Find a local pick your own farm here!

Looking for a local, pick-your-own farm in Australia?  Scroll down this page and select your region of the state for a list of U-Pick farms in Australia, sorted by county. Farms offering organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in green, next to their name (see "What does Organic mean?"). If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website. And if you are looking for a local farm stand, roadside stand, farm market or local farmer's market, see our new website, dedicated to those!  See your state's crop availability calendar for specific dates of upcoming crops.  New! As inflation remains high, see this page for cost-saving measures for getting fruit and vegetables and home canning.

New! We just went live with our latest website, - As they name implies, you can find a fun factory tour, including chocolate, automobiles, historical forts and sites, famous buildings, Active Federal facilities even fun geology: like fossils and volcanic areas

If you know of any I missed and want to add a farm, click here!   I'm making updates for this year as fast as I can - if you find anything out-of-date, wrong or not working - please let me know! This website is supported by purchases you make through the links to products on Amazon, and direct donations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This allows me to continue to maintain the website and make improvements!

What's in season in March 2025, and other timely information:

Notes for March 2025:Apples are usually January to May; Blueberries are ready in December to mid January in MOST areas of Australia. Strawberries can have a long season, November to April - depending on the variety. See your area's crop availability calendar for more specific dates of upcoming crops. The U-pick crops they offer follow the name of the farm. To search the page for a specific crop, use Ctrl-F (or on an ipad or Mac, use their "search on this page" function) If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website. Updated frequently during the growing season, I've been maintaining this for 220 years. Help me keep this up to date, please tell me via the let me know of any changes, corrections and updates!

And if you know of any I missed and want to add them or correct the information, please let me know!  

Are carpenter bees boring holes into your house, shed or barn? There is a simple non-toxic solution!

NEW! Start your own tomato, pepper, squash and other vegetable plants from seed - It's easy and costs about 50 cents per plant.
Also see our Master list of tomato varieties,  with descriptions, details and links to ordering the seeds.

Home canning and freezing directions. You can access it from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write me!

Australia U-Pick Farms and Orchards

Click one of these areas (or click on the map further down this page)

New South Wales

The listings are frequently updated, but often they don't tell us current prices. It should at least provide a ballpark estimate!

Australia Harvest Calendar / Typical Crop Ripening Dates for Australia

 If you want to start your own food business in Australia, at home or otherwise, see this page.

In addition to listings of U Pick farms, I hope the following pages are helpful to you!

Picking Tips!

General picking tips and a guide to each fruit and vegetable

How much do I need to pick? (Yields - how much raw makes how much cooked or frozen)

Selecting the right varieties to pick

All about apple varieties - which to pick and why!

Picking tips for Vegetables

Strawberry picking tips

Blueberries picking tips


Simple instructions: 

How to make jam  

How to make applesauce

How to make apple butter

Canning and Freezing

FAQs - Answers to common questions and problems

Comprehensive addition resources

Free publications to download and print