firebaugh, CA. - That's all I
know about this one. Anyone have more information, like their website?
If so,
please write me!
Gilroy Garlic Festival - Always the last full weekend in July!
10 am to 7 pm (Gates close at 6 p.m.)
Christmas Hill Park;
Gilroy, CA. Phone: (408) 842-1625. Email:
mediarelations@gilroygarlicfestival.com. Directions: 30 miles south
of San Jose off Highway 101. The festival is held in a park. It is all
outdoors with mostly turf and some compact dirt and asphalt walkways.
east on food laced with over two tons of fresh garlic, enjoy three
stages of musical entertainment, shop in arts and crafts, view the great
garlic cook-off and other celebrity cooking demonstrations, spend time
in the children's area, visit interactive displays set up by many of our
sponsors, soak up some glorious sunshine, and mingle with a fun bunch of
garlic-loving people?There are natural shade trees, and many shade tents with tables and
benches. The admission price includes parking, musical entertainment,
cooking demonstrations, and a children's area. Festival guests purchase
food and beverages from the vendors. Prices range from $2 to $12
depending on the item, which is a full-size serving, not a sample.
Yamhill Lavender Festival - Wide variety of seasonal, locally
grown fruits and vegetables, lavender,
Beulah Park, Yamhill, Oregon,
Yamhill, OR 97148. Phone: 503-830-1777. Email:
lavender@ycrcenter.org. Open: Same as above. Directions:: From the
center of the town of Yamhill, at the intersection of highway 47 and
highway 240, go 3 blocks east on highway 240 (E. Main Street ) to S.
Hemlock Street, turn right, and go 3 blocks south to Beulah Park. Or
from the center of Yamhill, go 3 blocks south on highway 47 (S. Maple
Street ) to 3rd Street, turn left, and go 3 blocks east to Beulah Park.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check. The
Yamhill Lavender Festival entices you with live music, extraordinary
art, exceptional handmade crafts, live plants, and lavender in myriad
forms. Sample lavender-based cuisine along with a glass of local beer or
wine. Wander among juried artisans' booths and discover lavender
products, fresh-cut lavender for purchase, and essential oil
distillation demonstrations. Home of the Oregon Lavender Plein Air Art
Show and Sale, the Yamhill Lavender Festival offers paintings created by
Northwest. This cooperative event brings local lavender growers and the
community together to raise funds for local enrichment programs. YCRC
accepts canned food donations for our local food banks. Admission is
- Cantaloupe Round up Festival - Late July or August
Tripple V Farms,
Dunckle Park, Firebaugh, CA. Phone: (559) 659.2043. Anyone have more
information, like their website? If so,
please write me!
- Blackberry Festival - August
Lower Lake, CA. -
That's all I know about this one. Anyone have more information, like
their website? If so,
please write me!
Dry Bean Festival - August
Tracy, CA.
Corning Olive Festival - August
Corning, CA. For more
information, Contact Valanne Cardenas, Manager at Phone: 530-824-5550.
Rare Fruits - August -
Petaluma, CA.
Tofu Festival - August
Los Angeles, CA.
Annual Oakley Almond Festival - mid September
Park, O'Hara Ave & Cypress, Oakley, CA 94561. Parade, Car Show, Sports
on the Delta & Boat Show, Diaper Derby, Cooking Contest, Lots of Almonds
and Almond Festival Souvenirs, Food, Games for the kids, Arts & Crafts
Annual Loomis Eggplant Festival - late September or early
Loomis Station Plaza, Loomis, CA. Northern California.
Directions: On Taylor Road between Horseshoe Bar Road and Webb Street
from 10 am to 5 pm. Arts, crafts, food, wine garden, and contests, including
free entertainment all day long. Our food vendors will be offering
everything from pizza, eggplant parmesan, eggplant pakora, seafood,
hamburgers, hot dogs, BBQ dishes, snacks and cold beverages for every
taste! The Chamber Showcase features many of our local businesses,
including a Farmer's Market and a Home & Garden Showcase. We have a lot
to offer our festival guests - you will find countless give-a-ways and
raffles in this area. Little House of Eggplant will feature our
trademark eggplant festival merchandise, with t-shirts, aprons,
cookbooks, magnets, and much more.
- Kelseyville Pear Festival - September
PO Box 384,
Kelseyville, CA 95451. Lake County. Phone: (707) 279-9022. Alternate
phone: (707)
279-2581. Festival with a petting zoo, train rides, crafts, food, music
arts and a parade. Directions: Take Hwy 29 to Downtown exit. Main
Street, Kelseyville.
Gourd - September
Zittel Farms, Folsom, CA.
Lemon - September
Ventura, CA.
- Walnut Festival - September
Upper Lake, CA. - That's all
I know about this one. Anyone have more information, like their
website? If so,
please write me!
California Avocado Festival - early October
CA. The Avocado Festival has evolved into one of the largest festivals
in California with three days of fabulous food, terrific music, and
great safe family fun. The Festival is home to the world's largest vat
of guacamole amongst many other avocado & food dishes to pick from.
Don't miss the "Best Guacamole Contest" and Avocado Auction at the
Avocado Performing Stage on Sunday at 8th Street. Stroll through the
Arts & Crafts Venue between 8th and 6th Street on Saturday and Sunday or
visit the Commercial Marketplace at the 900 block on Linden Ave. all
three days. Head to 7th Street for the Kid's Block Party. There will be
lots of fun games, face painting and bouncers. Back by popular demand
will be the Avocado Rock Climbing Wall.
- Dried Fruit and Nut Festival - October
Winters, CA. -
That's all I know about this one. Anyone have more information, like
their website? If so,
please write me!
- Gourd - October
Palmdale, CA. - That's all I know about
this one. Anyone have more information, like their website? If so,
please write me!
- Mission San
Jose Olive Festival - October 5, 2013 10 am to 5 pm;
The Olive Festival is held every year on the first Saturday of October.
Historic Old Mission San Jose Museum, intersection of Mission Blvd. and
Washington Blvd., Fremont, CA. Phone: Kim Mathis at 510-552-3155. Email:
info@msjchamber.org. Fun for the whole family! The Olive Festival
features food, live music, wine tasting, arts & crafts, entertainment,
kids games, drawings, prizes and much more. Olive/Olive Oil, Specialty
Foods, Vendors, Arts & Crafts, Food Demonstrations by local chefs, Wine
Tasting, Local Craft Beer, Luscious Tri-Tip, Mission Trail Mustangs Car
Show, Cool, sounds of local musicians, Kids Area, Drawings - Contests -
Fun, Entry is FREE. NO PETS: We love your pets, but for the safety and
enjoyment of all attendees, we can't allow them at this event. Funds
raised from the Olive Festival will be used for MSJ Chamber activities
including the December 1st Tree Lighting Celebration at the Old School
Building on Mission Boulevard, the Daffodil project and other community
endeavors. Parking: Parking is available at Ohlone Lot E for $2/car,
parking permits can be obtained in lots H, D, C, K, M & P.
- Peanut Valley Festival - October
1500 S.
Ave K, Station 39, Portales, NM 88130. Phone: 575-562-2631. Email:
peanutvalleyfestival@enmu.edu. Peanut Valley Festival is an annual
event held at Eastern New Mexico University. The festival attracts
vendors from all over the state as well as some neighboring states.
There will be crafts, games, and food for all ages at this year's 37th
Peanut Valley Festival.
Mountain Mandarin Festival - oranges, Harvest festival,
produce for sale, restrooms,
Gold Country Fairgrounds, 1273 High
Street, Auburn, CA 95603. Email:
info@mandarinfestival.com.. Open: always held the weekend before
Thanksgiving; In 2013, that's November 22, 23 and 24. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit
cards, Visa, MasterCard. Lots of mandarin foods to eat! Take home
Mandarin gifts, BBQ sauces, syrups, olive oils, dressings and dozens of
other Mandarin inspired concoctions. More than 200 vendors sell Mandarin
scented lotions, soaps, and candles, along with artisan-crafted jewelry,
home accessories, and holiday items. Solar-powered green train for a
guided tour of the event. Buy your bags of mandarins early and leave
them at the Boy Scouts check station for delivery to your car when you
are ready to leave. Live music. Admission: FRIDAY PREVIEW: ADMISSION
JUST $3 Saturday/Sunday Admission: $7; Seniors $5; Age 12 & Under Free
Gold Country Fairgrounds Parking $5, some street parking available.
Mushroom Festival - November, every year; 10 days in November
8 am to 10 pm
Arcata, CA. The highlight of October-November mushroom season is
Mendocino County's annual 10-day Wine & Mushroom Festival with
everything from mushroom dinners, wine- and beer-pairing workshops,
mushroom exhibits, guided mushroom foraging walks and much, much more.
Tamale Festival - Always the 1st weekend in December! from 10 am to 6 pm Saturday, 10 am to 6 p.m. Sunday
CA. Directions: Downtown Indio. The Festival is between Highway 111 and
Indio Boulevard and fills-in the streets of Miles, Towne, Smurr &
Click here for a map. Weather is typically 79 Degrees, Sunny Days
and 40 Degrees, Cool Evenings. Visitors delight in the scrumptious
tamales and shopping, but also enjoy the following activities: Carnival
Rides & Games, Parade, Kid's Petting Zoo, Rock Climbing, Inflatable
Bounces, Tamale Eating Contest, Famous Tamale Judging Contest. Festival
fans also like to relax by watching the diverse entertainment such as
traditional Mexican Folklorico Dancing and live Music on 4 different
- Loaf 'N Jug Chile & Frijoles Festival - held each year in
late September (in 2012 it is wasSeptember 21-23)
Peublo, CO.
Phone:(719) 542-1704. Email:
info@pueblochamber.net. The event features music‚ arts and crafts‚
cooking competitions and chilies‚ chilies‚ chilies. Held downtown along
Union Avenue‚ it draws Pueblo residents as well as people from across
the state and around the nation. The festival takes place in downtown
Pueblo, Colo., stretching along Union Avenue between East B Street and
West 1st Street, just a couple blocks away from the Pueblo Convention
Center. Some roads near the festival may be closed to traffic, be sure
to consult local listings for detailed road closure information in the
days surrounding the festival. Every year, thousands pay homage to two
of the Pueblo area's best loved crops - green chilies‚ particularly
Pueblo chile‚ and frijoles or pinto beans.
Comments from a visitor on
August 17, 2012: "They roast the chile right there and make
wonderful homemade tortillas and lots of other delicious foods! The
aroma is amazing!"
Comments from a visitor on
September 26, 2011: "I just atteneded and it's wonderful!! Lots of
miralsol local green chile roasted and ready for you take home and lot
and lots of good food ! Here is a little write up about it..thanks :)
Loaf 'N Jug Chile & Frijoles Festival Pueblo will celebrate the harvest
of the Mira Sol Chile at the 17th Annual Loaf 'N Jug Chile & Frijoles
Festival, September 23-25, 2011. The Greater Pueblo Chamber of Commerce
created the festival as a fun fall event designed to promote the area's
agriculture, especially its home-grown chilies and pinto beans, as well
as to display the works of many talented artisans and craftsmen. In the
past years, the festival has grown from a few thousand people to over
100,000. The festival will take place in downtown Pueblo, on Union
Avenue between 1st and "B" Streets. Festival hours are Friday, 3 pm to 11 pm;
Saturday, 10 am to 11 pm; Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm. The festival is $2 per person,
children under 12 are free. For the safety of your pets, NO animals
please! "
- Olathe Sweet Corn Festival - a weekend in August
Horton Avenue, Olathe, CO. Phone: 970-323-6006. Alternate phone: 866-363
CORN. Email:
- Pine Grove Rhubarb Festival - Saturday in June
Fork Fire Station, 16675 Highway 126, Pine Grove, Colorado. After the
parade there will be lots of family fun with carnival activities for the
kids, live music from local bands and shopping for the beautiful arts &
crafts of local artists. Past winning recipes and long time traditional
favorites are published in the Rhubarb Cookbooks that will be for sale.
- Glennville Sweet Onion Festival - May
Farmers Market, Glennville, GA. Glennville's biggest annual event, the
Glennville Sweet Onion Festival, has hosted over 34 years of events, and
sunny skies have shone upon every one. The festive day on the second
Saturday of each May celebrates the harvesting of the famous Vidalia
sweet onion crop. The day begins with a sweet onion run and walk and a
downtown parade. Then on to the State Farmers' Market on Highway 301
South for an array of arts and crafts, delightful entertainment,
children's rides and games, delectable food (that includes fried sweet
onion rings and blooming onions). The event draws over 6,000 people each
year. Festival Gates Open 9 am to 6 pm, $5.00 adults $3.00 children,
Children under 2 FREE!, Military / Individuals FREE with military ID..
9:45am - Parade, 2 pm - World Championship Turtle Race
Vidalia Onion Festival - Late April (over 30 years)
GA. Phone: (912) 538-8687. The festival lasts an entire weekend and
normally kicks off with the opening ceremonies on Thursday night,
featuring a themed children's parade and several special performances.
Friday brings a fun-filled street dance, where you can eat to your
heart's content. On Saturday and Sunday enjoy the arts and crafts
festival or attend the air show, for a once-in-a-lifetime glimpse of the
U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Blue Angels or the Canadian Snowbirds
Demonstration Team! Don't forget to catch the Vidalia Sweet Onion
cook-off and our Georgia folk-life play, "Tales from the Altamaha".
Maui Onion Festival - First Weekend in May
Kaanapli, HI.
Phone: (808) 875-0457. Sweet onions served many ways, from onion rings
to onion pizza, gumbo and onions smothered on chicken, goat cheese, etc.
They have an onion recipe contest, an onion eating contest and a parade.
For information, contact Whalers Village at 808-661-4567 or email
Media contact: Charlene Kauhane of Kauhane Communications, Inc. at info@kauhanecommunications.com or
call 808-243-2290.
- Aledo Rhubarb Festival - a Friday and Saturday, in June
Aledo, IL. This unique festival, which is celebrating our
20th year, will feature more than 3,000 homemade Rhubarb Pies for sale,
Rhubarb Sampling, 12,000 free Rhubarb seeds given away, crafts, music,
entertainment and more all set in our historic downtown. We're so
serious about our Rhubarb that Governor Pat Quinn officially named Aledo
the Rhubarb Capital of Illinois!
Kentucky Bourbon Festival Inc - OK, it isn't fruit
or vegetable, but it could make a really fun break from all that healthy
107 East Stephen Foster Avenue, Bardstown, KY 40004. Phone:
(502) 348-3623. Held annually in September. Features history, events,
tours, photos, shopping and brochure request. The Kentucky Bourbon
Festival gives you 6 full days of smooth Bourbon, delicious food, and
great entertainment, with a healthy dose of Kentucky hospitality thrown
in for good measure. From black tie galas to historical tours, there is
something for all ages and interests. It's a wonderful six-day event
full of activities for the whole family.
- Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival - Early
December on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Fort Jackson in
Buras, Louisiana 70037. Phone: 504-405-8535. Email:
orangefestival@hotmail.com. The Parish has the best
Citrus in the Country! This year we are celebrating the 71st
Anniversary of the Plaquemines Parish Fair & Orange Festival
held annually the first full weekend of December.
- Starks Mayhaw Festival - Saturday in May
105 Hwy 109
North, Starks, Louisiana. Email:
Our festival celebrates the best tasting jelly around. Be sure
to stop by and buy some Mayhaw jelly. Our vendors also create
numerous other berry jellies. The Little Mayhaw Festival
pageant will be April 21, 2018 at Starks High School. The Jr.
Miss and Miss Mayhaw Pageant will be at the Starks Mayhaw
Festival Thursday typically in mid May. The entry fee for all divisions
is $50. Payment must accompany entry form. Payment should be in
the form of a check or money order, made payable to Starks
Business and Civic Association. Credit/Debit card is accepted
for an extra fee. Arrangements must be made to pay with a
credit/debit card by emailing Chel Pinder at
starks.mayhawfest@gmail.com. To receive an entry form by email,
send your request to starks.mayhawfest@gmail.com or download
here. For more information, contact Evelyn White at 743-6297.
Acushnet Apple-Peach Festival - Annually in early September
(just after Labor Day)
Acushnet, MA. Yard sales and farm stands line
the main street of Acushnet. All leading to the center where the real
action takes place. Freshly picked produce, homemade peach, apple, &
custard, pies and pastries to market. Along with a variety of homemade
foods to select from, including Chorizo Sandwiches.
- Cranberry Harvest
Celebration - a weekend in October
Wareham, MA.
Directions: The Cranberry Harvest Celebration
is located at Tihonet Village in Wareham, just off Route 28 near I-495.
- Oceana County National Asparagus Festival - The first Saturday in
June through the following Sunday
The Food Show is held at 109
Washington Street, Hart, MI 49420. Phone: (231)861-8110. Come sample and
vote for your favorite asparagus dishes. The Arts & Crafts Fair is at
100 S. State Street, Hart, MI 49420 with Tour and shop homemade goods
from crafters all over the state. Oceana County, known as "The Asparagus
Capital of the Nation", is one of the leading areas for asparagus growth
in the entire country! We've been celebrating asparagus since 1974 and
nobody does it better. We are the longest running asparagus festival in
the country and this year marks our 45th festival! Come join us!
TENTATIVE Schedule of Events (Events are subject to change pending
Volunteers): be sure to follow us on Facebook for the latest and
most up to date information!
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
The National Cherry Festival - first week in July 1.
Traverse City, MI.
Events calendar.
Celebrating 80 years with parades, competitive
events, fun events, children's events, food, arts and crafts, car and
truck show, and air show and new events including a feast of cherries
and local wines and a world record attempt to host the world's largest
cherry pancake breakfast.
- Hopkins
Raspberry Festival Association - Mid July
175 Jackson
Ave North, Suite 417, Hopkins, MN 55343. Phone: 952-931-0878. Email:
Directions: Mainstreet between 6th & 12th Ave. The entire community of
Hopkins turns out on Mainstreet for Family Day to enjoy food, music and
dozens of vendors displaying their crafts. There are family oriented
activities available in Central Park. Events like lots of foods,
Inflatable Rides, music, bands, Pony Rides, sporting events, Face
Painting, Balloon Animals, Lip Sync Contest, Fireworks Central Park at
- Rhubarb Festival - June
Sylvan Park, Lanesboro,
Minnesota. You will be able to taste such delicious rhubarb delights as
pies, crisps, cakes, soups, chutneys, chili, jams, ketchup, leathers,
drinks and more. You will be the judge of the best of everything
rhubarb. After tasting your favorites, you vote. The winners of these
Peoples Choice Awards will win great prizes! The Rhubarb Olympics for
kids and adults will feature such wonders as the Rhubarb Stalk Throw and
Green Eggs and Rhubarb. The KTTC Morning News Team of Jess Abrahamson
and Ted Schmidt will open the event at 10 am. and toss out the first
stalk at 10:30 am There will be a Rhubarb Rant Speakers Corner for
those who want to pontificate on rhubarb. Music will be heard
Mississippi Pecan Festival - September
Richton, MS 39476.
Phone: 601-964-8201. Email:
fulmerrichton@aol.com. Admission $8.00, Children 4 & under free.
Enjoy some of the South's finest foods. Shop at over 250 booths from all
over the region. Sit and enjoy the most exciting stage in Mississippi.
Listen to Bluegrass and Gospel music in the shade of huge pecan trees.
Enjoy all the events that have made the MS Pecan Festival the favorite
among families.
- Huckleberry Festival - the weekend which starts with the
second Friday of August.
Trout Creek, MT 59874. Phone: (406)
827-5077. Email:
lcitrino@blackfoot.net. People flock to taste and purchase the
berries, sold on the park grounds to benefit the festival. Food vendors
feature the tasty "purple gold" in huckleberry ice cream cones,
"huckleberry pizza," on cheesecake, in drinks, and on Polish dogs. There
are Saturday and Sunday morning huckleberry pancake breakfasts. In
addition, more than 100 arts and crafts vendors display and sell their
wares at Trout Creek Community Park. Scheduled events include
entertainment on stage throughout the weekend, a parade, 5K fun run,
dancing under the stars, karaoke, dog agility demonstration, huckleberry
homesteader pentathlon, food by community groups, a pageant, an auction,
children's activities, horseshoe contest, and interfaith worship
service. (See the
Montana State Chokecherry Festival - annually, on the first
Saturday after Labor Day
408 Northeast Main Street, Lewistown, MT
59457. Phone: 535-5436. Email:
lewchamb@midrivers.com. The Chokecherry, a small, maroon-colored
fruit with a puckery taste that grows wild in Montana, will reign
supreme on the first Saturday after Labor Day. It's a time of wholesome
fun for everyone from tiny tykes to Grandpa. Attended by close to 3,000
people, the day starts with the Kiwanis Club serving an outdoor
breakfast at Main Street and Second Avenue. On the menu is pancakes,
served with -- what - else -- Chokecherry Syrup. From a Chokecherry
pit-spitting contest to art & craft booths (over 160 in 2007), a 5k and
1 mile run/walk. Chokecherry culinary contest, children activities, free
entertainment, the day is literally packed with fun things to do. Also
included is a classic car show. Comments from a visitor on September 24,
2008: "You should check out the Chokecherry Festival in Lewistown
Montana! It is amazing!! Parade, food venders, crafts, and a ton of
natural products all made from the local Chokecherries there! They have
a chokecherry spitting contest with the winner being crowned King of the
Festival! There is musical Entertainment also! It precedes by one day
the Utica Montana What the Hay day! Where local ranchers compete for
prizes with hay bale creations for miles in the fields while the public
can get a ballot and vote while driving through the area and stopping at
yet another craft bazarre in Utica! they are both simply amazing. "
- Whoop-Up Trail Days and Rhubarb Festival - June
7 Sixth Avenue SW, Conrad, MT 59425. Phone: 4406-271-7791. Email:
Directions:: Whoop-Up Days will be located in Conrad off I-15. Parade on
Main street, rodeo, etc at rodeo grounds - follow signs. 3 miles NE of
town. Activities begin Friday evening with a children's carnival and a
Rodeo Calcutta. Saturday morning the Conrad Lions Club offer a free
pancake breakfast. To work off those pancakes you can participate in the
Pondera Medical Center Fun Run. Conrad's youth warm up Main Street with
a parade of their own, followed by the general parade. The Whoop-Up
Rodeo will begin at 1 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Come help Conrad
celebrate a tradition! The newly added Rhubarb Festival (formerly the
Ulm Rhubarb Festival) will be held during Whoop-Up Trail Days. Rhubarb
pies, cinnamon rolls, jellies, cookies, bars and even ice cream will be
available for sale on Main Street throughout the day. Prizes given for
the best rhubarb pie and biggest rhubarb leaf contest.
- Fallon Canteloupe Festival - Thursday, August 23 through Sunday typically in late August
Churchill County Fairground, Fallon, NV 89407.
Phone: 775-722-3266. Email:
falloncantaloupefestival@gmail.com. We will have a carnival at the
Cantaloupe Festival & Country Fair again! Bringing 14 rides and midway
games, the carnival is sure to add great excitement for 2018. Look for
pre-sale tickets on sale in May to receive big discounts! Agriculture at
the Festival. The Fallon Cantaloupe Festival & Country Fair is dedicated
to our mission of providing a prime opportunity for all ages to learn
about agriculture in Nevada. Some of our booths that aim to educate
include the Churchill County FFA, 4-H, High Desert Youth Grange,
Churchill County Farm Bureau and more! Day Passes: $8, Children
3-10: $2. Concert Admission Included. Weekend Passes: $12,
Children 3-10: $3. FREE Parking ~ ATMs on site.
- Pomegranate Festival - November
Clark County Fairgrounds,
Logandale, NV. Enjoy pomegranate inspired dishes at restaurants throughout Madera, take part in
the Run For Your Life 5K at Home Grown Cellars pomegranate farm, see pomegranate
themed works of art from the Madera County Arts Council or enjoy the party at
the Pomegranate Festival on Saturday, November 5. The entire city will be
celebrating the pomegranate, all that's missing is you. Download the Event Schedule
Here. Follow our Event Schedule on Facebook
New Hampshire
Hampton Beach Seafood Festival - Seafood festival
Beach, Ocean Boulevard, Hampton, NH 03842. Phone: 603-926-8718. Email:
chris@hamptonchamber.com. Open: Friday September 11 to Sunday typically in mid September,
see this page for the schedule. Directions: Take I95 to Exit 2 in
Hampton, Bear Left after Hampton Toll Booth onto 101 East towards
Hampton, Take the first Exit, Exit 13 to Rte. 27 East, Follow the signs
to any of the 13 FREE Park and FREE Shuttle Parking lots. Payment: Cash,
only. This is the 26th annual seafood festival.(ADDED: August 31, 2015)
New Jersey
- The Cranberry Festival - a weekend in October, 9am to 4pm
Chattsworth, NJ. New Jersey's
cranberry harvest is the 3rd largest in the United States, and this
festival celebrates that along with the Pine Barrens & Local Culture.
The main attraction is the diverse showing of many artists & craftsmen,
some of which will also be demonstrating their crafts as well as
displaying them for sale. Admission to the festival is FREE. A donation
of $5.00 will be accepted if you use our highly recommended parking area
at the school located off of Second Street. (ADDED: May 19, 2012X)
- West Cape May Lima Bean Festival - Saturday, October
(Raindate: the next day)
West Cape May, NJ. The lowly legume takes
center stage beginning at 9 Am and delights locals and visitors alike
with her vast array of recipes, crafts, and products available. Call
Lauren Vitelli at 609-884-1005. Ext 3 for more information.
New Mexico
The Hatch Chile Festival - early September
Hatch, New Mexico. Labor Day weekend heralds the annual Hatch Chile
Festival, a two-day celebration of our world-famous crop. The festival
attracts over 30,000 visitors from all over the United States, including
such notables as the Food Network and the BBC. Festival goers can sample
famed chile recipes, watch the crowning of the chile festival queen, or
toss a horseshoe in celebration of our most famous crop. The event also
features chile ristra contests, artisan and food booths, and a carnival.
Visit our 2010 Events page.
New York
- New York City Central Park Frickin' Fruitluck - Every year in
mid August; in 2013: August 28, 2013 from 11am to 4pm
Meadow, Central Park, New York, NY. Open: August 28, 2013 from 11am to
4pm. Directions: Meet on the rocks by the Volleyball Court Street.
A visitor writes on August 19, 2013: "This Fruitluck is a
amazing way for everyone to come together in community, giving anyone
and everyone a chance to enjoy time space sweetness and good
conversation with some of the Pioneers and Fresh from the Woodstock
Fruit Festival! There Will be a Free Kendalini Yoga Class at 11:11am and
the Fruitluck will follow at 12:12pm going until you want to leave! Come
enjoy and make The Third Anual NYC Frickin' Fruitluck the Biggest One
YET!! Help Me Shout it out!! Invite your friends, family, acquaintances,
on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, pintrest, message boards, share through
Blog Posts, With Fog Horns and Message Boards!! Tell people you dont
know, just grab em and say.. "Hey are you going to the NYC Frickin'
Fruitluck on Wednesday the 28th? You Should!" This is a BYOB (Bring Your
Own Banana's/Fruit) event, but who knows there may be some Treats from
Woodstock!! It is a Durian Encouraged Event too BTW.... there is a bunch
in China Town NYC... No Need to Make a dish or bring Cutlery or Plates,
Just your Favorite Whole Fresh Ripe Raw Fruits and Veggies and hungry
Mohawk Valley Garlic and Herb
Festival - every year on the 2nd Saturday in
September, (September 14, 2013 at 10 am to 5 pm)
The Mustard
Seed, 410 Canal Place, Little Falls, NY 13365. Phone: 315-823-0718.
garlicfest@yahoo.com. Donation Admission of $3 per person, $10 per
family or group. Event schedule:
10am- Noon The Dharma Bums perform
on the main stage
12-1pm Monkey and the Crowbar acoustic wandering
2-5pm Annie and the Hedonists perform on the main stage
11-1pm Garlic Queen Pageant
Moss Island Tours at 11am and 1pm
Demos, lectures throughout the day. Eat, Stink and Be Merry!
- Woodstock Fruit
Festival - Every year in mid August; in 2013: August 18 to 25th,
Camp Walden, 429 Trout Lake Road, Diamond Point, NY 12824.
Open: August 18, 2013 to August 25, 2013. Directions: Meet on the rocks
by the Volleyball Court Street. See
our Facebook page
A visitor writes on August 19, 2013:
"IF you dont know about The Woodstock Fruit Festival your really should,
It is going on August 18th to 25th and will be jam Packed with the
movers and shakers of the Raw food Moment plus over 500 Health
enthusiasts!! Sign up today at
TheWoodstockFruitFestival Tons of the Pioneers and Attendees from
the Festival will be there to Enjoy a sweet afternoon with sweet peeps,
see our Facebook page
See our
Facebook page Excited to see you at WFF and at the Frickin'
- Silver Creek Festival of Grapes - the 3rd weekend
in September every year
Central Avenue, Silver Creek, NY 14136.
Phone: 716-934-9522. Alternate phone: 716-934-7334. Directions: From NYS
Interstate 90, exit 58, proceed west on Routes 5 & 20 to the Village of
Silver Creek. The Festival of Grapes features a ride midway, food
vendors, wine tent, children's and adult events, live music, arts &
crafts fair, grape stomping and a grand parade that begins on Sunday at
1 p.m. in downtown Silver Creek. This year all during the Festival of
Grapes all of the stores on Central Avenue at the foot of the hill will
be offering "Grape Deals" with "Bunches of Bargains". Visit all the
participating stores, get your grape bunch stamped and enter to win $50
cash. For information contact the Chamber of Commerce President, Sue
- Garlic Fest - September
Cuba, NY. They advertise it as
"A stinking good time!" (Or they used to any way....) Plans are under
way for the Sixth Annual Cuba Garlic Festival! Thank you to everyone who
helped to make last year's Festival another great success. We hope that
you all will plan to join us this year. Please check back as our 2010
website develops, plus be sure to visit the 2009 Festival website.
Vendors and Sponsors forms are available at the links below.
2009 Garlic Festival Site
North Carolina
Ayden Collard Festival - a weekend in September, September 10, 2021 and September 11, 2021
Ayden, NC. Phone: 252-531-3313 or 252-746-2266. Email: info@aydencollardfestival.com. We are the
"Official Collard Festival of the State of North Carolina" It all started in the spring of 1975 and now over 40 years old. Featuring a Collard Eating
Contest, Parade, Pageant, Entertainment, Vendors, Rides & Attractions. Typical schedule is (subject to change):
Friday, $20 Wristband Night
5 pm - Rides and Vendors OPEN!!
6:30pm - Kids Activities at the Stage 8 pm - Fantasy Band
9 am - Arts & Crafts & Vendors OPEN!
10 am - ACF Parade Starts
11 am - Rides and Vendors OPEN!!
12:00p - 2 pm - Purples the Clown @ the Stage
2 pm - Collard Eating Contest
6 pm - Live Music, Events for Kids, and So much More!
Indoor Art Show
No Pets allowed at the Festival. Only Service Animals!
North Carolina Sweet Potato Festival - a weekend in
Greene County Recreation Complex 342 Hwy 13 South Snow Hill,
NC 28580.
- The Geneva Grape
Jamboree - each year on the last weekend in September
(in 2013; September 28 & 29, 2013)
the intersection of route 534 and
route 20, Geneve, OH. The 50th Grape Jamboree celebrates the harvesting
of the local grapes. Visitors may taste freshly squeezed grape juice,
wine, and various other grape products. All grand-stand entertainment,
including the grape stomping contest, is free. Miss Grapette is featured
in the two giant parades each afternoon: Saturday at 1:30 pm. and
Sunday at 2 pm Rides, crafts, food, and other concessions pack the
downtown streets during this grape filled weekend. The Grape Grape
Jamboree is held on the last weekend each year in
September. Geneva is located one mile north of Route 90 at the
intersection of routes 20 and 534. Approximately 1500 acres of grapes
are grown in the Geneva, Ohio area. Most of the grapes are processed
into juices, concentrates or wine. Activities: ART SHOW,
One event at the festival deserves special attention: the ever-popular
Cornhole Tournament, which is a Double elimination bracket style
competition, You may not have known that Ohioans gaurd their cornholes
very carefully, and the tournament will be played in accordance with ACA
rules (American
Cornhole Association)! Each game is best of 3, play to 21. (7 point
mercy rule is in effect.) Held Sunday, September 29, 2013 (begins
promptly at 10am with a break for the parade and will resume at
3:30pm.). on West Main in front of Geneva Community Center. Teams must
contain 2 players. The tournament will be limited to 64 teams (first 64
paid entries accepted). Any member younger than the age of 18 must have
a parent or guardian as his or her partner.
Haus Apple Orchards and Cider Mill - The Haus Annual
KrautFest is November
6742 W Calla Road, Canfield, OH 44406.
Phone: 330-533-5305. Bring the whole family to our annual Haus Kraut
Feast! Join the fun with delicious food featuring our own homemade
sauerkraut, entertainment, contests, dancing, and the best Polka music
around. They also have a cider mill, restrooms, picnic area and U-pick
raspberries in late June and July; Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm,
Sunday from 12 pm to 5 pm farm open from May 1 to February; See their
website for for updates to hours and availability. Directions: See their
website for directions. Payment: Cash, only..
Comments from a visitor on August 11, 2010:
"Best apple cider i have ever tasted, nectar of the gods. family owned
and operated since i can remember and im 44 yrs old"
- sauerkraut Festival&URL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sauerkrautfestival.com/">Ohio sauerkraut
Festival - The Ohio sauerkraut Festival is always held the
second full weekend of October.
10B North Main St., Waynesville, Ohio
45068. Phone: (513) 897-8855. Open: October 11th 9 am to 8 pm and
October 12th 9 am to 6 pm. The Ohio sauerkraut Festival has grown
from a small local event in 1970 to one of the premier craft festivals
in the nation. We jury our 450+ vendors to ensure that all items are
handcrafted, and select items based on quality and variety. Our unique
food offerings range from sauerkraut pizza to fudge. Visitors return
year after year to sample their favorites, making the Ohio sauerkraut
Festival a favorite Midwest destination. Shuttle bus parking is provided
by the Athletic Boosters at Wayne Local High School on Dayton Road.
Follow shuttle parking signs. Private parking is available at various
locations surrounding the festival, but is not operated by, sanctioned,
or recommended by the Waynesville Area Chamber of Commerce of the Ohio
Sauerkraut Festival. Parking at these locations is at your own risk. Due
to safety concerns for both your pet and festival visitors, bringing any
animal to the festival is not permitted. However, service animals are
allowed. The Festival will be held rain or shine.
Yamhill Lavender Festival - Fresh cut lavender is available
for sale along with hundreds of lavender products., restrooms,
concessions or refreshment stand, picnic area, farm
animals, school tours
Beulah Park, Off Hwy 47 and 3rd St., Yamhill,
OR 97148. Phone: 503-887-3334. Email:
YamhillLavenderFestival@gmail.com. Open: July 9th 10am to 8pm and
July 10th 10am to 5pm. Directions: See their website for directions.
Payment: Cash, only. Our festival has only juried Artisans, Artists and
Vendors. We promote local business and organizations and our event is a
fundraiser for a local 501(c)3. The Yamhill Lavender Festival entices
you with live music, extraordinary art, exceptional handmade crafts,
live plants, and lavender in myriad forms. We are accepting canned food
donations. Home of the Oregon Lavender Plein Air Art Show and Sale, the
Yamhill Lavender Festival offers paintings created by artists from
around the Northwest who paint the blooming lavender fields for two
weeks prior to the Festival. Admission is free.
- Lancaster County Rhubarb Festival - a wekend in May
Intercourse, Pa. Rhubarb is the harbinger of spring in Pennsylvania
Dutch Country, and every year Kitchen Kettle Village pays tribute with a
two-day food festival filled with delicious and sometimes zany events.
There are plenty of activities for young and old, families and couples
alike. See the fastest rhubarb cars in the world's only rhubarb race-car
derby. Savor the tastiest homemade rhubarb desserts at our Best Rhubarb
Dessert baking contest. Dance down Pepper Lane to our Rhubarb Stroll
(mini parade) featuring costumed characters, musicians, pink ladies and
more. Or try your hand in our Rhubarb Whoopie Pie Filling Contest. Lot's
of homemade rhubarb foods ; rhubarb dips, sauces, pies & delectable
Pennsylvania Sweetpotato Festival at The Wellness Farm
- a Saturday, in September from 10 A.M. until 6 P.M. Rain or Shine
19310 Dutton Road, Stewartstown, PA 17363. Phone: (717) 993-3081. Email:
Comments from a visitor on July 02, 2011: "The PA Sweetpotato
Festival is in its 11th year. The festival is the last Saturday in
September every year. In 2011 it will be held on September 24th. The
Festival celebrates the nutritious, delicious Sweetpotato with more than
a dozen foods made from sweet potatoes including: chocolate SP pie, ice
cream soup, fries, SP punch, baked SP with toppings and SP pancakes. Dig
your own sweet potatoes; 12 different varieties. Music, entertainment,
prize drawing; free admission. The festival is located West of
Stewartstown, PA at 19310 Dutton Road, zip code 17363."
South Carolina
- South Carolina Sweet Potato Festival -
Public Square
Downtown, Darlington, SC 29532. Phone: 843-393-3526. Attractions include
games for the children, crafts, music, live entertainment, a car show
and plenty of food, including sweet potato pie! Sponsored by the Pilot
Club of Darlington. Admission is free. Held the second Saturday in
October each year on the Public Square in downtown Darlington.
- Midland Valley Sweet Potato Festival -
Community Commission, P.O. Box 301, Langley, SC. 29834. Phone: (803)
593-9260. Email:
Black Island Farms Harvest Festival - carrots, pumpkins,
other vegetables, Other fruit or veg, produce for sale, parking provide
free, snacks and refreshment stand, musical entertainment, restrooms,
picnic area, face painting, farm animals, events at your location (call
for info)
3178 S. 3000 W., Syracuse, UT 84075. Phone: 801 5407932.
Fax: 801 5407932. Email:
dorathylaw@msn.com. Directions: Crops are usually available in
September, October. Open: mid-September to November 1, Monday to
Thursday, 4pm to 10pm Friday 4pm to midnight Saturday 10am to midnight
Sunday 1pm to 5pm. Payment: Cash, Check. Cabbage, squash, gourds,
Payson Golden Onion Days - September
Payson, UT. Helicopter rides, a parade, talent contents, law mower
races, an dloads of onion dishes!
Woodland Chokecherry Festival - late September
Farm, Bench Creek Rd, Woodland, UT. Phone: 435-513-4607. The festival
celebrates the rich heritage of the community, with the name derived
from the Chokecherry bushes that abundantly grow on the benches and
hillsides. The celebration began in 2008 when a group of Woodland
resident decided that a community celebration was needed. The festival
will be held at the Church Farm on Bench Creek Rd, just past the
Woodland Church. 10 am: Boutique - Booths of all kinds. Plenty of
Chokecherry Jelly! Runs All Day.
10 am: Kids Fun - Bounce House,
Pumpkin Patch, Face Painting, Train Ride. All Day.
10 am: Petting
Zoo - All Day
10 am: Historic Wagon Ride. Hear some interesting
historical tales of the settlement of Woodland while lazily riding on a
wagon on a beautiful, fall ride. All Day.
10 am: Food Court.
Delicious hot dogs, nachos, scones, popcorn, cotton candy and more! All
4:30 - 6 Pm - Dinner Show. Adults $10. Children $4. A
delicious slow roasted pork loin bathed in your choice of apple/onion
sauce or tangy chokecherry pork sauce, potatoes, zucchini, salad,
veggies, relishes, dessert and bubbling, delicious homemade rootbeer.
The dinner show features local talented singers, musicians and
actors portraying life in Woodland in the "old days!" Contact Billie Sue
McNeil @ 435-513-4607.
- Suffolk Peanut Festival - a weekend in October
Executive Airport, 1410 Airport Road, Suffolk, Virginia 23434. Phone:
757-539-6751. Fax: 757-539-6762. Email:
info@SuffolkFest.org. Suffolk Peanut Fest offers concerts, amusement
rides, contests and competitions, a demolition derby, a truck and
tractor pull, motorcycle rally, fireworks and much more. Combine all of
these great activities with local and national entertainment and you
have a weekend full of good times!
- 38th Annual Virginia Cantaloupe Festival - Friday, July 27
Berry Hill
Resort, South Boston, Virginia. Featuring delicious Halifax County
Cantaloupes! All Inclusive Ticket ticket includes live entertainment,
delicious food, ice cold beverages, and FUN. Live Entertainment: Beach,
soul, blues and rock music will have you tapping your toes and dancing
in the grass. Historic Berry Hill Resort is the backdrop for an
evening of fun, friends, and food.
EcoTulips Organic Tulip Festival - Certified Organic, concessions or refreshment stand, porta-potties are available, picnic area
3320 Lillards Ford
Road, Brightwood, VA 22715. Phone: 434-242-6369. Email:
info@ecotulips.com. Open: Festival Dates April 7 to April 8, 10 am
to 6 pm, April 14 to April 15, 10 am to 6 pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Organic Tulips March 31 to
April 20. We are certified organic for all crops! Payment: Cash, Check,
Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard.
Click here for our Facebook page. This years tulip festival will
include Tulip Talks with the Tulip Man, Dutch Treats,Wine,Organic
Food,Tulip Inspired Art,Puppet Shows and Eco-Super Hero Day!.
Washington, D.C.
Washington State
- Huckfest: Bingen Huckleberry Festival - September
Daubenspeck Park, Bingen WA. Phone: 509-493-3607. Email:
huckleberryfest@yahoo.com. Family fun! Carnival, parade, food,
talent show, entertainment, our famous bratwurst and micro brew fest.
There will be a classic car show/display from 12:00 noon - 5 pm
just south of the park on Saturday, September 11th. This show will be
not be judged, but a good placed to show off your classic car or truck.
- Northest Raspberry Festival - a weekend in July
Downtown, Lynden, WA 98264. Phone: (360) 354-5995. Email:
West Virginia
- Warrens Cranberry Festival, Inc - The festival takes place
the last full weekend in September (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Booths
open at 7 a.m. each day and remain open until around 5 or 6 pm,
depending on weather and the size of the crowds
402 Pine Street,
Warrens, WI 54666. Phone: 608-378-4200. Fax: 608-378-4250. Cranberry
marsh tours take place Friday and Saturday of the festival. Ticket sales
start at 7 a.m. each day, and tours run every 15 minutes from 8 am to 3 p.m. both days. Make sure to get your tickets early! The tours often
sell out by noon, and tickets are only sold at the Municipal Building
where the tour begins. There are no reservations taken in advance.
British Columbia
Nova Scotia
Wakefield Rhubarb Festival - February
Wakefield, England. The Wakefield Festival of Food, Drink and Rhubarb is
one of the first major events in the UK's foodie calendar.
event, organised by Wakefield Council, takes place in February every
year. The festival celebrates the traditional links with rhubarb growing
in Wakefield, while offering the finest and tastiest regional produce
and showcasing the most talented local chefs. Wakefield's famous rhubarb
has joined the hallowed ranks of Europe's protected foods. Yorkshire
Forced Rhubarb has been elevated to the same status as Champagne and
Parma Ham. The festival will include street entertainment, cookery
demonstrations, walks, tours, a Deliciously Yorkshire market and visits
to the rhubarb growers. The final programme is still under wraps but the
festival will be bigger and better than ever with new features to appeal
to all the family.
(English websites)