Looking for a local, pick-your-own farm in Salem and Marion County Oregon? Scroll down this page and you will see the U-Pick farms in Salem and Marion County Oregon,
sorted by county. Those that offer organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name
(see "What does Organic mean?").
The U-pick crops they offer follow the name of the farm. To search the page for
a specific crop, use Ctrl-F (or on an ipad or Mac, use their "search on this
page" function) If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined;
click on it and it will open their website. If you find anything outdated or
inaccurate, see the customer and farmer menus (as appropriate) at the top menu bar to submit updates and corrections and help me keep each current!
New! As inflation remains high, see this page for
reliable (tested) brands of generic canning lids at lower
costs, and cost-saving measures for
getting fruit and vegetables and home canning.
If you are having a hard time
finding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.
New! Road tripping and camping is a great way to have a fun, safe and inexpensive
family trip. The national and state parks and monuments are open, and campgrounds usually cost between $10 and $40 per night. September to November is the best
camping weather. See our new website Road Tripping and Camping.com for tips, tricks,
guides, checklists and info about parks, monuments and other places to visit.
New! We just went live with our latest website,
FunFactoryTours.com - As they name implies, you can find a fun factory tour, including chocolate, automobiles, historical forts and sites, famous buildings,
Active Federal facilities even fun geology: like fossils and volcanic areas
Note: Beware the copycat websites like the one that stole
our name and uses .farm extension: they copied my work and do NOT even update
the info! I make updates EVERY day. They use tech tricks to get higher rankings,
but have many more inaccuracies and out-dated info. Obviously, I cannot check
every farm every day, but I do check as many as I can every day, and respond to
all requests. They don't. Don't support the scammers!
Remember to always check with the farm's own website or Facebook
page before you go - or call or email them if they don't have a website or
Facebook page. Conditions at the farms and crops can change literally
overnight, so if you want to avoid a wasted trip out there - check with
the farm directly before you go!
And if you know of any farms I missed and want to
add a farm, please let me know!
I'm making updates for this year as fast as I can - if you find
anything out-of-date, wrong or not working -
please let me know! This website is supported by purchases you make
through the links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn
from qualifying purchases. This allows me to continue to maintain the
website and make improvements!
What's in season in March 2025, and
other timely information:
Notes for March 2025: The northern half of the U.S.
(and most of Canada, of course) are under snow. So, the crops to pick are pretty
much limited to Florida, Texas, southern California and a few other areas of the
Deep South. Citrus, for one, is a crop that is usually available now; and
in those areas, soon also strawberries and blueberries. Check your area's
crop calendar (see this page) and call your local farms for
seasonal updates.
We also have a website for both
Valentine's Day information, facts and fun and one for
St. Patrick's
day (including great recipes for corned beef, Irish stew, etc.)
Children's Consignment Sales
occur in both the Spring and Fall
See our companion website to find a local
community or church kid's consignment sale!
Next year, don't miss an Easter Egg Hunt for your children:
See our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt!
See these pages to find an upcoming local
Strawberry Festival, or a
Cherry or cherry blossom festival
or a Blueberry festival.
Are carpenter bees boring holes into your house, shed or barn? There is a simple non-toxic solution!
NEW! Start your own tomato, pepper, squash and other vegetable plants from seed - It's easy and
costs about 50 cents per plant.
Also see our Master list of tomato varieties,
with descriptions, details and links to ordering the seeds.
We also have
home canning, jam and jelly
making, preserving, drying and freezing directions. You can access
recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search.
If you have any questions or suggestions,
feel free to write me! It is easy to
make your own ice cream,
even gelato, or low fat or low sugar ice cream - see this page. Also note,
there are many copycat website listing U-pick farms now. They have all
copied their information from here and usually do not ever update. Since
2002, I've been updating the information every day but Christmas; so if you see
anything wrong or outdated, please
write me!
Salem and Marion County Oregon U-Pick Farms and Orchards in 2025, by county
Click on the resources drop-down above, if you need a county map
Also see:
Benton and
Lincoln counties, Polk County,
Linn County,
Yamhill County
Marion County
AJF Farms / AJR Farms - UPDATE: March 20, 2021: The owner tells me they are now permanently closed
Jefferson, OR 97352.
Beilke Family Farm - apples,
tomatoes, pumpkins
4925 Rockdale Street NE (Apples),
Brooks, OR 97305. Phone: 503-393-1077. Email:
BeilkeFF@gmail.com. Open: Apples: End of August through End of November,
Monday to Saturday from 8am to 6pm, Sundays 12pm to 6pm. Directions: For Apples: I-5 Exit 263, Turn East. Cross over
Railroad tracks, turn Left onto Pueblo, then Left into Driveway at 4925
Rockdale Street NE.
here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Credit cards, WIC Vouchers.
We also accept Farm Direct Nutrition coupons. Click here for our Facebook page.
The ONLY pyo crops offered are apples, tomatoes, pumpkins.
Apples are usually ready for picking at the end of August. Keep checking the
blog for updates and sign up for the Orchard updates to get our opening date
sent direct to your e-mail inbox! Please bring boxes or other containers for
your purchased apples. The plastic 5 gallon buckets are only for use in the
Orchard. (Mid August to End of November)
- Blueberry Hill Farm - blueberries,
5655 - 72nd Ave SE, Salem, OR 97317. Phone: (503) 364-2483. Email:
(ADDED: July 16, 2024, JBS)
Boones Ferry Berry Farm - blackberries, blueberries,
boysenberries, corn (sweet), loganberries, marionberries, other berries,
raspberries (red), raspberries (Spring, red), raspberries (Autumn, red),
raspberries (yellow), raspberries (Spring, yellow), raspberries (Autumn,
yellow), strawberries, U-pick and already picked, farm market, gift shop, porta-potties are available, picnic area
19602 Boones Ferry Road NE, Hubbard, OR 97032.
Phone: 503-678-5871. Email:
Open: Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 6 pm; Closed Sunday; May - August.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards,
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, WIC Vouchers.
Click here for our Facebook page. Hood strawberries, Albion
strawberries, Totem strawberries. We are the Snegirev family: Growing and
selling Oregon strawberries, Marion berries, Blueberries, and Raspberries
right from our farm in Aurora Oregon since 1993. We offer several you-pick
(u-pick) berry fields that you and your family can come out and pick as much
of any of our berries our farm has to offer. You can easily find our
berries for sale at Wholesale foods under our beautiful "Boones Ferry Berry
Farms" branded boxes. "These berries are amazing" -Quote by the Wholefoods
produce buyer..
Boones Ferry Berry Farms Facebook page.
Comments from a visitor on
August 05, 2011: "I love Oregon berries. I grew up picking all types of
berries from Strawberries, Marion berries, and all types of blackberries.
Waking up 4 in the morning since I was 6 years old. So I know how much hard
work goes behind growing delicious Oregon berries here in the Willamette
valley. Boones Ferry Berry Farms has to have the best berries I have ever
tasted. Not only was their very first pick nice a ripe, but every
strawberry, marionberry, blue berry looked as though it was the very first
berry from the first harvest (aka: first pick). The berries are not only
aesthetically pleasing but are still as delicious and sweet as the first
picks berries. Trust me, once you eat one berry, your mouth will "water" for
Briggs Family Blueberry Patch - blueberries
5365 Radell Dr SE, Salem, OR 97317. Phone: 503-364-8222. Email: briggsblueberries@gmail.com. Open:
Daily 7 am to 8 pm. 2024 Price $1.20 Lb. : For over 25 years, our family has provided yours with the biggest, sweetest, blueberries you will find anywhere. We
offer U-Pick blueberries in a serene rural setting. Please do not bring pets into the field due to sanitation concerns. Remember to bring your own
containers and wear your old shoes. Remember to bring your own containers, old shoes, drinking water and smaller currency. Children are welcome to
help you pick. (UPDATED: July 13, 2024)
A visitor writes on July 13, 2024: " $2.00 / lb. This may be the
case with other farms you list here. ."
A visitor writes on July 02, 2014: "This was our
families U-pick until 5 years ago, Briggs now have the field and the
entrance is on their street (5365 Radell Dr SE)"
A visitor
writes: "They have several varieties (early and late) and
they don't spray!"
Cora's Crop U-pick - blueberries,
21897 Case Rd
NE, Aurora, OR 97002. Phone: 503-678-6021. Open: Call for opening day and
price. Directions: From I-5, take exit 278 (Donald/Aurora) and turn right at
the stop sign onto Ehlen Rd. Follow the road for 3.5 miles. Turn right onto
Case Rd for another half mile. We are on your left. From Newberg, take Hwy
219 toward St. Paul. Take the first left after crossing the Willamette
River. This is Champoeg Rd. Follow the road to the stop sign and take a
left. Proceed two miles making sure to stay to the right when the road makes
a Y.Payment: We accept cash and check only. Five acres of blueberries just
south of Champoeg Park!
- Ernst Family Farms - corn (sweet), peaches,
U-pick and already picked, restrooms, wedding venue,
3118 Horseshoe Lake Road, Saint Paul, OR 97137. Phone: 503-633-4355. Open: Mid to late August to early September
Monday to Sunday 9am to 4pm. Directions: Follow the signs to Street Paul, go
west a mile and a half on Blanchet Avenue at the Ernst Irrigation store,
follow road as it turns into Horseshoe Lake Road (sign not posted), Stand
and Orchard are at the bottom of a small hill, stand has red tin roof,
surrounded by grass fields.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Fariji Farm - 2021 permanently closed, apples, blueberries,
7601 Howell Prairie Road NE, Silverton, OR 97381. Phone: 503-874-1135. Alternate Phone: 503-569-7094.
farijifarm@gmail.com. Open: UPDATE for 2021, Their website is gone and there's nothing else about them that is current on the internet - I presume they
have closed. Does anyone have current information, are they still
offering pick your own or are even open? If
please write me.
Fordyce Farm - U-pick Strawberries, black currants, gooseberries, Blueberries,
raspberries, Kotataberries, Autumn pumpkin patch
and corn maze
7023 Sunnyview Road
NE, Salem, OR 97305. Phone: 503-362-5105. Alternate phone: 503-362-0132.
Email: fordyce.farm.info@gmail.com. Season: Open June-July,
9:00 to 6:00, Monday through Saturday for a full season of berries,
vegetables, baked goods, and lots of other good things; Blue
& Kotata 7:30-3.
here for a link to our Facebook page.
We are a family owned berry farm offering a wide variety of u-pick and already picked fruits and vegetables. We have a store, bakery, display garden,
beautiful perennial plants, pumpkin patch, and corn maze. We are open from mid May- end of October.
We have many fruits available for u-pick throughout different times of the season. Please check our u-pick availability below to see what’s in season before
coming out. We ask our customers to please bring their own containers.
Comments from a visitor on June 13, 2011: "Fordyce Farm
will have u-pick strawberries after June 20, 2011"
- Forsters' Blueberry Hill - follows organic methods, blueberries, U-pick and already picked
17950 Hazelnut Ridge Road, Silverton, OR 97381. Phone: (503) 873-7524. Alternate Phone: (503) 312-1830. Email:
bigtracks@earthlink.net. Open:
U-Pick Organic blueberries from the middle of July until the end of August. Berries picked to order are available by
calling ahead. We also sell heirloom variety blueberry plants. Directions: The farm
is 6 miles north of Silverton off of Highway 213. Turn east on North Abigua Road, go 1 mile to Hazelnut Ridge Road then left. The farm is on the right about
1 mile up the hill.
Click here for a map and directions. We use natural organic practices, and are subject to the NOP small quantity exemption. Payment: Cash, Check. Upick
and already picked berries by appointment only. Forster's Blueberry Hill is one the oldest blueberry farms in Oregon having been operated by the same family
since 1950. (UPDATED: July 13, 2024, JBS) (UPDATED: July 04, 2020)
French Prairie Gardens - Pumpkins, 2 acre pick-your-own pumpkin
patch, pig races, obstacle course, hayrides, huge hay & pig shaped corn
mazes, farm animals, toddler play area, Kid's Corral, gourds, Indian corn,
squash, corn stalks, fresh pressed apple cider
17673 French Prairie Road,
Saint Paul, OR 97214. Phone: 503-633-8445. Email: info@FPGardens.com. Admission weekdays $5.50, weekends $6.50. Open: See
website for current hours, October Hours: Tues-Saturday from 9-6, Sun 10-5,
Mon Closed. Payment: Credit Card welcome. Restrooms available for customers,
picnic area and food available for purchase. Spring
Strawberry Festival Father's Day weekend, offer U-pick Strawberries,
hayrides, farm animals, hay slide along with admission. Admission doesn't include the price of fruit picked.
French Prairie Gardens Facebook page. Visit our new bakery for home made berry, apple and
pumpkin pies, scones, coffee cake, or muffins (all made from scratch without any fillers), and Jams & Syrups. Gift Packages available for all occasions..
Fruits and vegetables already picked. Summer CSA subscriptions available. Spring Flowering annuals in both baskets, planters, and bedding plants. At French
Prairie Gardens you will enjoy fresh air, aromatic fragrances of beautiful flowers, the sights and sounds of a working farm, and an easy going pace all around
you. We are open during the spring, summer, and fall seasons, we also host many special events such as company picnics, birthday parties, weddings and large
family reunions. Visit our farm in the spring and you will find our garden center filled with flowering annuals, perennials and our hanging baskets are
always a visitor favorite. Stop by in June and you are sure to enjoy our Berries, Brews and BBQ's event on the farm including live music, craft brews/cider,
and tractor loads of fun! Of course, in the fall it is pumpkin patch season and that means pumpkins on the farm. Our pumpkin patch is a youngster's delight
and we catch the occasional adult grin in the patch. No matter the season, our focus is a fun country atmosphere and experience that the whole family can
enjoy- Farm fun for the whole family!
Greens Bridge Gardens - apples, blackberries, boysenberries,
cucumbers, eggplants, flowers, loganberries, marionberries, peaches, peppers,
pumpkins, raspberries (red), summer squash, winter squash, strawberries,
tomatoes, Other fruit or veg,
3730 Jefferson - Scio Drive Southeast,
Jefferson, OR 97352. Phone: 541-327-2995. Email:
gbgardens@hotmail.com. Open: Daily 9am to 6pm through Thanksgiving;
Follow our facebook page for the most up-to-date u-pick information.
Directions:: From I-5 (north or south) Exit 238 Take a left off the exit, 2
miles into Jefferson, over the bridge. Take a right at the only traffic
light in town, over the railroad tracks. approximately 1.5 miles out on your right. . Payment: Cash, Debit cards,
Visa, MasterCard. Find us at the following Farmer's Markets:
Beaverton on Wednesday and
Oswego on Saturdays,
Lebanon on Thursdays,
Moreland on Wednesdays.
We offer the best fresh produce, fruits, berries and more for your
convenient u-pick experience. Bring your own containers. No Pets Please. No
Smoking. Availability changes daily. As of 2016; Our apple varieties: Cameo,
Braeburn, Spartan, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Winter Banana, Jonagold, Early
Fugi, Fugi, Gala, Empire, McIntosh, Cortland, Ruby Jon, Zestar, Gravenstein.
Our peach varietioes are: Springcrest, Red Haven, Veteran, Cresthaven,
Glowingstar, Coralstar, Elberta, Blushingstar (White Flesh), PF27A, Canadian
Harmony, Sweet Cap (Donut Peach), Suncrest, Allstar, Autumnstar. Our tomato
varieties: Bobcat, Sweet 100, Romas, Sun Gold, Carolina Gold, Big Beef. Our
berries: Marionberry, Boysenberry, Obsidian Blackberry, Loganberry, Tulameen
Raspberry, Tayberry, Triple Crown Blackberry, Strawberry. Our pepper
varieties: Jalepeno, Serrano, Poblano, Fresno Chili, Anaheim, Sweat Banana, Habanero, Yum Yum Sweet, Green Bell, Super Chili, Cherry Bomb. Our flower
varieties: Dahlias, Zinnias, Sunflowers, Asters, Cosmos, Sweet Williams. Greens Bridge Gardens. At Greens Bridge Gardens, we are dedicated to bringing our
customers the finest produce around. U-Picking is available on nearly all the produce we grow. Whether it be strawberries for shortcake tonight, or tomatoes
to put-up for the winter, our customers enjoy picking their choice of produce. Enjoy the benefits of picking your groceries directly from the source! It
just doesn't get any fresher! (UPDATED: August 28, 2020 JBS)
Comments from a visitor on June 13, 2011: "Greens Bridge Farm has u-pick
strawberries at 80 cents per pound."
Harpole's Produce - apples, blackberries,
raspberries, strawberries, boysenberries, broccoli, corn (sweet), cucumbers,
flowers, grapes, marionberries, melons, onions, other berries, peas,
peaches, peppers, plums, pumpkins, raspberries, summer squash, winter
squash, strawberries, tomatoes, other vegetables, farm animals
8071 Mount
Angel Hwy NE, Silverton, OR 97381. Phone: 503-873-4182. Email:
melodyharpole@gmail.com. Directions: From Salem: Take Silverton road
towards Silverton - Turn left on Brush creek road, turn right on Hazelgreen
road, turn left on Mount Angel Hwy NE. Farm is about 2 1/2 mile on left.
Fruit stand is visible from the road with flower, plants, and fruit.
Click here for a map and directions. Crops are usually available in April through November. Open:
7 days a week. Usually staffed, but if not then a can is bolted to the stand
and the honor system is in place. Payment: Cash, Check. (UPDATED: June 27,
2016, JBS)
Comments from a visitor on June 13, 2011: "Harpole's Produce has u-pick strawberries at
75 cents per pound. Harpole's also has you-pick raspberries $1/lb right now.
They're just starting to come on. They also still have strawberries, but
from the looks of things, only another 2 weeks before they're finished up.
- Haven Hill Farm - 2021 permanently closed,
Salem, OR 97306. UPDATE: May 22, 2021: The owner tells me they are now permanently
We are retiring and moving! It has been a wonderful two decades on Haven Hill Farm and working with all of our Pickers has been a joy! Thank
you. Keith and Nancy
Jensen Blueberries - blueberries,
U-pick and already picked
8485 Anderson Rd.,
Sublimity, OR 97385. Phone: 503-769-4244. Email:
Open: In summer of 2024, their
facebook page is "unavailable", so they MAY have closed, try to see their faacebook page. Small
u-pick and custom pick blueberry field.. We are a family friendly field
located 1 mile outside of Sublimity. We offer Duke, Blue Crop, Legacy and
Pink Lemonade varieties. Come see us !
MelRose Farm
- 2021 permanently closed
5586 72nd Avenue SE, Salem, OR 97317. UPDATE for 2021, Google says they are
permanently closed.
Meyer Peach Orchard - peaches,
5495 Center Street Ne, Salem,
OR 97317. Phone: (503) 362-7153. Email:
Meyerpeachorchard@hotmail.com. Open: Please call the phone number or
visit us on Facebook or our website for updated days and hours of operation.
Click here for a map and directions. We are open from late July through
late August;. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. We have been raising peaches
since 1978 and currently have 2 varieties; Red Haven and Veteran. Our
peaches are primarily u-pick. The ONLY pyo
crops offered are Red Haven and Veteran Peaches. Red Haven
peach season is typically August 5 to August 12; Veteran peach season is
typically August 18 to September 7;.We also offer
pre-picked peaches in increments of 5 lbs for walk-up customers or in any
quantity for orders placed ahead. Call or text your order. During peach
harvest, usually the end of July through the beginning of September, Please
call for updates before visiting us as our days and hours can change based
on crop availability.(UPDATED: August 19, 2020)
Miller Farm
- Uses natural growing practices, apples, blackberries, blueberries, sweet cherries, pie or sour cherries, figs, Seedless table
grapes, plums, red raspberries red, Spring red raspberries, Black raspberries, beans, beets, sweet corn, slicing cucumbers, eggplants, garlic, kale, lettuce
or salad greens, hot peppers, sweet peppers, Swiss chard, summer squash, winter squash, Heirloom tomatoes, paste or Roma tomatoes, tomatoes, lavender,
sunflowers, zinnias, flowers, chestnuts, herbs or spices, Honey from hives on the farm, Local honey from within 50 miles, porta-potties, Cell service cell
phones work here
4935 Riverside Drive S, Salem, OR 97392. Phone: (503) 580-5767. Alternate Phone: (503) 580-1332. Email:
Open: from late June until late October on
Sunday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm ,Closed on Saturdays. Directions: From Portland take Exit 252 and turn right onto Kuebler. From Eugene take Exit 252 and
turn left onto Kuebler. Continue on Kuebler for 3.5 miles. Turn left on
Skyline Road and proceed until it comes to an end. Then turn right onto
Riverside Road South and continue for 0.9 miles. Turn right at 4935
Riverside Road South and proceed up the driveway and follow the directions.
Click here for a map and directions. We use natural
practices, but are not seeking organic certification. Payment: Cash, Check. Miller Farm's beautiful setting in Salem, Oregon is known for quality fresh
local produce while using natural farming methods. You can also sign up for our weekly email to know what mouth-watering, hand-picked, ripe produce is
ready. (UPDATED: May 28, 2024)
(ADDED: June 11, 2015)
A visitor
writes on July 07, 2022: "Blueberries: $1.55per lb in 2022! Prices you quote must be nationally. Good thing we don't live where ever they are $4
and up. Wouldn't be buying any."
Minto Island Growers - blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes,
concessions or refreshment stand, porta-potties are available, picnic area
3394 Brown
Island Road S., Salem, Or 97302, Salem, OR 97302. Phone: 503-931-6840.
elizabeth@mintogrowers.com. Open: June, July, August; After your first
visit you will be able to pick earlier than 9am; You will not be able to
weigh your berries until 9am and you must be checked out by 5pm; Where: Come
to the Farm Stand to receive your U - Pick map and information; Return to
the Farm Stand after you are done to weigh and pay; See the website for more
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: From
downtown Salem head south on commercial street. Take a right on Owens which
turns into River Road S. Go past the entrance to Minto Park, past the Plaid
Pantry to Brown Island Road (before Illahe and Roberts Crossing). Take a
right on Brown Island Road at the large green Farm Stand signs. Go .3 miles
until you see the signs and right hand turn into the Farm Stand. From there
you will have directions to the blueberry field which is another .3 miles
down Brown Island Road.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards,
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx, WIC Vouchers.
Click here for our Facebook page.
- Mission Bottom Produce - Minimizes chemical and pesticide use, peaches, strawberries, beans,
broccoli, Brussels sprouts, sweet corn, pickling cucumbers, slicing
cucumbers, garlic, onions, hot peppers, sweet peppers, carving pumpkins, pie
pumpkins, paste or Roma tomatoes, tomatoes, watermelons, Other vegetables,
sunflowers, zinnias, flowers, Basil, U-pick and already picked, farm market,
farm animals
8553 Ravena Dr N, Salem, OR 97303. Phone: (503) 881-5656.
Email: mbproduce@hotmail.com. Open: Call for current hours. Directions: from
the north or south take the Brooks Exit off I-5 head west on Brooklake road
travel about 2 miles to Wheatland road turn south and go about half a mile
to Ravena Drive North turn West travel about one quarter of a mile and turn
south by the sign.
Strawberries season is typically May 25 to June 15;
Broccoli season is typically all season; cucumbers is typically June 25
through September 30;
Corn is typically available July 20 through
September 30;
Bean season is typically August 1 through September 30;
Pepper season is July 15 to October 15;
Tomato season is typically
July 15 through October 15; Tomatillo season is typically June 15 through
October 15;
u-cut flowers season is typically July 1 through October 31;
Basil season is typically June 15 through October 15; Onion and garlic
season is typically June 15 through October 31; Brussel Sprout season is
typically September 15 through October 31;
Pumpkin patch season is
typically September 15 through October 31;
Egg are available year round.
We minimize use of pesticides and other chemicals. Payment: Cash, Debit
cards, All credit cards. Please text or call before coming I work off the
farm during the week so advanced notice of coming out to the farm is great
for all. We will pick to order as well with enough notice.
June 27, 2023)
- Mullen Acres - No
pesticides are used tomatoes, U-pick and already picked
River Road Northeast, Saint Paul, OR 97137. Phone: (503) 633-8410. Alternate
Phone: (503) 507-5904. Email:
kmullen@stpaultel.com. Open: Always open for self serve you picks.
Directions: We are located 1 mile North of Street Paul on River Road/Hwy 219
at 21002 River Road Northeast, Street Paul.
Click here for a map and directions. We do not use pesticides on the
crops. Payment: Cash, Check. (ADDED: July 18, 2019)
Olson Stuart Farms Inc - Cherries, Strawberries, Raspberries,
Peaches, Apples, Blueberries, nectarines
6925 Joseph SE, Salem, OR 97301.
Phone: 503-362-5942. Email:
Open: June 1- September 30; The stand is Monday to Saturday 9 am to 6 pm and
Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm; U-Pick closes at 5:30 pm. See updates on
Olson Farms Facebook page. Directions: 5 miles east of I-5 on Highway
22. u-pick, ready pick, pick to order (bring containers and call
ahead for u-pick), accepts WIC and senior coupons. U-pick and we-pick
fruits. Also have a farmer's market that has other produce and honey that
they produce. (a.k.a, Olson Peaches).
2024 price is reported to be $1.90 per pound for blueberries.
Comments from a visitor on June 13,
2011: "Olson's Farm will have strawberries available after June 16th or
17th - recorded message said they will update by the info by the 15."
Purdy Enterprises - U-Pick Strawberries,
14435 E Marquam Rd NE, Mt Angel, OR 97362. Phone: 503-845-6822. Email:
reaganpurdy@cs.com.. Open: Late May-June, 7 days, 8:00-6:00. Payment:
Cash or checks. They have a conveniently located outhouse for public use.
U-pick, we-pick strawberries; jam, syrup & preserves. U-Pick Blueberries! 2021 price is $1.00 /Lb, Bring your own containers. Park behind the barn to the right when you pull in driveway. Scale
in front of office, self service.
Comments from a visitor on June 13, 2011:
"Purdy Enterprises is 75 cents per pound and will open up u-pick after June
Rick Johnson Farm - apples, blueberries, cherries,
peaches, strawberries,
3310 Perkins Street Ne, Salem, OR 97303. Phone: 503-393-0859. Open: Monday thru Saturday 9 am to 6 pm; Closed Sundays; June to
November. Directions: Coming from I-5: Take I-5 to exit 263 (the Brooks exit). Turn west on Brooklake Road, continue for approximately 1 mile. Turn south
(left) on River Road, continue to Perkins road, turn left (east). Go for 0.8 miles; Rick Johnson Farm is on the right hand side (south side).Click
here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check. Farm is
located at corner of Perkins St. and 35th just north of Keizer. address is
3310 Perkins St NE Keizer Oregon 97303. Picked Peaches, Apples, Grapes, and
Walnuts will also be sold in season. For information about these fruits
please call. (UPDATED: June 25, 2020)
Comments from a visitor on July 02, 2016:
old-fashioned family farm with hardworking family members doing 99% of the
work. Awesome Peaches--Suncrest (very sweet!), Cresthavens, and Elbertas.
Very good prices on u-pick (70 cents/lb). You can also buy already-picked
peaches by the lug box (about 15-16 quarts of canned peaches worth) and two
smaller box sizes. Also they have cherries, and I'm not sure what else.
maybe watermelons? "
Riley and Sons Oregon Blueberries - blueberries
26022 NE
Butteville Road, Aurora, OR. Phone: 503-678-5852. U-pick/ready picked
- Sherwood Farms - blueberries
11991 Ashley Ln. S.E.,
Sublimity, OR 97385. Phone: (503) 769-7325. Alternate Phone: (503) 551-5941.
Sonnen Farm - U-Pick: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, pumpkins
8644 Broadacres Rd NE, Aurora, OR. Phone: 503-982-0351, 503-678-2031.
Open June - Sept, Monday to Friday 9-6, Saturday 10-5; October 7 days
12-5. Prepicked Strawberries, rhubarb, peas, kotataberries, blackberries,
marions, boysens, blues, cherries, beans, carrots, melons, cauliflower,
peppers, eggplants, pickling cukes, tomatoes, sweet corn, zucchini, beets,
cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, winter squash, pumpkins, potatoes,
turnips, parsnips, more.
Sublimity Blueberries - blueberries,
11991 Ashley Lane Se,
Sublimity, OR 97385. Phone: (503) 551-5941. Email:
Open: U-Pick season generally begins in late-June, early-July and lasts a little over a month each year. ; See our website
for hours.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: see
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page.
(UPDATED: June 1, 2024, JBS) (ADDED: January 07, 2018)
Thank You Berry Much Farms -
Minimizes chemical and pesticide use, blueberries, U-pick and
already picked
5975 Culver Drive Southeast, Salem, OR 97317. Phone:
503-393-2758. Email:
berries@thankyouberrymuchfarms.com. Open:
Every day from 8 am to 8 pm; Our U-Pick season "usually" runs from late June to early August, always depending on Mother Nature, they update their
website, their Facebook page and our phone recording.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: Culver
drive is the first right-hand turn off Macleay road, East of Cordon road. We
are also accessible by taking Exit 4 off Highway 22.
Click here for a map and directions. We minimize use of pesticides and
other chemicals. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard,
Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page.
are a small 2.5 acre blueberry farm in Salem, Oregon. Our primary business
is U-pick, but we also offer ReadyPick options as well. During regular
season, an attendant is available every day from about 8 A.M. until sundown.
Please visit our Facebook page for season announcements, updates, and
changes. Visitors are welcome at any time for U-pick! We have an honor pay
system in place in the event a team member is not present to assist you. We
prefer cash, but also accept checks and most debit/credit cards. Please make
checks payable to Thank You Berry Much Farms. (UPDATED: July 08, 2018)
- Thompson Blueberries - blueberries, porta-potties are available

8132 Pudding Creek Drive Southeast, Salem, OR 97317. Phone: 503-363-9800.
thompsonblueberries@aol.com. Open:
Thursday to Monday, 9 am to dusk,
July 17 to September 1, 2014; Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Directions:
Located in the Macleay area of Southeast Salem, between 74th and 82nd.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. lease remember
we are CASH only and to bring a container to take your berries home in.
True North Orchards - apples, figs, grapes, pears,
plums, walnuts, Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, Covered outdoor market,
5650 Lardon Road NE, Salem, OR 97305. Phone: 503 348
4313. Alternate Phone: 503 348 4312. Email:
truenorthorchards@gmail.com. Open: Please call ahead if you are planning
to U pick; No ladder picking allowed; All trees have fruit within reach OR
an orchard assistant will use ladder to get fruit out of reach. Directions:
From Salem: Follow Silverton Road (highway 213) to Lardon Road. Turn right
on Lardon. Go 1/2 mile to the "S" curve. Turn right immediately after the
"S" curve at True North Orchards sign. From Silverton: Follow Silverton Road
(highway 213) to Lardon Road. Turn left on Lardon Road. Go 1/2 mile to the
"S" curve. Turn right immediately after the "S" curve at True North Orchards
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page. True North is a low spray orchard. Our
orchard practices include a minimal use of pesticides. . Note: they lost their persimmon trees
in 2023. (UPDATED: November 12, 2023)
(ADDED: September 12, 2015)
Cherry Farm - cherries
6875 Hazelgreen Rd NE, Salem, OR
97305. Phone: (503) 304-2015. Email:
Open: see their Facebook page; cherries have a brief season, usually in
June. Did you know you could actually pick your own cherries, have a great
outdoor experience and save money at the same time? The Vaughans have some
pie cherries (they go very fast so call first) and plenty of delicious sweet
eating cherries. Directions: Take Exit 260 off 1-5 and go east. The Vaughan
Cherry Farm is on the left just past the Little Pudding River.
- Weldin Farms - blueberries,
4767 Viewcrest Rd. S, Salem, OR 97302. Phone: (503) 370-8302. Phone:
(503) 580-3008. Email: weldinfarms@gmail.com
(ADDED: July 16, 2024, JBS)
Willamette Valley Fruit Company - Strawberries, Blueberries, Marionberries,
Raspberries and other fruit, U-Pick or pre-picked, Corn Maze, & Pumpkin
2994 82nd Avenue NE, Salem, OR 97305. Phone:
503-362-8857. Email:
info@wvfco.com. Open: call or see their website.
Directions: 5 miles east of Salem.
here for a map, directions, & hours. Our Farm Store has delicious Pies, Scones, Smoothies, Frozen fruit and
more! Restrooms, picnic area,
birthday parties, & school tours of our Pie Production and Processing
Facilities. Fall Harvest Festival,
Corn Maze, & Pumpkin Patch. Visit
our website for more info.
The best from our land to your hands! Come see us!
- Wilco Strawberry Farms - blueberries,
13841 Wilco highway NE, Woodburn, OR 97071. Phone: 503-806-4838. Alternate
Phone: 503-327-9374. Email:
fooy.chen@gmail.com. Open: Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards,
Visa, MasterCard. (ADDED: June 10, 2016)
Windmill Acres - blueberries,
you-pick and already picked, faaarm-fresh eggs, frozen blueberries, too
7841 Howell Prairie Rd NE, Silverton, OR
97381. Phone: (503) 507-4749. Email:
Open: 7am to 1pm Monday through Saturday, Closed Sunday. 2024 Price: $1.70/lb. NO PETS ALLOWED. We provide picking
buckets only, please bring containers to take your berries home.
Farm markets and roadside stands
Local Honey Finder
Local Meat, Milk and Eggs
Venues: Farms, Wineries, Orchards for your event, wedding or party
Easter egg hunts
Children's consignment sales
Fruit and vegetable festivals
Winery tours and wine tastings
Horse rides, stables, lessons, trails
Maple Syrup farms and sugarworks
Bed & Breakfasts on Farms, Wineries, Ranches and Orchards
Pumpkin patches
Corn mazes
Zombie Paintball venues
Christmas Tree Farms & lots
Environmental resources
Consumer fraud information
Wholesale food sources
Resources for Farmers