Looking for a local, pick-your-own farm in Northeastern Washington State? Scroll down this page and you will see the U-Pick farms in Northeastern Washington State,
sorted by county. Those that offer organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name
(see "What does Organic mean?").
The U-pick crops they offer follow the name of the farm. To search the page for
a specific crop, use Ctrl-F (or on an ipad or Mac, use their "search on this
page" function) If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined;
click on it and it will open their website. If you find anything outdated or
inaccurate, see the customer and farmer menus (as appropriate) at the top menu bar to submit updates and corrections and help me keep each current!
New! As inflation remains high, see this page for
reliable (tested) brands of generic canning lids at lower
costs, and cost-saving measures for
getting fruit and vegetables and home canning.
If you are having a hard time
finding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.
New! Road tripping and camping is a great way to have a fun, safe and inexpensive
family trip. The national and state parks and monuments are open, and campgrounds usually cost between $10 and $40 per night. September to November is the best
camping weather. See our new website Road Tripping and Camping.com for tips, tricks,
guides, checklists and info about parks, monuments and other places to visit.
New! We just went live with our latest website,
FunFactoryTours.com - As they name implies, you can find a fun factory tour, including chocolate, automobiles, historical forts and sites, famous buildings,
Active Federal facilities even fun geology: like fossils and volcanic areas
Note: Beware the copycat websites like the one that stole
our name and uses .farm extension: they copied my work and do NOT even update
the info! I make updates EVERY day. They use tech tricks to get higher rankings,
but have many more inaccuracies and out-dated info. Obviously, I cannot check
every farm every day, but I do check as many as I can every day, and respond to
all requests. They don't. Don't support the scammers!
Remember to always check with the farm's own website or Facebook
page before you go - or call or email them if they don't have a website or
Facebook page. Conditions at the farms and crops can change literally
overnight, so if you want to avoid a wasted trip out there - check with
the farm directly before you go!
And if you know of any farms I missed and want to
add a farm, please let me know!
I'm making updates for this year as fast as I can - if you find
anything out-of-date, wrong or not working -
please let me know! This website is supported by purchases you make
through the links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn
from qualifying purchases. This allows me to continue to maintain the
website and make improvements!
What's in season in March 2025, and
other timely information:
Notes for March 2025: The northern half of the U.S.
(and most of Canada, of course) are under snow. So, the crops to pick are pretty
much limited to Florida, Texas, southern California and a few other areas of the
Deep South. Citrus, for one, is a crop that is usually available now; and
in those areas, soon also strawberries and blueberries. Check your area's
crop calendar (see this page) and call your local farms for
seasonal updates.
We also have a website for both
Valentine's Day information, facts and fun and one for
St. Patrick's
day (including great recipes for corned beef, Irish stew, etc.)
Children's Consignment Sales
occur in both the Spring and Fall
See our companion website to find a local
community or church kid's consignment sale!
Next year, don't miss an Easter Egg Hunt for your children:
See our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt!
See these pages to find an upcoming local
Strawberry Festival, or a
Cherry or cherry blossom festival
or a Blueberry festival.
Are carpenter bees boring holes into your house, shed or barn? There is a simple non-toxic solution!
NEW! Start your own tomato, pepper, squash and other vegetable plants from seed - It's easy and
costs about 50 cents per plant.
Also see our Master list of tomato varieties,
with descriptions, details and links to ordering the seeds.
We also have
home canning, jam and jelly
making, preserving, drying and freezing directions. You can access
recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search.
If you have any questions or suggestions,
feel free to write me! It is easy to
make your own ice cream,
even gelato, or low fat or low sugar ice cream - see this page. Also note,
there are many copycat website listing U-pick farms now. They have all
copied their information from here and usually do not ever update. Since
2002, I've been updating the information every day but Christmas; so if you see
anything wrong or outdated, please
write me!
Northeastern Washington State U-Pick Farms and Orchards in 2025, by county
Click on the resources drop-down above, if you need a county map
Note for 2020-2021: Even if a county is still in
Phase I of re-opening, Washington Governor Jay Inslee has
allowed agritourism U-Pick farms to open with (certain
restrictions click here for the details).
Ferry County
Lincoln County
Okanogan County
- Richard and Peggy Weddle - melons,
strawberries, tomatoes,
Tonasket, WA 98855. Open: UPDATE: May 31,
2016: The owner tells me they are now permanently closed.
Pend Oreille County
Spokane County
Abundance Farm - blueberries, cherries,
17611 N Sands Rd,
Greenbluff, WA 99021. Phone: 509-999-8023. Email:
greenbluffabundance@gmail.com. Open: Please call or check our website
for days and times that our harvest is available for picking.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: For a map
to our farm,
click here. Cherries should be ready in late June this year! Blueberries
are looking great and should be available for harvest in mid-July. Payment:
Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: May 26, 2016)
- Beck's Harvest House and Orchard - U-Pick raspberries, cherries, peaches, pears, apricots, rhubarb and
apples, Farm
Market, Restaurant & Bakery.
9919 E Greenbluff Road, Colbert, WA
99005. Phone: 509-238-6970. Email: info@greenblufffarms.com. Open: daily, see their website or call for
current hours and crop availability. Directions: See their website or call
for directions.We grow over 100 Varieties of Fruit for
U-PICK or picked! Green Bluff's Market for Klicker Strawberries.
Wines, Gifts, Gourmet Foods, Cider, Festivals & Special Events. Home
of .... "FRIENDLY FAMILY FARM FUN"!!! Are you looking for something fun for
the entire family? Picking your own fruit is a wonderful activity that
everyone can enjoy. Walking outdoors, breathing in the farm fresh air and
taking in the sights and sounds of the farm is like a little vacation away
from your regular routine. We offer U-Pick raspberries, cherries, peaches,
pears, apricots, rhubarb and of course apples. In the fall we offer a tours
of the orchard in our "Country Limo." Beck's Harvest House and Orchard Facebook page. If you haven't seen the country limo
before, it will definitely put a smile on your face as you enjoy a ride
through our beautiful orchards with our Fruit Picking Expert that will teach
you everything you ever wanted to know about the different types of fruit,
how to pick them, the best place to pick them and which fruit make the best
pies, jams etc. They offer U-Pick raspberries, cherries, peaches, pears, apricots, rhubarb and apples.
Bodacious Berries and Fruit and Big Barn Brewing Co - Raspberries and
Blackberries.,U-Pick and Picked
16004 N. Applewood Lane,
Mead, WA 99021. Phone: (509) 238-2489. Email:
Open: call for current hours and crop availability. Directions: Call for
directions. Other harvested seasonal fruits and vegetables
available. Bring the entire family for a great day of berry picking
adventure. Farm fresh and family centered. Season begins Early July, call
ahead to confirm start date.
- Bountiful Countryside Orchard - cherries, apricots, plums,
pears, apples, pumpkins, gourds, picnic area
17425 N. Sands Road,
Mead, WA.. Phone: (509) 238-4803. Open: call for current hours and crop
availability. Directions: Call for directions. Cherries
(Bing, Rainier, Lambert, Pie), apricots, plums (Red, Italian), pears
(Bartlett, Asian), apples (Translucent, Gala, Red and Golden Delicious,
McIntosh, Jonathan, Macoun, Spartan, Winter Banana, Liberty). Peaches were
planted last year. White pumpkins and a variety of gourds are being added
this year. Bring your lunch, family and friends and sit under an apple tree
to watch the sunset.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
formerly Sundown Brown's Place.
Carver Farms - No pesticides are used,
strawberries, pumpkins, winter squash, Other fruit or veg, Honey from hives
on the farm, porta-potties, picnic area, school tours
9105 N. Idaho Road,
Newman Lake, WA 99025. Phone: (509) 226-3602. Email:
scarvier@yahoo.com. Open: See our website for current hours.
click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
click here for a map and directions. Strawberry season is typically
Mid-late June and early July; Pumpkin harvest in October; Christmas Tree
Season begins the day after Thanksgiving and continues weekends to mid-
December. We do not use pesticides on the crops. Payment: Cash, Debit cards,
Visa, MasterCard.
click here for our Facebook page. U-Cut Christmas Trees.
We have u-pick, as well as picked produce. Drive right in, walk the fields,
and be as choosy as you like. Even do a little taste testing. Other already picked crops
availability: Basil - Available July through frost. Beans - late July
through frost. Beets - late July through frost. Cabbage - July through
closing. Carrots - August through closing. Corn - August through heavy
frost. Cucumber - late July through frost. Egg plant - late July through
frost. Lettuce - late July and August. Onions - late July through October.
Peas - mid to late July. Peppers - late July through frost. Popcorn -
October. Potatoes - Y mid-August. Pumpkins - You pick and picked. All sizes
from mini and pie pumpkins to large Halloween monsters! Available October.
Squash - summer types - late July through frost. Winter - Available mid
September through October. Raspberries - mid-July and August. Strawberries -
We have Ever-bearing variety this year. Available mid-July through frost.
Tomatoes - August to mid-September. (UPDATED: October 1, 2022, JBS)
Comments from a visitor on August 09, 2009: "It's my
favorite. Those that own the farm love the work. Those that work there love
the place and are always friendly and ready to help."
Cherry Hill - cherries, peaches, raspberries (red), gift
shop, porta-potties are available, farm animals
18207 North Sands Road, Mead, WA 99021.
Phone: (509) 238-1987. Alternate Phone: (509)238-1978. Email:
ronda@cherryhillwa.com. Open:
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check. U-Pick or
Picked cherries, Come and enjoy our beautiful view of Mt. Spokane and pick
Cherries (Bing, Rainier and Pie). Trees pruned low for EZ picking. Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Cherry Hill Orchard & Market offers
a fun adventure for the whole family. With fresh cherries, raspberries,
peaches and plums on our beautiful farm, you can pick your own fruit for
jam, pies, cobbler, canning, or just for eating. U-Pick fruit means you get
to head out into the orchard and pick what you want. Prices and picking
times vary.
- The Cherry Shack - U-Pick and Picked cherries, apricots,
apples, pears, picnic tables
8709 E. Green Bluff Road, Colbert, WA 99005.
Phone: (509) 238-9183. Open: call for current hours and crop availability.
Directions: Call for directions.
Varieties: cherries (Bing, Rainier,
Lambert, Pie); apricots (Tilton and Perfection); apples (18 plus varieties
from early to late season); pears (Bartlett and d'Anjou). Garden fresh
vegetables, fresh pressed cider, local honey, jams, home-baked goods,
stoneware and wheel thrown pottery. Come browse our little Red Orchard
Store! Picnic tables for your enjoyment.
Garden Gate Lavender Farm - Uses natural growing practices, carrots, cucumbers, flowers,
herbs or spices, rhubarb, summer squash, strawberries, tomatoes, lavender,
Honey from hives on the farm, and prepicked produce, gift shop, snacks and
refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, farm animals, birthday parties,
school tours
16511 W Deno Rd, Medical Lake, WA 99022. Phone: 509-244-0767.
Open: Please visit our
website for our Current Summer Hours. Directions: From Spokane take I-90 West
to Hyw 2, Go Past FAFB main gate, turn right on Dover, Right on Deno to
entrance gate. Click here for a map and directions. Crops are usually available in May through September. We use natural practices, but are not yet certified Organic.
Payment: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover. U-Pick Lavender culinary
and fragrant varieties. Festival 2nd weekend in July. (UPDATED: June 24,
- Green Bluff Gardens - Picked and U-Pick cherries
9510 East Green Bluff Road,
Colbert, WA 99005. Phone: (509) 238-5196. Open: call for current hours and
crop availability. Directions: Call for directions. Featuring, as the fruit
ripens, Raspberries, cherries, Bing, Lambert & Pie
Cherries. Awesome Peaches! Just Right! apricots, Nectarines, Plums, 13
varieties of apples. Huge pumpkin Patch.
Green Bluff High Country Orchard -
U-Pick and picked Cherries, Peaches, Raspberries, Apples, Apricots and Pears,
8518 E. Green Bluff
Colbert, WA 99005. Phone: (509) 238-9545. Open: see their website or call
for current hours and crop availability. Directions: See their website or
call for directions. The Big Red Barn with Country
Charm. Joe and JoAnne Smatlan welcome you to their orchard and country store
- gifts, antiques and decor U-pick and prepicked local produce. Enjoy unique
gourmet lunches, fresh baked pies/pastries, ice cream and espresso treats.
Bring a group for a special farm experience - company, family or church
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Hansen's Green Bluff Orchard LLC - Uses integrated pest management practices, apples, cherries,
currants (red and black), flowers, grapes, peaches, plums, raspberries
(Spring, red), raspberries (Autumn, red), rhubarb, summer squash, Cider mill
(fresh apple cider made on the premises), gift shop, restrooms, picnic area
8215 East Green Bluff Road, Colbert, WA 99005. Phone: 509-238-4902. Email:
hansenrtkd@aol.com. Open: daily 9am to 5pm as fruit ripens,
starting in July; Call or
check website for closures.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: We're
located on the historic west side of Green Bluff, north of Spokane WA.
Click here for a map and directions.
Cherries in July, peaches in August, apples and cider throughout September
and October; Choose your own Christmas Trees day after Thanksgiving. We use
integrated pest management practices. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards,
Visa, MasterCard.
- Hidden Acres Orchards - U-Pick and picked raspberries, Cherries, Peaches, blackberries, Cots, Prunes,
apples (many
varieties), Jams, apple butter, take and bake pies, Gift Packs, Gift Shop,
Educational Tours, Pumpkin Patch. Festival Fun includes: Hayrides, Corn
Maze, picnic area
16802 N. Applewood Lane, Mead, WA 99021. Phone:
(509) 238-2830. Email: hiddenacreswa@msn.com. Open: see their website or call for current hours and crop
availability. Directions: See their website or call for directions. Penelope pumpkin, Lunch, Live Music, Tepee, Cabin,
Photo Opts galore. Covered picnic tables. Ample Parking. In the Spring,
Summer, and Fall months we happily offer U-Pick and Picked - (call for
picking times and seasons) Asparagus Morel Mushrooms Rhubarb Raspberries
Cherries Peaches Blackberries Blueberries Apricots Plums Pears Apples (23
varieties) Pumpkins Winter Squash Vegetable Assortment. - We also offer Free
range, organically fed Duck, Chicken, and Turkey eggs. Local un-pasteurized
honey in our Jam Shop. A petting zoo stocked with friendly farm animals!
Come check out Green Bluff's only farm run on Bio-Diesel.
- High Country Orchard
- peaches, apricots, cherries, plums
8518 E Greenbluff Rd, Colbert, WA
99005. Phone: (509) 238-9545. Email:
Open: Cherry Picking Hours: 8-6 Daily, 10-6 Sundays; and the Farm store is
daily from March 31 - December 23rd; Hours change during the year.. Please
note we sometimes close a half hour early if weather is bad or there are no
customers for a long time. Wedding venue questions, call (509) 496-9209.
Cherry Festival is July 3-23 , 2019 - Bing, Rainier and Pie tree-ripened
cherries will be available for U-Pick on festival days and throughout the
week while the fruit is ripe.
Peach Festival - July 20 through Labor
Day. Peach ice-cream, cakes, or pies - no matter how you slice them, our
peaches are delicious. Plus lots of other great food, live music on
weekends, and family entertainment! We have great U-Pick peaches but orchard
is only open for U-Pick on days that the peaches are ripe. However, we
always have great varieties of pre-picked at the front of the store. Come
sample and pick your favorite! Buy by the box or the pound! Also other farm
fresh produce like nectarines, beets, kale, cabbage, etc. (ADDED: July
10, 2019, JBS)
U-Pick - blackberries, pumpkins, raspberries (red), raspberries
(Spring, red), raspberries (Autumn, red), raspberries (yellow), raspberries
(Autumn, yellow), raspberries (black), summer squash, winter squash,
strawberries, tayberries, restrooms, picnic area, farm animals
7722 E Ballard Road, Colbert, WA 99005. Phone: (509) 238-2640. Email:
knapps@windwireless.net. Directions: North of Spokane on the West side
of Green Bluff. We are the second place on the right.
Click here for a map to our farm. Strawberries June to July, Tayberries
July, Black Raspberries July, Summer Red Raspberries July, Fall Red and
Yellow Raspberries September, Blackberries August and September, Pumpkins,
Winter Squash, Fall Farm Fun October;. Payment: Cash, only. We are located just 15 minutes north of Spokane,
Washington. This plateau grows wonderful fruit and vegetables. We grow
Raspberries (Red, Golden & Black), Tayberries and Blackberries. Bring your
picnic, pick some berries, relax and enjoy the quiet of the country! Knapp's U-Pick facebook page
- Mrs. Kalin's Barn - U-Pick Cherries and
raspberries, picnic area
17911 N. Day Mt. Spokane
Road, Mead, WA 99021. Phone: (509) 238-9469. Open: call for current hours
and crop availability. Directions: Call for directions. Unpack your picnic
basket. Relax and enjoy a day in the country. U-Pick Cherries (Bing,
Lambert, Black Jade, and Pie) and U-Pick Raspberries (Autumn Bliss). Walk
the Green Bluff trail. Run through a straw obstacle course. Slide Mega
Mountain. Shop for fine gifts, home decor, jeans, and purses. Celebrate
special occasions, weddings, birthdays, or company picnics.
Piper Farms - blueberries, raspberries (Spring, red), porta-potties are available
13911 East Piper Road, Spokane , WA 99217. Phone: 509 951
4755. Alternate Phone: 509 951 4754. Email:
piperfarm@yahoo.com. Open:
July 1 to Aug 15, 2016, Friday to Tuesday from 7am to 8 pm, closed on
Wednesday and Thursday.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: 2.2 miles
North on Forker Road from Bigelow Gulch Road. To Piper road. Go West 1/4
Mile. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
(UPDATED: July 03, 2016)
- Pit Stop Orchard - Pick Your Own or Picked cherries,
apples, plums, Farm Animals
8903 E. Green Bluff Road,
Colbert, WA 99005. Phone: (509) 238-9422. Open: UPDATE for 2020; Their website is gone; Does anyone have current information,
are they still offering pick your own or are even open? If
please write me, their last reported hours were call for current hours and
crop availability. Directions: Call for directions.
Cherry varieties: Rainier, Bing, Van, Lambert, Pie;
apple varieties:(Empire, Gravenstein,
Spartan, Golden, Red, Winesap, Honeycrisp, plus many more). Prunes, Plums,
Vegetables, Jams, Honey, Apple Butter, Fresh Eggs. Doc and Sons Cider, our
family exclusive blend! Friendly Folks and Family Values!
Robel Orchard - apples, apricots, blueberries, cherries,
nectarines, peaches, U-pick and already picked
19405 North Sands Road,
Colbert, WA 99005. Phone: 509-238-1911. Email:
Open: UPDATE for 2020; Their website is gone; Does anyone have current information,
are they still offering pick your own or are even open? If
please write me. Directions:
. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page.
Roening's On Green Bluff - cherries,
17715 & 18102 N. Day Mt.
Spokane Road, Mead, WA 99021. Phone: (509) 238-1258. Email:
rroening@aol.com. Open: call for current
hours and crop availability. Directions: Call for directions. Home of Green
Bluff Greenhouse & Nursery and the family orchard. Cherries (Bing, Pie,
Lambert, Royal Ann, Vans and Rainier). Pruned low for easy picking. Peaches
picked to order (Early Red Haven, Red Haven & Red Globe). Special Event
Planning for all group sizes.
Siemers Farm
- strawberries, Fresh eggs, U-pick and already picked, farm market, gift shop, concessions or refreshment stand, porta-potties, picnic area, picnic area you may bring your own food, inflatables or bounce houses, train rides (train on a track), farm animals, birthday parties, school tours, group reservations, events at
your location (call for info)
11125 E Day Mt Spokane Road, Mead, WA 99021. Phone: (509) 238-2548. Alternate Phone: (509) 496-1824. Email:
Bertwestover@aol.com. Open: Typical Strawberry
Festival is from June 17, 2021 through July 9; Live music and entertainment every Saturday and Sunday; Please visit our website or Facebook for exact dates
and times. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions: Click
here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. They also have picked crops; typical harvest dates are Strawberries Available mid-June through Mid-July; Cherries
Available July through Mid-August; Peaches Available August through September; Apples Available late-September through November; Carrots Available starting
in August through winter while stock lasts; Pumpkins & Squash Available September through November. (UPDATED: May 20, 2022)
- Siemers Farm, LLC -
U-pick Strawberries, Cherries & Peaches,
11125 E. Day-Mt. Spokane
Road, Mead, WA 99021. Phone: (509) 238-6242. Open: see their website or call
for current hours and crop availability. Directions: .Located
on the Northeast corner of Green Bluff; See their website or call for
directions. Venue for special events: Weddings, Family & Company Picnics,
Birthday Parties, etc. Fall Harvest Apple Festival with Train & Wagon Rides, Giant Slide,
Pirate Ship, Safari Animals, Games in the Corn/Shrub Maze, Talking-Chicken &
Castle. 50 venders: Sidewok Cafe Foods, Live Music, Arts & Crafts, Indian
Corn, Squash, Straw, Cornstalks, Gourds, Apples & many varieties and colors
of Pumpkins. Cider, Honey, Jam & Gift Items. EZ Parking. A fabulous view of
Mt. Spokane and is surrounded by beautiful mountain ranges to the North and
East. We have FREE Picnic areas, FREE Parking, and the Fort Siemers
Playhouse is always open. We also have reasonably priced snack food and
beverages in the well stocked Affordable Gift Shop and an ATM when we are
open for business. FREE Wagon Rides are available during fruit picking
seasons and on all Saturdays and Sundays during the Apple Festival.
- Smith's Hilltop Orchard U-Pick - cherries, peaches,
nectarines, plums, apples
9423 E. Green Bluff Road, Colbert,
WA 99005. Phone: (509) 238-4647. Open: call for current hours and crop
availability. Directions: Call for directions. Cherries (Bing, Rainier, Chelan,
Lambert); Peaches (Red Haven, Daroga Red, Glohaven & Flamin' Fury). Nectarines and
Plums/Prunes. Apples (Honeycrisp, Early Gold and Jonagold and more). All U-Pick.
STRAWBERRIES U-pick or Picked. Plus fresh harvested Potatoes, Tomatoes,
Pumpkins, Vegetables, Squash and Gourds.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Walters Fruit Ranch - PYO apples, pumpkins,
9807 E. Day Rd, Mead, WA 99021. Phone: 509-238-4709. Email:
Walter's Fruit Ranch Facebook page. FALL Harvest FESTIVAL. NO RESERVATIONS NEEDED for LAST WEEKEND (Oct. 30-31). If you have already purchased tickets
you will be refunded. Expanded bar area, bungee jump, delicious food vendors, including pumpkin donuts, U-Pick apples and Pumpkins, corn cannon (chance to
win $100) live music, tractor rides, fresh dipped caramel apples, so much fun!! Barnyard Play area… Maze, human hamster wheel, giant slide, pea pit,
Straw-bale pyramid, rubber duck races, and don't forget the sheep. (tickets sold day of for play area and wiggle worm)
- Wellen's Luscious Fruit and Antiques - U-Pick and
Picked cherries, apricots, apples, peaches, plums
16420 N. Sands
Road, Mead,
WA 99021. Phone: (509) 238-6978. Open: call for current hours and crop
availability. Directions: Call for directions. Cherries:
Bing, Lambert, Van and Pie. Four varieties of apricots, Early Apples, early
slicing and canning peaches, Plums, Prunes and 15 varieties of apples. We grow all we sell!
- Yaryan's Orchard - U-pick or picked cherries, apricots,
peaches, apples, nectarines, plums and Honey.
10229 E. Day-Mt. Spokane Road, Mead, WA
99021. Phone: (509) 238-6261. Open: call for current hours and crop
availability. Directions: 1/2 mile east of Green Bluff store. U-pick or picked to order fruit cherries, apricots, peaches for slicing
or for canning (Early & Late Red Haven, Daroga Red, Rosa, Red Globe,
Canadian Harmony). We offer a large variety of apples (Early Gold, Gala,
Macintosh, Jonathan, Red & Golden Delicious, Johnagold, Honey Crisp, Cameo,
Fugi, etc.)
Stevens County
North Columbia Farms - Strawberries, Blueberries,
Fifteen Mile Creek Road, Kettle Falls, WA 99141. Email:
john@northcolumbiafarms.com. Open: July and August, email for hours
and availability. Directions: See their website for directions. Payment:
Cash, Check . Nice Strawberry and Blueberry pick your own. Great tasting
sweet corn. (ADDED: February 29, 2016, Suggested by a visitor)
Farm markets and roadside stands
Local Honey Finder
Local Meat, Milk and Eggs
Venues: Farms, Wineries, Orchards for your event, wedding or party
Easter egg hunts
Children's consignment sales
Fruit and vegetable festivals
Winery tours and wine tastings
Horse rides, stables, lessons, trails
Maple Syrup farms and sugarworks
Bed & Breakfasts on Farms, Wineries, Ranches and Orchards
Pumpkin patches
Corn mazes
Zombie Paintball venues
Christmas Tree Farms & lots
Environmental resources
Consumer fraud information
Wholesale food sources
Resources for Farmers