Find a local pick your own farm here!

Looking for a local, pick-your-own farm in Clackamas County, Oregon? Scroll down this page and you will see the U-Pick farms in Clackamas County, Oregon, sorted by county. Those that offer organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name  (see "What does Organic mean?"). The U-pick crops they offer follow the name of the farm. To search the page for a specific crop, use Ctrl-F (or on an ipad or Mac, use their "search on this page" function) If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website. If you find anything outdated or inaccurate, see the customer and farmer menus (as appropriate) at the top menu bar to submit updates and corrections and help me keep each current!

New! As inflation remains high, see this page for reliable (tested) brands of generic canning lids at lower costs, and cost-saving measures for getting fruit and vegetables and home canning.
 If you are having a hard time finding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.

New! Road tripping and camping is a great way to have a fun, safe and inexpensive family trip. The national and state parks and monuments are open, and campgrounds usually cost between $10 and $40 per night. September to November is the best camping weather.  See our new website Road Tripping and for tips, tricks, guides, checklists and info about parks, monuments and other places to visit.

New! We just went live with our latest website, - As they name implies, you can find a fun factory tour, including chocolate, automobiles, historical forts and sites, famous buildings, Active Federal facilities even fun geology: like fossils and volcanic areas

Note: Beware the copycat websites like the one that stole our name and uses .farm extension: they copied my work and do NOT even update the info! I make updates EVERY day. They use tech tricks to get higher rankings, but have many more inaccuracies and out-dated info. Obviously, I cannot check every farm every day, but I do check as many as I can every day, and respond to all requests.  They don't. Don't support the scammers!

Remember to always check with the farm's own website or Facebook page before you go - or call or email them if they don't have a website or Facebook page. Conditions at the farms and crops can change literally overnight, so if you want to avoid a wasted trip out there - check with the farm directly before you go! And if you know of any farms I missed and want to add a farm, please let me know!   I'm making updates for this year as fast as I can - if you find anything out-of-date, wrong or not working - please let me know! This website is supported by purchases you make through the links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This allows me to continue to maintain the website and make improvements!

What's in season in March 2025, and other timely information:

Notes for March 2025: The northern half of the U.S. (and most of Canada, of course) are under snow. So, the crops to pick are pretty much limited to Florida, Texas, southern California and a few other areas of the Deep South.  Citrus, for one, is a crop that is usually available now; and in those areas, soon also strawberries and blueberries. Check your area's crop calendar (see this page) and call your local farms for seasonal updates.

We also have a website for both Valentine's Day information, facts and fun and one for St. Patrick's day (including great recipes for corned beef, Irish stew, etc.)

Children's Consignment Sales occur in both the Spring and Fall  See our companion website to find a local community or church kid's consignment sale!

Next year, don't miss an Easter Egg Hunt for your children: See our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt!

See these pages to find an upcoming local Strawberry Festival, or a Cherry or cherry blossom festival or a Blueberry festival.

Are carpenter bees boring holes into your house, shed or barn? There is a simple non-toxic solution!

NEW! Start your own tomato, pepper, squash and other vegetable plants from seed - It's easy and costs about 50 cents per plant.
Also see our Master list of tomato varieties,  with descriptions, details and links to ordering the seeds.

We also have easy home canning, jam and jelly making, preserving, drying and freezing directions. You can access recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write me! It is easy to make your own ice cream, even gelato, or low fat or low sugar ice cream - see this page. Also note, there are many copycat website listing U-pick farms now.  They have all copied their information from here and usually do not ever update.  Since 2002, I've been updating the information every day but Christmas; so if you see anything wrong or outdated, please write me!


Clackamas County, Oregon U-Pick Farms and Orchards in 2025, by county

Click on the resources drop-down above, if you need a county mapOregon Portland area crop calendar

Clackamas County

  • Agro Works Inc. - blueberries
    13651 SE Orient Dr., Boring, OR 97009. Phone: (503) 668-6547. Email: Member grower of the Oregon Blueberry Commission.
  • Albeke Farms - Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, Marionberries, Boysenberries, Gravenstein, Macintosh, Melrose apples, peaches, pickles, tomatoes, beans, pumpkins, Concord grapes
    16107 S. Wilson Road, Oregon City, OR 97045. Phone: 503-632-3989. Open: June-October; Monday to Friday, 9 am to 7 pm, Saturday 9 am to 5 pm, Sunday 12 pm to 5 pm, U-Picks change daily, so please call ahead for availability; Fall Hours Begin in September; Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm. Directions: 10 minutes from I-205. Take Park Place (exit 10) onto Hwy 213, to Beavercreek Rd.; turn left, go 3 miles to Wilson Road. Albeke Farms Facebook page. U-pick/ready picked: Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, Marionberries, Boysenberries, Gravenstein, Macintosh, Melrose apples, peaches, pickles, tomatoes, beans, pumpkins, Concord grapes. Fresh picked in stand: super sweet corn, sweet cherries, cots, pears, apples, country crafts and more. U-pick/ready picked: Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, Marionberries, Boysenberries, Gravenstein, Macintosh, Melrose apples, peaches, pickles, tomatoes, beans, pumpkins, Concord grapes. Fresh picked in stand: super sweet corn, sweet cherries, cots, pears, apples, country crafts and more. .
  • B&B Blueberries - permanently closed
    15761 Sw Oberst Lane, Sherwood, OR 97140. UPDATE for 2021, Their website says they are permanently closed. B&B Blueberry Farm has closed its business. We are no longer open for UPick and no longer have blueberry bushes.
  • Baker Road Peaches - peaches, Fresh eggs, U-pick and already picked
    24354 SW Baker Rd, Sherwood, OR 97140. Phone: (503) 508-1455. Email: Open: PYO OR WE PICK, Monday to Friday 4 pm to 7 pm and Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 6 pm. Directions: from Wilsonville, take Tooze rd west and turn right on Baker rd from Tualatin/ Sherwood take Oregon st to Murdock which turns into baker going south. Harvest is usually the 2nd to 4th week of august. Payment: cash, check. Harvest dates; usually the 2nd to 4th week or August.; large veteran peaches average 10 to 14 oz; greater for canning, jam, pie, and freezing. (ADDED: June 30, 2019) (ADDED: June 30, 2019)
  • Beach Family Farm - blueberries,
    27626 S.w. 147th Avenue, Sherwood, OR 97140. Phone: 503-625-6314. Email: Open: Month of July; through early August on Wednesday through Sunday, 9 am to 4 pm. Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. Click here for a link to our Facebook page. Beach Family Farm is a family farm indeed, raising a delicious variety of natural, pesticide-free Blueberries for u-pickers who would like to enjoy a tranquil visit to the country without a lengthy drive. We meticulously maintain our field with loving care, with grass-filled paths down the rows for ease of footing and cleanliness of shoe. And we prune our plants so they are easily reachable by people of all sizes and ages.
  • Bethany's Blueberry GardensBethany's Blueberry GardensBethany's Blueberry Gardens - Minimizes chemical and pesticide use, FREE blueberries, porta-potties, restrooms
    28500 Sw Mountain Road, West Linn, OR 97068. Phone: (503) 312-2619. Alternate Phone: (503) 339-7595. Fax: 503-385-1129. Email: Open: July 7 and July 8 2018 from 7 am to 12 pm. Directions: From I-205 - Stafford Road to Mountain Road, 28500 SW Mountain Road From I-5 Wilsonville Road to Turn Right on Advance Road toward Canby Ferry. Turn Right on to Mountain Road to 28500 SW Mountain Road. We minimize use of pesticides and other chemicals. Payment: Blueberry limit- 1 lb per person per day - they are free U- pick berries for my daughter's memorial event. Free - no payments needed for anything. Bethany's Blueberry Benefit July 7 and 8 2018. Bethany (our daughter) was killed by a stalker in March 2018 and we are offering a free blueberry u-pick in her honor. She helped with the gardening of the blueberries and loved them. (UPDATED: June 24, 2018) (ADDED: June 20, 2018)
  • Blueberries (U-Pick) - No pesticides are used, blueberries,
    19755 S. Unger Road, Beavercreek, OR 97004. Open: UPDATE: June 20, 2021: The owner tells me they are closed until next season (2021), (their 2021 blueberry crop was hit by a late freeze, so there are no blueberries in 2021) . Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check. Our 2020 price is $1.00 per pound. We do not use any sprays or pesticides on our crops. (UPDATED: July 05, 2020)
  • Blueberry Hill Farm - permanently closed
    13794 SW Roy Rogers Rd, Sherwood, OR 97140.Open: UPDATE for 2021, Their website says they are permanently closed.
    After 32 years in business and circumstances beyond our control, Blueberry Hill Farm is permanently closed.
  • Browns Blueberries - blueberries,
    13651 SE Orient Drive, Boring, OR 97009. Phone: (503) 668-6547. Email:
    (ADDED: July 16, 2024, JBS)
  • Bompa's Blueberry Farm - blueberries,
    21048 S. South End Road, Oregon City, OR 97045. Email: Open: Usually open mid-July and August; Check website for dates and times we are open for picking. Directions: From Portland: Take I205 South and get off at exit 9. Turn left on McLoughlin / Highway 99. Follow Highway 99 for 6.1 miles (toward Canby). Turn left on South End Road. You will see a flashing yellow light at the intersection. Drive to the third driveway on your right. From Canby: Take Highway 99 toward Oregon City. Turn right on South End Road (between mile post 17 and 18). Drive to the third driveway on your right. Payment: Cash, and Venmo. Bompa's Blues Facebook page. 2020 price was U-Pick $2.00 per pound (which is a great price!). Buckets and bags provided. (UPDATED: June 24, 2021)
  • Bushue Family Farm Market and Nursery - beans, corn (sweet), cucumbers, flowers, peas, peppers, pumpkins, raspberries (red), raspberries (Autumn, red), summer squash, winter squash, strawberries, tomatoes, porta-potties are available, school tours
    9880 Se Revenue Rd, Boring, OR 97009. Phone: 503-663-6709. Email: Open: Dependent on availability; Call to arrange picking times; 2017 U-Pick Raspberries from 9am to 2pm on dates announced on our website, plus more times Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates: Click here for picking updates. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Flowers and Flowering Baskets: May through mid-Summer U-pick strawberries: Early to Mid-June U-pick produce: Throughout the summer months; U-cut flowers: Fall Pumpkins: October. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard. Click here for our Facebook page. Sorry, but no dogs at the farm please. We offer a wide range produce for U-Pick here on the farm. Starting with strawberries in June, moving into raspberries, green beans, tomatoes and sweet and hot peppers through the summer and into the fall. Raspberries in 2017 are $1.85 per pound, please bring your own containers! It's also recommended you wear long pants as they rows often have some branches sticking out into them and the lower ones can be prickly against bare legs.
  • Captain Blueberry - blueberries, U-pick and already picked, porta-potties are available
    28760 Folsom Rd, Eagle Creek, OR 97022. Phone: 503-807-4219. Alternate Phone: 503-333-8270. Email: Open: Call for hours, open according to weather and harvest. Captain Blueberry Facebook page. Directions: One mile west of highway 224 on folsom road 3 miles north of Estacada. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
  • Cloud Country Blueberry Farm - blueberries,
    21095 S Lower Highland Rd, Beavercreek, OR 97004. Phone: (503) 504-5083. Email:
    (ADDED: July 16, 2024, JBS)
  • Davis Farms - blueberries, Fresh eggs, U-pick and already picked
    40860 Se Kitzmiller Rd, Eagle Creek , OR 97022. Phone: 503-637-5105. Alternate Phone: 503-637-3621. Email: Open: Monday - Saturday from 8am to 2pm Mid June thru August Call first. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. (ADDED: June 22, 2015)
  • Don't Be Blueberries Organic U-Pick - Uses natural growing practices, blueberries,
    34796 Se Gunderson Rd, Sandy, OR 97055. Phone: (503) 734-6842. Alternate Phone: (503) 734-6790. Email: Open: Sunrise to sunset. Berries are typically available from early July to Late August. Directions: Call for directions. We use natural organic practices, and are subject to the NOP small quantity exemption. Payment: Cash, only. (UPDATED: July 07, 2021) (ADDED: July 14, 2015)
  • Elliott Prairie Farm - blueberries,
    32747 S. Orchard Ln,Woodburn, OR 97071. Phone: (503) 634-2615. Email:
    (ADDED: July 16, 2024, JBS)
  • Farmer John's Produce & Nursery - Uses natural growing practices, apples, blackberries, raspberries, marionberries, peaches, boysenberries, strawberries, blueberries, pumpkins, other pyo crops
    15000 SW Oldsville Road, McMinnville, OR 97128. Phone: (503) 474-3514. Email: Open: Season: Mid April - October 31st and December. Spring Hours: Mon./Wed.-Sat. 9 am to 6pm, Sunday 10 am to 6 pm, Closed Tuesdays. Summer Hours: Monday to Sat. 9 am to 7pm. Fall Hours: Monday to Sun. 9 am to 6pm. Winter Hours: Thurs. - Sun. 9 am to 6pm, December .24th: 9 am to 2:30pm. Berries, produce, and cut flowers grown by 5th generation farmers! From our family to yours since 1882. Offering U-pick and we-pick.
  • Fiala Farms - flowers, pumpkins, porta-potties are available, birthday parties, weddings and wedding parties, school tours, group reservations, events at your location (call for info)
    21231 Sw Johnson Road, West Linn, OR 97068. Phone: 971-777-3727. Email: Open: Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 6 pm; Saturday and Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm, July 9 to October 31. Directions: We are located South of Lake Oswego about 4 miles. At the intersection of SW Stafford Road ans SW Johnson Road, follow SW Johnson Road 1 mile to our farm. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard, AmEx. (ADDED: May 17, 2016)
  • Fir Point Farms - U-cut flowers, pumpkin patch
    14601 Arndt Road, Aurora, OR 97002. Phone: 503-678-2455. Directions: I-5 south to Canby exit 282A. Turn left on Arndt Road. Family Farm-Farm Animals-Fresh Fruit & Veggies. Greenhouses - gift shop & deli. By reservation: Group tours, picnics. Parking Free. Fresh produce: Apples to zucchini. Corn is supersweet. Pumpkin Patch. visit with Friendly Farmers. Usually available: April- December . Open: 10-6 Tues-Sun. Closed Mon.
  • Flower Farmer / Phoenix & Holly Railroad - u-cut fowers, pumpkins, train
    2512 N. Holly, Canby, OR. Phone: 503-266-3581. Email: Open: May-October, daily 10 am to 6 pm. There are already picked fruits and vegetables available. The train is open weekends from 10 am to 6 pm. Train ride through acres of flowers to see the farm animals. Pick up fresh fruit and veggies at our fruit stand. Select your fresh bouquet from our field. Summer Basil Festival, October Pumpkin Run, Holiday festivities. We can also help with Weddings, Receptions, Dried Flowers, Group Events, Special Events, Birthday Parties And Much More . There are many attractions for your next event here at the Flower Farmer in Canby, Oregon. Kids and adults alike love to ride the Phoenix & Holly Railroad. Your next event at the Flower Farmer will be a memorable experience and one you won't soon forget!In this fun farm setting, there's room to move. Children will have lots of room to run and play. We even have farm animals they will beg to experience.. .
  • Glover's Century Farm - blueberries
    29177 SE Hwy. 224, Eagle Creek, OR 97022. Phone: 503-637-3820. Email: Open: from mid July, 7 days a week, Monday thru Friday 9-7 pm; Saturday 9-8pm; Sunday 10-4. Please call prior to coming to make sure the field is open that day during the season. Some berries will take longer to ripen and some days my be too hot. 2017 U-pick Blueberries $1.50 a pound. Clean field, lots of parking, and bathroom available for pickers. When you arrive please go to the back of the house to the scale stand and ring the bell to be checked in.Please Bring your own containers. Please call first before coming to pick to check if we are open. Directions: 13 miles toward Estacada from I-205 Clackamas Exit. 6 miles north of Estacada.
  • Hartnell Farms - U-pick & fresh picked raspberries, pole beans, cucumbers, tomatoes
    8481 SE Jannsen Road, Clackamas, OR 97015. Phone: 503-657-5498. Open: 9 am to 6:30 pm; Usually available May-October. Directions: I-205 exit 12 West, right at McKinley, 2 blocks right at Johnson Road, 1 block right at Jannsen Road 1/2 block. Farmer owned produce stand. 1/2 block. Also pre-picked strawberries, blueberries, peaches, pears, apples, squash, corn, boysens, marions, carrots, beets, salad vegs, other fruits & vegs, pumpkin patch, hanging baskets. Closed Sun.
  • Harwood Farm - blueberries, UPDATE for 2022 - No PYO this year;
    18010 S. Dillman Road, Oregon City, OR 97045. Phone: (503) 631-3829. Alternate Phone: (503) 803-3528. Email: Open: Harwood Farm will not be open to the general public for picking blueberries this year, However, freeze dried blueberries will be available for mailing. Directions: Take Redland Road, turn onto Henrici road, turn south off Henrici Road onto Dillman Road (which is the first street off Henrici west of Redland Road), turn right where Dillman intersects itself and proceed until road appears to end, then turn up our driveway. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check. Please call before coming to check availability and make an appointment. No dogs allowed. Picking is enjoyable with lawn grass between the rows of berries. Click here for a link to our Facebook page. (UPDATED: July 10, 2020)
  • H.I. Bar Farms - blueberries, concessions or refreshment stand, porta-potties are available, restrooms, picnic area, picnic area you may bring your own food, weddings and wedding parties, school tours, group reservations
    25271 S. Springwater Rd, Estacada, OR 97023. Phone: (503) 407-5673. Email: Open: Monday and Tuesday by appointment only; Wednesday to Sunday 9 am to 6pm. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Blueberry season is typically the first part of June to late August or early-mid September if we get very lucky!. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx. Click here for our Facebook page. We are able to host special events, tastings, BBQ's, weddings etc. Free popsicles for kids, any questions please call, text, or Email. We are quick to return messages. Feel free to call for appointments on short notice even on Monday and Tuesdays.
  • Hidden Creek - blueberries
    28770 S. Elisha Rd., Canby, OR 97013. Phone: (541) 740-7456. Email: Member grower of the Oregon Blueberry Commission.
  • Holly Blue Acres - blueberries,
    23556 SW Gage Road, Wilsonville, OR 97070. Phone: (503) 592-6094. Email: Open: Season: Call or see website for open days and times. Directions: From I-205 Head south on SW Stafford Road. Turn left onto SW Newland Road. Make a slight right turn onto SW Gage Road. Turn left at first paved lane. Drive down until you see a blueberries sign. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check. Now also accepting Zelle as a payment option.
    (UPDATED: June 04, 2024)
  • Jay's Blueberries - blueberries
    18068 E. Edgewood Ct., Oregon City, OR 97045. Phone: 503-631-3345. Email:
  • Joe Casale & Son - strawberries, Farm market,
    13116 NE Denbrook Road, Aurora, OR 97002. Phone: 503-678-0291. Open: Note: they may have closed, their phone just rings, no answer (July 2017); Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm, closed Sundays. Directions: I-5 south Charbonneau dist. exit 282B or northbound Canby exit 282. U-pick, ready pick, farm produce stand, call for availability, bring containers. Beans, cabbage, corn, tomatoes, beets, cukes (slicers, picklers), peppers, dill, squash, garlic, broc., potatoes, onions, basil, flowers. Usually available: June strawberries, July 16 veggies, season ends Nov 1.
  • Justy's Produce and Flowers - You-pick chestnuts, concord grapes, dahlias, fava beans, gypsy peppers, raspberries, tomatoes
    7924 SE Lake Road, Milwaukie, OR 97267. Phone: 503-659-4169. Email: Open: Monday thru Saturday from 10 am to 7 pm; closed Sunday . Directions: 100 yards south of Hwy. 224 on Johnson Road. We have been farming in Milwaukie, OR for 5 generations since 1910. We are a chemical free farm and a full service farm market. We are committed to bringing you the finest produce from the Northwest. Pre-picked: apples, apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cabbage, cauliflower, cherries, chestnuts, concord grapes, corn, cukes, dahlias, eggplants, fava beans, figs, filberts, garlic, green beans, honey, onions, peaches, pears, peppers, potatoes, prunes, pumpkins, quince, raspberries, shallots, squash, strawberries, tomatoes, walnuts, zucchini. Usually available: May-November. We sell Our Own, Home grown, Chemical Free fruits and Vegetables. We also have seasonal locally grown produce. Not only that but we also have Hormone free Milk,cheeses, Butter, eggs, Chips and condiments, dried fruit, jams, jellies, and ice cream.
  • Karam Farm And Garden - blackberries, blueberries, corn (sweet), cucumbers, eggplants, peas, peppers, raspberries (yellow), tomatoes, other vegetables, prepicked produce, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, pony rides, farm animals
    16408 S. Hattan Road, Oregon City, OR 97045. Phone: 503-631-8722. Email: KARAMFARMGARDEN@GMAIL.COM. Open: 6 days a week from 9-6. Closed on Tuesday. Directions: from Tigard-West LinnI-205, take exit #10, 213-Oregon City/Mollala, go to the Second light and turn Right on Redland Road, (2 miles will be Karam Nursery pass & continue up Redland) go about 5-6miles and turn Left at FisherMill Road, First road on left will be Hattan Rd, turn Left On Hattan Road and drive for 1/2 mile and we are on the Right Click here for a map and directions. Payment: cash, check. No Chemical Farm!!! Over 10 acres of U-Pick vegetables , We have so much ready for Upick and a full Produce Store with all our Fresh veggies, Hoodriver Peaches, Nectarines and Plums, Local Beets, Our fresh picked Melons, Onions and Potatoes and so much More. Our fresh farm eggs too Fresh picked - Hoodriver Bartlett Pears, Pluots, Nectarines, Italian Plums, Peaches, Red Gala Apple, Gala Apple, Honey Crisp and Gravenstein Apples and Grapes just in now! U-pick ready Now -Tomatoes- EarliGirl and Beefsteak are .60 cents lb these are loaded ripe for easy picking . Heirloom and Specialty $1.79 lb and Cherry tomatoes are 1.29 lb -Several types of Peppers from Hot to Sweet- Gypsy, Bell, Hungarian Yellow, Sweet Banana, Cherry, Lilac, Black Hungarian and More .99lb Small Peppers -Cayenne Hot Chili's and Serrano -CORN-bicolor Super Sweet now only 4 for $1 -Cabbage- Green .39 lb, Red .49 lb -Yellow and Purple Beans .79 lb -Leeks -Pickling Cucumbers .89 lb. call for avail. -Lemon Cucumbers 5 for $1 -Slicing and Burpless Cucumbers 4 for $1 -Sultan and Armenian Cucumbers 1.29 lb -Eggplant- Japanese (long Slender) , Kamo (Small Round) and Thai White .99 lb Large Eggplant $1.19 lb -Squash- Mexican, Acorn, Zucchini, Golden .59lb And More! (UPDATED: April 29, 2022)
  • Kelso Blueberries - Blueberries, peaches,
    28951 SE Church Road, Boring, OR 97009. Phone: 503-663-6830. Open: Friday and Saturday from 8 am to 6 pm, Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm. Days of operation may vary: may be open other days; please call. Directions: Please call for directions. Blueberries: U-pick, ready picked. Peaches u-pick only. Please bring containers for u-pick. Please call for availability and directions. Recorder on, messages returned promptly during open hours. Peach varieties: Candor, Suncrest, veteran, improved elberta.
  • Lone Elder Produce 2 - Tomatoes, pickling cukes, eggplants, peppers
    8800 S. Alder Creek Lane, Canby, OR 97013. Phone: 503-263-3740.Open: 9am to 7pm Monday to Saturday, Closed Sunday.  Directions: 1 1/2 miles off Hwy 99E on South Ivy. Also pre-picked Beans, berries, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, eggplants, fresh fruits, herbs, leaf vegetables, melons, onions, peas, peppers, pickling cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, squash, tomatoes, zucchini and lots more. Please call ahead for availability. Usually available: April - October.
  • Lucas Ridge Farms - Uses natural growing practices, blueberries, farm animals
    21999 S Circle Diamond Ln, Estacada, OR 97023. Phone: (503) 849-1436. Email: Open: see our website for current hours. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Our season runs from late June through end of July;. We use natural practices, but are not seeking organic certification. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard.
    Lucas Ridge Farms Facebook page.
    Lucas Ridge Farms Instagram page.
    (ADDED: July 07, 2024)
  • Marquam Meadows Fruit - apples, Fresh eggs, porta-potties are available, farm animals
    9924 Marquam Circle, Molalla, OR 97038. Phone: 503-829-5047. Email: Open: Monday through Friday: please call ahead; Saturday: 7am to 7pm; Sunday: 1pm to 7 pm. Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates: Click here for picking updates. Directions: Located between Molalla and Silverton, just off of Highway 213. Coming from the North, pass Molalla and travel south on highway 213; 6 miles past Safeway. Coming from the South, go through Silverton and travel North on highway 213. We are one mile north of Marquam. Click here for a map and directions. Apples: August 15th to November 1st; Eggs: available in limited quantity throughout apple season. Payment: Cash, Check. Click here for our Facebook page. Apple varieties: Gravenstein, Akane, Cox's Orange Pippin, Honeycrisp, Ida Red, Melrose, Jonagold, Mutsu (yellow Delicious type), Northern Spy, and Braeburn (late October), Spijon. We pick apples are also available for your convenience. Other fresh produce is available in our area; please ask and we will share our favorite places with you. We are family owned and operated U-Pick Apple Orchard. U-Pick and We-Pick apples are available throughout the harvest season.. We have several popular apple varieties, but also like to show our customers and friends the little known varieties we grow in our 500 tree apple orchard. This is a great family outing for all ages. No ladders needed! The apples are within easy reach. Dogs on leash are welcome as well. Come see us soon!
  • Moon Ridge Farms -Certified Organic, beans, blackberries, blueberries, carrots, cherries, corn (sweet), cucumbers, flowers, herbs or spices, onions, peas, peppers, pumpkins, strawberries, tomatoes, Other fruit or veg, and prepicked produce, gift shop, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, farm animals, birthday parties, weddings and wedding parties, and other events at our farm (call for info)
    25113 S Ridge Road, Beavercreek, OR 97004. Phone: 503-632-0462. Email: Directions: located on 40 acres in the Upper Willamette Valley in Beavercreek, Oregon, 35 minutes from Portland. Click here for a map and directions. Crops are usually available in June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Open: Friday through Monday 9am to 5pm (Weekends and by appt only). Moon Ridge Farms Facebook page. We are certified organic for all crops! Payment: Cash, Check. U-Pick or ready to order. Also Lingonberries. They currently offer certified organic Blueberries, Blackberries, Seasonal Veggies, Yacon products and Flowers. . U pick by appointment for 2020 .Farm stay is also open for guests to stay and enjoy the farm.
  • Morning Shade Farm - Minimizes chemical and pesticide use, apples, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, currants (red and black), gooseberries, marionberries, pears, plums, pumpkins, raspberries (Autumn, red), summer squash, winter squash, tomatoes, other vegetables, Other fruit or veg, Honey from hives on the farm, porta-potties are available, picnic area
    8345 S. Barnards Road, Canby, OR 97013. Phone: 503-651-2622. Email: Open: Check web page for seasonal hours and crop availability starting mid- or late-June for you-pick and picked blueberries.. Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check. Click here for our Facebook page. Morning Shade Farm is located in a peaceful and pictorial setting on the edge of 50 acres of woods back off the main road. We use integrated pest management practices to minimize our use of chemicals. Our U-pick vegetables are all organically grown and we use only organic chemicals or spray derived from natural substances directly on our fruit. Some inorganic fertilizers and limited weed control is used on the ground around our berry bushes and fruit trees.
  • Nappe Farms - Uses natural growing practices, blueberries,
    10280 Se Orient Dr., Boring, OR 97009. Phone: (503) 663-0885. Alternate Phone: (503) 853-4167. Email: Open: Typical season is from early June to late August | Sunday to Saturday, from 7 am to 5 pm Hours vary considerably; please see our website or Facebook page for current availability and hours. Directions: We use natural practices, but are not yet certified Organic. Payment: Cash, Check. Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: April 20, 2019)
  • Nodaway Blues Blueberry Farm - blueberries
    24275 SW Nodaway Lane, Wilsonville, OR 97070. Phone: 503-638-4989. Open: Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 7 pm; Closed on Sunday. Directions: I-205 to Stafford Road exit. South on Stafford and follow blue farm signs. U-pick/ready picked blueberries. Call ahead for availability. Containers furnished. Clean fields. Four (4) Varieties of Blues! Family fun Usually available: July, August, September.
  • Olson Farms - strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, marionberries, pumpkins
    22255 SE Borges Road, Damascus, OR 97089. Phone: 503-638-2172. Open: U-Pick Hours: 9 am to 6 pm daily. From early June, strawberries are available for U pick, bring your own containers. Pumpkin patch iin the Fall. Pumpkin hours are e Monday-Saturday, 9-6 and Sunday, 10-5. Activities on the weekends include our caterpillar barrel train, pony rides, our free kids play area and free hay rides! Come visit us and search for the perfect pumpkin in our real pumpkin patch. (ADDED: April 5, 2021, JBS)
  • Oregon Blues - blueberries
    9751 SE Telford Road, Boring, OR 97009. Phone: 503-663-6451. Email: : Remember to bring your OWN containers for taking your berries home. Our containers are only for picking. We still do carry food-grade buckets with lids for $1.50 each but don't have bags or boxes. Payment: Cash or Check only. No debit or credit cards. Oregon Blues Blueberry Farm Facebook page. We are not an organic berry farm. We use herbicides and fungicides as sparingly as possible. We do not use pesticides. We keep an application report of all sprays used and a copy is available upon request.
  • Oregon Lavender Farm - Uses natural growing practices, herbs or spices, summer squash, Honey from hives on the farm, weddings and wedding parties
    20949 S. Harris Road, Oregon City, OR 97045. Phone: 800-289-8427. Fax: 503-631-2424. Email: Directions: From I-205 go East (towards Mt. Hood) at the Estacada (212/224) exit. This exit is North of Oregon City and South of Clackamas Town Center. Go approximately 3 miles on Hwy 212 heading East through the Clackamas Industrial Area, turn right at the "Y" intersection of 212/224, taking the right (224/Estacada Turn) towards Carver. (Heide's Farm Market is down to the right on the corner) Go 1 mile to Carver, take the only right in Carver (just before the Carver Hangar Restaurant. Follow the road across the Carver bridge which goes over the Clackamas River. (Green metal bridge). At the end of the bridge, turn left onto Springwater Road. (Clackamas Drive is the same road but a turn to the right). Go 4 miles to Gerber Road, which is on the left only! Look for the Logan Community Church on the SW corner. It is a historical looking white church. Go about 1/4 mile, turn right (the only way) on S. Harris, go to the end of the road. Take the gravel drive to the right of the double gates and circle around the large cedar building and park. 503-631-4488 Main Farm Phone 20949 S. Harris Road, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Click here for a map and directions. Crops are usually available in September. Open: Currently open for visitation only for the annual lavender festival. Lavender Festival and U Pick 10am to 5pm. We've priced U-Pick bunches at $2.00 each with quantity discounts available. The Oregon Lavender Farm hosts the Annual Clackamas County Lavender Festival. Winetasting, food, music distillation demonstration and much more. 10 acres of lavender angustafolia and the home of a newly developed international aromatic and medicinal herb garden Also, the home of Liberty Natural Products a primary supplier of over 1000 botanical extracts and herbs. Payment: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx. Transitional organic: herbicides and pesticides not used.
  • Organic Sweet Home Blues - CERTIFIED ORGANIC, blueberries
    27818 SW Graham's Ferry Rd., Sherwood, OR 97140. Phone: (503) 682-1962. Email: Email: Open: please check each day on berry availability. Certified Organic. Organic Sweet Home Blues Facebook page. Directions:click here for a map and directions. We have lots of late berries that still need to ripen. Thank you for supporting ORGANIC, sustainable farming. Our berries are CERTIFIED ORGANIC, with Oregon Tilth #OR-OTCO-CO-95-00367.Member grower of the Oregon Blueberry Commission. We use integrated pest management strategies instead of pesticides. For example we release over 2000 ladybugs every year. We let the grass in the rows grow up to 4 feet to not allow mummy berry spores to reach the blueberry flowers. We then mow in late spring, after the berries are formed. We also put out fruit fly traps to help catch the Asian fruit fly that can be a potential destroyer of the crop. Our resident Scrub Jays keep away the Starlings from consuming our crop. We are always thinking of creative ways to keep our plants healthy and happy.
    The Blueberry patch has grown and expanded into a small orchard, a vigorous garden, an exotic herb display and a wide variety of flowers and native plants.
  • Orient Nursery - Blueberries U-pick and ready pick.
    30425 SE Haley Road, Boring, OR 97009. Phone: 503-663-6123. Open: U-Pick blueberry season is July and August daily from 9am to 6pm. No Sprays are used. Bring containers. Directions: From Gresham take Hwy 26 east to Haley Road, turn left, go .6 mile to blueberry sign. Usually available: July, August, September.
  • Our Table Cooperative - blueberries
    13390 SW Morgan Rd., Sherwood, OR 97140. Phone: (503) 217-4304. Email: Open: anytime during store hours, Tues-Sat. 10 AM to 8 PM, Sun. 10 AM to 6 PM. Head into the on-farm grocery to get a bucket for picking as well as directions to the appropriate fields. Unfortunately, our fields are not wheelchair accessible. The store staff will also assist you with your purchase after picking. What to wear: The fields can get hot so please wear appropriate clothing ; bring hats and sunscreen. Long pants and sleeves are a wiser option than shorts and tank-tops. Sensible shoes are a must!Member grower of the Oregon Blueberry Commission.
  • Redfir Farms - blueberries
    18184 S. Redfir Dr., Beavercreek, OR 97004. Phone: (503) 632-8384. Member grower of the Oregon Blueberry Commission.
  • Redland Blueberries & Specialties - blueberries U-pick or ready Picked & Hardy Tropical Plants
    18900 S Pear Road, Oregon City, OR 97045. Phone: 503-631-4141. Email: Open: During the month of July, please call 503-631-4141 for current hours and information. Directions: for a map to our farm, click here. A clean field with 1800 bushes protected by orchard netting keeps the birds out & allows the berries to ripen to their full natural sweetness on the bush. Berries are usually available through the month of July. Payment: Cash, only. 2017 price is $2.25 lb. We are not set up for cards, so cash or check only please. 2 acre U-Pick blueberry farm with 2 Varieties: Dukes and Blues.
  • Sandercock Blueberry Farm - U-Pick blueberries
    44212 S.E. Sandercock Lane, Sandy, OR 97055. Phone: 503-668-6274. Open: July-August. A visitor says they have "amazing 50-year-old blueberry bushes with huge yields... they open two weeks later in the season than other blueberry farms because of their elevation."
  • Sandy Farms - UPDATE for 2019; they have stopped doing pick your own
    34500 SE Hwy 211, Boring, OR. They were also closed last year. It is , as yet, unknown whether they will have U-pick next year. In years when they do have PYO, U-pick products include strawberries, pie cherries, rhubarb, marionberries, loganberries, huckleberries and black currants. Also we have 4 varieties of blueberries, 3 varieties of blackberries and 4 varieties of raspberries.
  • Schmid Family Farm - Marionberries, ORGANIC Blueberries
    30249 S Meridian Road, Hubbard, OR 97032. Phone: (503) 266-5717. Email: U-Pick Marionberries & Blueberries. WELCOME!! We are a small family owned and operated Marionberry and naturally grown Blueberry farm located in the Whiskey Hill area east of Hubbard, Oregon. Our season typically runs July through August. Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
  • Seeger Farms - marionberries,
    35170 Southeast Highway 211, Boring, OR 97009. Phone: (503) 668-6334. Alternate Phone: (503) 929-8024. Email: Open: every day in late July or early August from 8 am to 6 pm. Directions: Take Highway 26 east from Gresham. In Sandy, Turn right on 362nd. Go two miles to the end of 362nd. Turn right on Highway 211. Go .3 mile to driveway and Marionberry sign on the left. Follow the flags up the driveway to the field. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check. Pick Marionberries in a clean, peaceful setting. The farm provides buckets for picking, but please bring containers to take your berries home.
    2022 Prices: $8 for a full or heaping bucket which will weight about 6 pounds. (UPDATED: July 20, 2022) (ADDED: June 26, 2018)
  • Sherwood Orchards - Sweet Cherries, Cherries, Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, Prunes, Apples, Pears, Quince, and Persimmons
    23995 SW Pacific Highway, Sherwood, OR 97140. Phone: 503-625-7705. Email: Open: Call for hours and availability. Directions: From Portland: Take 99W south towards Newberg through Sherwood. We are 1/2 mile past the intersection with 99W and Sunset Blvd/Elwert Rd. on the right-hand side. You will see our sign Sherwood Orchards and we are the driveway just before the sign. Payment: Cash or check , only. We are a 26-acre U-pick fruit orchard located in Sherwood, Oregon. With approximately 2000 fruit trees in total, our orchard offers many unique varieties. A fruit orchard for over 150 years, this orchard is a landmark in the Sherwood area under its former name Oliphant Orchards, and current name (as of 2005). The season typically begins in early July with Sweet Cherries and continues with Pie Cherries, Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, Prunes, Apples, Pears, Quince, and Persimmons through October or as long as we have fruit. We have no picked fruit available. We do not ship any fruit. Sherwood Orchards Facebook page. Varieties: Sweet Cherries: Van and Royal Ann varieties. Pie Cherries: Montmorency variety. Peaches: Red Haven, Harken, Hale Haven, July Elberta, Mystery, Loring, and Improved Elberta varieties. Plums/Prunes: Shiro, Italian, and Brooks varieties. Apples: We have over 80 varieties on our property! Pears: Bartlett, Red Bartlett, Seckel, and Bosc varieties. Quince: A fruit that is inedible until cooked, the quince is related to the pear family. Persimmons: Fuyu and Hachiya varieties. PLEASE GO TO WEEKLY UPDATES ON OUR WEBSITE FOR CURRENT CROP INFORMATION AND HOURS OF OPERATION. (UPDATED: June 19, 2019, JBS) (ADDED: June 21, 2018, JBS)
  • Sleight's Berry Farm - Strawberries and raspberries
    19223 S. Windy City Road, Mulino, OR 97042. Phone: 503-632-3294. Usually available starting in mid to late June. Call for dates and hours!
  • Smith's Farm - permanently closed
    Estacada, OR 97023. UPDATE: August 02, 2022: The owner tells me they are now permanently closed
  • South Barlow Berries - strawberries, raspberries, silvanberries, marionberries, boysenberries and triple crown blackberries,
    29190 S. Barlow Road, Canby, OR 97013. Phone: 503-266-3193. Email: Open: 8 am to 6 pm, Monday thru Saturday. Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. Sylvan Berries, Triple Crown Berries. Strawberries are ready all of June. Sylvans are a cross between marion and boysen they are ready 3 weeks before either the Marionberries or boysenberries. Marions and Boysens are ready for picking starting of July. Triple Crown, a huge blackberry, is ready in August. Click here for our Facebook page. Through the season, we have strawberries, Sylvans, Obsidion Blackberry, Tayberry, Raspberry, Boysens and Marions. Only picked blueberries are available at the stand for purchase. NO U-PICKS ON BLUEBERRIES. . Our farm offers a variety of berries to either pick from the vine yourself or purchase fresh from our farm stand. Varieties include strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and many more. Come taste for yourself and experience the freshness of Oregon berries. There is nothing that compares to berries straight from the vine. We also have home made jams and frozen berries for sale. Raspberries ; Triple Crown Blackberries
    A visitor writes on July 03, 2022: "Raspberries, blackberries, boysenberries, $3.50 per lb pyo"
  • Stoller Farms - Uses integrated pest management practices, beans, corn (sweet), cucumbers, flowers, herbs or spices, peas, peppers, pumpkins, summer squash, winter squash, tomatoes, farm market, restrooms
    14682 South Herman Road, Molalla, OR 97038. Phone: 971-222-6271. Alternate Phone: 503-829-5385. Email: Open: Middle of July to End of October; Call for availability, they are only open for picking a few days during the week. Please check our page for those days.. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. We use integrated pest management practices. Payment: Cash, Check. Spring Bedding Plants and Baskets available from the middle of April until early July. Open Monday through Saturday. 9am to 5pm.
  • Sunray Blueberry Farm - blueberries,
    27990 SE Sunray Dr, Boring, OR 97009. Phone: (503) 720-8984. Email:
    (ADDED: July 16, 2024, JBS)
  • Sweet Home Blues - Organic
    27818 SW Graham's Ferry Rd, Sherwood, OR 97140. Phone: (503) 682-1962. Email:
    (ADDED: July 16, 2024, JBS)
  • Swift Farm - UPDATE for 2019: They are closed indefinitely, hoping to re-open at some point in the future
    Canby, OR 97013.
  • Thompson Farms - Strawberries, Raspberries, blueberries, marionberries, boysenberries, pumpkins
    24727 SE Bohna Park Road, Boring, OR 97009. Phone: 503-667-9138. Alternate phone: 503-658-4640. Open: 7 days/week 8-6. Directions: Located 5 mile South of Gresham on SE 242nd or 1 mile north of Hwy 212 on SE 242nd. Fresh produce. 7 days/week 8-6. U-pick, ready picked farm produce stand. We grow it! Please call for daily updates. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, marionberries, boysenberries, produce, pumpkins & fall December or. Usually available: June: Strawberries. July: Raspberries, blues, marions, boysens. Aug-Oct: Pumpkins.
    Comments from a visitor on July 31, 2012: "We went to pick U-pick marionberries because their voice mail message said the berries were ripe and ready to pick and the price was right and they don't spray. Unfortunately, the field they sent us to was not only not sprayed it was also not tended at all. The berries were somewhat dried out because they don't irrigate at all, and not as flavorful as one would want, and the vines were all over the place and quite thorny, making it hard to pick. The worst problem was when we got them home and found that many - like LOTS - of the berries had small white worms in them, crawling out all over the place. We did our best to remove them so we could use the berries that we'd paid $1.50- a pound for. We were very disappointed. Thompsons has been a good place to pick U-pick in the past but this new field is really not worth it.
    Comments from a visitor on June 28, 2010: "Just wanted to let you know that Thompson Farms is spray free. Thanks for the wonderful web site. It's great!"
  • Three Rivers Farm - U-pick and ready pick veggies, flowers.
    2525 N. Baker Drive, Canby, OR. Phone: 503-266-8055. Email: Open: May 22-October 31.It looks like they focus on hops now; but it is possible they still grow and sell vegetables. Historic home. Education programs. Historic Three Rivers Farm offers certified organic hops. Located in the small town of Canby, Oregon the farm borders the Pudding, Molalla and Willamette Rivers for which it gets its name. The farm is owned and operated by, RJ Schrader, a second generation farmer. Both the house and barn were built in the early 1900's and are historically registered landmarks in the state of Oregon. Once harvested, all hops are dried, pelletized and packaged on site.
  • TK Orchards - Uses integrated pest management practices, nectarines, peaches, Honey from hives on the farm, porta-potties, Cell service cell phones work here
    23513 Boones Ferry Road NE, Aurora, OR 97002. Phone: (503) 678-5227. Email: Open: July and August, Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm, Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm, Closed on Sundays; Please check facebook or call before heading out to the orchard. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. We use integrated pest management practices. Payment: Cash, only. Also, already picked Jefferson hazelnuts in early December. (ADDED: February 20, 2023)
  • Vancil-Polehn Farm - Minimizes chemical and pesticide use, hazelnuts, pears, plums, farm animals
    19594 South Redland Road, Oregon City, OR 97045. Phone: (503) 631-2311. Alternate Phone: (503) 575-0090. Email: Open: Opening September 3, 2021; September 3rd - 6th hours are 7 am to 6 pm; After September 6th open 9 am to 6 pm. then to early October, or until we are sold out; We are open daily in season, from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays, and from 8 am to 6 pm on weekends; See our Facebook page for exact current dates and hours. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. This is a family-run U-Pick farm located a few miles outside of Oregon City that offers plums, hazelnuts, and pears, which are ready for harvesting in late August and through September.Plums are ripe when they open in early September; Hazelnuts typically ripen 3 to 4 weeks later;. We minimize use of pesticides and other chemicals. Payment: Cash, Check. The ONLY pyo crops offered are Plums, pears and hazelnuts. (UPDATED: August 29, 2021) (ADDED: September 01, 2020)
  • Walnut Hill Farm - Basil, bean (snap, fava), broccoli, cucumber, eggplants, lettuce, parsley, pea (snow), pepper, radicchio, squash, tomato (cherry, red and yellow slicing)
    22636 S. Central Point Road, Oregon City, OR 97045. Phone: 503-266-1314. Open: Call before you go; I've never received nor seen an update anywhere about this farm in many years.

Other Local Farm Products (Honey, Horses, Milk, Meat, Eggs, Etc.)
(NOT pick-your-own, unless they are also listed above)

Farm markets and roadside stands

Local Honey Finder

Local Meat, Milk and Eggs

Venues: Farms, Wineries, Orchards for your event, wedding or party

Easter egg hunts

Children's consignment sales

Fruit and vegetable festivals

Winery tours and wine tastings

Horse rides, stables, lessons, trails

Maple Syrup farms and sugarworks

Bed & Breakfasts on Farms, Wineries, Ranches and Orchards

Pumpkin patches

Corn mazes

Zombie Paintball venues

Christmas Tree Farms & lots

Environmental resources

Consumer fraud information

Wholesale food sources

Resources for Farmers